Chapter 8

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Today was the day we were going to Nop's party.

I'm currently at Chankimha's mansion getting ready with Irin and Gyoza.

The others are also here.

I looked at myself and I still can't believe I look so beautiful. Uno was right I just needed a little effort to shine.

Speaking of Uno, she said she's gonna be at the party and I was so eager to meet her.

"You look good Bec" it was Irin

"Let me do some final touches" she said and made me sit down.

After the touch up, i looked at myself. She's right I look damn good. A total badass vibe. I wonder what Riche would say if he saw me like this. I chuckled when I thought about how he reacted when he saw my makeover

I reached my home after dinner. Riche was playing a game on his phone and dad was watching tv.

"I'm home" I said and they both looked up.

Riche's smile dropped when he saw me. He didn't say anything but i could see his jaw dropped. Dad chuckled at his reaction

"You look beautiful princess" he said and winked

"OMG what have you done to my little monster" Richie exclaimed and i frowned.

"You are looking so pretty, do I need to be extra careful now. No wait wait i should hire some body guards for you" he said and me and dad both laughed

"Don't do those things Richie" i said and he looked at me

"What have you done to my little monster" he said and i elbowed him

"Ouch" he winced in pain

"Serves you right" I said and he chuckled

"You look pretty, maybe i should really consider hiring some bodyguards" he said

"Riche...." I whined

I know he is protective of me. But his overdramatic reaction was priceless. He was just being himself and i laughed all night.

After changing my clothes, i took a final glance.

Now it's a perfect badass vibe

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Now it's a perfect badass vibe. I still feel insecure though

"Now that's what I'm talking about" Gyoza said and i looked back and saw her grinning at me.

"Let's go bestee" she said and held her hand out for me to hold.

As we got down, i saw others. They all look so good. And my eyes fell on P'Freen. She stood up when she saw me. I saw the way she was checking me out . Now I feel a little bit confident. Then i looked at her, damn How can someone be so hot

 Then i looked at her, damn How can someone be so hot

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She looks so hot effortlessly. Damn if I'm her girlfriend i would've kept her in my room all day. She's such a daddy material.

Come on Bec, don't be like that she's your friend's sister. And don't forget about Nop. You like him not her. So stop fucking her in your mind. I scolded myself a little bit.

"Look at you all ready for your crush's party" p'Noey teased and I saw how P'Freen face changed.

"I'm sure Nop is gonna be around you during the party " p'Heng said

"I think someone's gonna finally be with their crush" p'Nam said teasingly.

I looked at P'Freen she is not even listening to us. And she's still ignoring me.

"Let's go we don't want to be late for Becky's soon to be boyfriends party" p'Noey teased

"Phii" i whined and they all laughed.

"You guys go ahead I'll come in a bit" P'Freen said and they all nodded.

"Should I come with you" p'Heng offered. And the way p'Heng was looking at her, it's like he is in love with her. I don't want P'Freen to be with p'Heng.

"No" she said and went to her car.

"Don't be disappointed Heng, you know how she is" p'Nam said and he smiled weakly.

"Wait do you like P'Freen " Irin asked. Please say no, please.

"What, she's like a sister to me and she's not into men" he said and i felt relieved.

"Why don't we get going" p'Nam said and we all nodded.

We all left in one car. p'Heng was driving. And p'Nam was beside her. We reached Nop's house. And almost everyone was there.

We made our way inside.

"Oh there's my hubby, I'm gonna see you later guys" p'Nam said and went in the direction where p'Tor was standing.

We all went near the drinks area. p'Heng gave us some shots and I had 2 shots.

I saw Nop looking at me. It's the first time he looked in my direction. Wooh he smiled. He fucking smiled while looking at me. I was exploding from happiness.

"Looks like someone is having some attention huh!" p'Noey said and i looked at my friends. They all have this teasing smile on their face and i felt embarrassed. Like I was caught in my act.

I smiled sheepshly

"Go and talk to him" p'Heng said

"No, no don't do that" Gyoza said and i looked at her confusingly. Why

"Let him come to you today, don't make a move. Let's watch his moves first" she said and i nodded. It's not like I have the guts to go and talk to him. So I stood there.

I checked my phone and saw Uno's message.

'You know it's illegal to be this hot'

'Do you really wanna kill me. Why do you have to be so hot' she texted and i chuckled.

'Well why don't you come to me and say hi then' i texted back. I really wanted to see her. I know we have been so close. But she never shared any personal information by herself.

The only things I know is she's my secret admirer and my saviour. And she's caring and attentive. Cause she always surprises me with milkteas or flowers in my locker or she will send someone to give me. Now i badly wanna see her. And I've never asked about her.

'Ha nice try, but no. Not until you become my girlfriend 😉" she texted back and i blushed

'Ha ha nice try' i texted back and searched around to see anyone using the phone. And I saw a girl grinning while looking at her phone. She was also typing something and when she stopped i received a notification on my phone. Her face wasn't clear. Like she was standing where lights weren't focused.

I saw someone behind her tapping on her shoulder and she turned around to see the person. After a second she turned around and walked towards us. She was wearing black trousers and black tshirt


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