Chapter 4

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I came back to the dining hall and saw everyone already sitting. And I saw p'Manaw and p'Friend was there too. P'Freen might have invited them. There was only an empty seat that was beside P'Freen and Gyoza.

Gyoza signalled me to sit beside her and i did. P'Freen was silently having her food without even looking at any of us. She looked so gorgeous even with a simple tshirt and joggers.

p'Nam and the others were bantering with each other now.

I started to eat my food in silence. As I was eating i saw some salmon but it wasn't in my reach. I felt sad, I didn't wanna ask others so i continue to eat my food with whatever I have now.

Then I felt someone putting something on my plate. It was P'Freen putting some salmon my plate. I looked at her and smiled and she mouthed 'eat more'. I nodded my head and ate it while smiling. She's so attentive

After food we all made our way towards home theatre. P'Freen declined the offer first but then she joined cause I gave her puppy eyes. Everyone was shocked why she said she would join us. But they didn't ask any questions.

Throughout the movie I was looking at her. I couldn't get enough of her beautiful face. She diverted her eyes towards me i quickly diverted my eyes, geez I just caught looking at her.

After that, i concentrated on the movie. Even though i didn't understand the story.

I don't know when I slept off. But I woke up and felt like someone was carrying me. And it was none other than P'Freen.

She wasn't looking at me, she was concentrating on carrying me safely. Her eyes were looking forward. She didn't realise that i woke up. She was looking so beautiful in close angle.

Her mesmerizing eyes, and her plumpy lips. Gosh I wanna taste it badly. I heard the door opening sound so i closed my eyes shut so that she won't catch me looking at her.

I felt my back was pressed to the soft surface, I think she placed me in a bed. Wait did she carry me to her bed. Gosh is she planning something. I was feeling tensed.

I suddenly felt her presence near me, her face was near my ear "Good night baby, dream about me na" she whispered and kissed the top of my forehead. Gosh she's so sweet.

I heard the door closing sound, so I opened my eyes and looked at the room. I breathed. I Didn't even know I was holding up my breath when she was with me.

Gosh she's so dangerous.

I lost my sleepiness, so i took my phone and went through my social media. I don't have a lot of followers, only my friends follow me. When I was checking some video, i got a notification.

I checked and saw someone was following me on social media. I quickly checked their profile. The account name was 'im_Uno' There was a profile photo

Her face wasn't shown, but the hoodie looks kind of familiar

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Her face wasn't shown, but the hoodie looks kind of familiar. I quickly went to my gallery and checked the hoodie pic I had. And it was the same hoodie. And she looks the same.

OMG finally !

I was in my 10th grade, I was always bullied by the mean girls for being smarter than they are.

Today we got the results of our final mock test, and as usual I was ranking the first. When the bell rang. I was dragged by the bullies towards the washroom.

They pushed me towards the wall and hit me. I cried a lot. Then they spilled a lot of water on me. Our uniform was white. So when the water fell on me it became see through. I cried even more.

"Bitch, don't fake your tears" Bully 1 said

"Yeah, who told you to score that much" Bully 2 said

"Why do you have to come in my way" Bully 3 said. She was the top 1 student before me. When i transferred to this school she eventually became top 2.

"Please let me go" I begged them

"Not so fast ugly" bully 1 said. They always calls me ugly.

"Please" I cried again. But Bully 3 grabbed my hair and made me face her.

"One more word and I'll make sure you will suffer more than this" bully 3 said. I gulped in fear. She hit me a lot. I was becoming too weak and was losing my consciousness.

She was gonna hit me again. But didn't. I couldn't look up cause I was already drained.

"Touch her again I'll make you regret it" I heard a voice.

"Back off while we are being nice"  Bully 3 said

"I think I've seen enough" my saviour said and i heard them fighting. I couldn't see anything, my glass was broken. My sight was blurry. But I heard my bullies groan in pian.

Then she came near me. Checked if I was ok. I didn't see her face but i could see how she was in a blurry. She quickly took off her hoodie and made me wear it. She made me stand up.

She was asking something to me, but i couldn't hear anything properly but I heard her saying 'dont stay still if they hurt you don't forget to hurt them back' she said and the next thing I know everything went black.

I woke up in a hospital bed. I saw my dad and Riche near my bed. They have been so busy with their works recently. I was shocked to see them.

"Thank God you woke up" it was Riche. I looked up to him and saw his eyes teary. Not only his, daddy's eyes was also teary.

"I'm sorry my child, you should have told us" my dad said . I gave him an apologetic smile. He quickly embraced me "thank God you are ok now" he whispered. Then Richie hugged me.

I saw the hoodie near my table and smiled while looking at it. 'My saviour'

I asked them about the saviour. Richie told me that he got a call to his office from the hospital saying that I was admitted here. When he came here no one was there. I was lying in the bed alone.

Gosh I wanna thank her badly.

After that day, my dad and Riche became very protective of me. They made sure the 3 bullies will get their punishment. And after that I met irin. And i became more bold after that.

I always wear that hoodie when ever I feel insecure and wanted to feel safe. It gave me so much comfortable. I still have it in my wardrobe safely.

I quickly texted her and waited for her reply.

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