Chapter 53

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Freen's pov

I'm standing with Noey , Friend, Heng and Manaw at the altar. Most of the guests have arrived, it's a small wedding cause none of us wanted a grant one. But the reception will be grant as per our parents request.

I watched how Manaw was tensed and how Friend and Noey was calming her down. I chuckled while looking at her.

"It's not funny Freen" Manaw whined

"Who told you to make her sister pregent" Noey said and shook her head.

"Hey" she whined again.

"Okay, stop being childish now. You'll be good. Don't worry too much. You know she loves you and you are gonna be a daddy soon" I said and chuckled

"She's already a daddy" Friend said.

"Haha not funny" Manaw said but she was laughing too.

"Okay don't stress okay, it's your wedding and everything will be fine" i said and she nodded.

"Let's welcome our bridesmaid and birde" the Mc announced

"I should go, i promised her that I will walk with her" I said and went towards dad. We both shared a smile. Hannah Irin came first. Then I saw my sister looking so beautiful in a blue gown.

"Looking good my princess " dad said and embraced her. She looked at me.

"Let's go" I said and she whined

"Can't you say some compliments" she asked and i shook my head. "I hate you" she mumbled and i chucked.

"But I love her" I heard Becky's voice from behind. She was so beautiful in the light blue dress.

"GORGIOUS " i whispered and Gyoza nudged me.

"Whipped" she said and stuck her tongue at me.

"I'll stay behind " I said

"Can't you both walk me down to the aisle" she asked and i nodded

Me and dad both stood at her both sides. The music started it was our cue to go. When we reached at the aisle, dad took Gyoza's hand and handed to Manaw. I went near them and looked at Manaw.

"Make her cry, and I'll chop you down" i whispered and patted her shoulder.

"Take care of eachother" I said to both of them. I saw how manaw gulped and nodded.

I went and stood beside Noey. I saw Gyoza asking manaw what I said. Manaw looked at me and i smiled. She nodded her head and smiled at her.

I looked at my love of my life. She was already looking at me lovingly. I mouthed 'so stunning' and she blushed.

The wedding ceremony ended well. Their vows were so fun to hear. I was imagining myself with Becky at the altar.

Becky's pov

The wedding and main reception for the business partners and press ended peacefully. We all were tired and now we are all eating our food.

Freen stood up and clicked her glass. Everyone's attention was on her now.

"Ok, so thank you all for coming to the wedding and accompanying us in the joyful day. I know it was a sudden wedding but I know it's beautiful too.

Manaw, my buddy. I know you are completely smitten over my sister, I won't blame you she's so lovable, kind and beautiful. I know she can be stubborn and act like a child most of the time. Or make you annoy. She does those because she loves you. And I know you love her all versions too.

And my little one, I'm so proud of you. Right now I'm looking at a gorgious young women, but you will always be my little baby sister. And I'll always treat you like that. And dont ever hesitate to come to me if you want anything, I know you got a wife but I'm still your sister and I'll always be there for you" I saw a tear leave her eyes.

"And Manaw, don't forget what I told you at the altar. You know that I always keep my words right" she said and p'Manaw nodded her head.

"Anyways congratulations to both of you for the new beginnings" she said and smiled at them. Gyoza got up and went towards Freen and hugged her. I saw those siblings embracing each other with love.

After that she came towards me and sat beside me.

"That was a perfect speech" I said and she chuckled. "I'm expecting more from you on our wedding " I said and winked at her.

"Ofcourse expect more my love, cause you are gonna hear more words from your secret admirer " she said

"You are not a secret admirer anymore " I said

"Still I was your secret admirer and I will always admire you my princess " she said and pecked me. Which Made me blush.

It was time for the first dance. Gyoza and Manaw danced first and we all enjoyed it. They look good with each other. And Gyoza was super happy. Even though she was complaining that her baby bumb was not showing.

I saw her dance with her father and Freen. p'Manaw came asked me for a dance and walked towards p'Freen.

"Here you go, now give me back my wife" p'Manaw said and i chuckled at her sillyness.

"I love you my Lil one" she said and kissed Gyoza's head. Which was so adorable. She gave her hand to Manaw and took mine.

"May I have your dance pretty lady" she asked

"Only if you kiss me now" I siad and she wasted no second. We broke the kiss and started dancing.

"You know you are the best thing happened in my life" she said and i looked at her.

"I love you so much Rebecca Patricia Armstrong Chankimha" she said

"Soon to be Chankimha" i corrected her and she rolled her eyes

"Admit it that you love it when I call you mrs Chankimha" she asked and i rolled my eyes.

"Obviously duh!" I said and pinched her cheeks.

"Why don't we make it official" she asked and i was surprised. I thought she won't ask me before I get graduated.

"I know we planned to get married after you graduate, and I'm willing to wait for the day. But I don't know, I just want you to be mine forever " she said

"And I'm already yours baby, but if you want I'm ready to marry you even now" I said and she smiled.

"I won't aks you to marry me today, but I will aks you soon after I talk with our parents " she said and kissed my head.

"By the way what did you tell p'Manaw at the altar " i asked and she chuckled

"I just told her if she makes Manaw cry I will chop her dick" she said and my eyes widened

"Jeez you are just like Richie " I said. I know Richie will say something like this to Freen.

"Oh I'm worse than him Baby, but I won't give him a chance to do anything to me. Cause i know I will never hurt my princess intentionally" she said and smiled.

"I will always love you" she added

"And I will always love you too, Freen sarocha Armstrong Chankimha" I said and she chuckled.

We danced in the moonlight, in the presence of our parents and friends. As the night wind embraced us.

The End.

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