Chapter 25

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"we need to talk" that's what P'Freen said when she stopped the car. I know we should so I just let all the anger and egos slide beside me and looked at her.

"Yeah we need to" it was more like a whisper. But she smiled.

"I'm sorry for behaving like that" she said and held my hands.

"I know you are still pretty angry with outing what's happening with you and Nop to our gang. I'm really sorry I was out of control. I Just didn't want you to get hurt and when I saw Nop kissing another girl and the only thought that came to my mind was you getting hurt. I just want him to say the truth but being an asshole he was pretty much shitting with me and i lost my control and punched him" she said in a single breath. She took a few breaths and continued.

"I'm really sorry for doing that to you but I'm not sorry punching that asshole" she said and looked at me. I let out a heavy sigh.

"I'm not angry to you for punching Nop, And I'm over with Nop so let's not talk about that. But I'm still angry at you for saying what's happening between Nop and me to everyone just like that. But I made you say like that. I shouldn't have slapped you and trusted him. I was just blinded by him." I said and caressed her hands.

I placed my hands on her cheeks and caressed it.

"I'm sorry for slapping you" I said and kissed her cheeks. Which was quite unexpected move form my side. But she blushed and it was so cute to see her like that. I Wanted to tease her but I don't want to make anything uncomfortable.

"Let's go back now??" I said and she nodded.

"Let's not fight anymore Bec Bec, it's too lonely without you" she said and held my hands.

"That's was cheesiest dialogue you've ever said P'Freen" I said but I was blushing so hard. I didn't dare to look at her cause i know she will tease me more.

"It's a fact, Bec Bec" she said and interwined our hands.

"Can you promise not to fight with me anymore" she suddenly asked. I looked at her and her eyes were a little teary. She quickly pulled me for a hug.

"You know i missed you so much" she said and held me close.

"I missed you too P'Freen" i admitted.

"Can you not fight with me like this" she asked and broke the hug.

"Only if you don't hide anything from me or make me heartbroken" I said and I saw how her facial expressions changed. I wanted to ask her if there's something worng but her phone rang, and she took the call.

"It's from Nam she asked us to come fast" she said and i smiled and nodded. Within 10 mintues we reached Chankimah's recidency.

"We are here Bec Bec" she said and got out.

"Let's go p'finn, I'm hungry too" I said when she opened the car door.

"Let's go inside princess" she said and smiled.  Princess! ! !

"Guys get in, we are hungry" it was p'Nam.

As we both got inside we saw other people's than our gang. I saw dad and Richie talking to Mr. Chankima, and there was also Mr Jenson talking with them.

P'Freen directly went towards them. I saw my friends sitting on the couch and Nita was near them sitting on a single chair.

I guess it's a long day.

I sighed and went towards my gang. When I reached there Nita looked up and she went towards P'Freen.

"Babe" she called and cling onto P'Freen's arm.

Tss, why this bitch always clingy to P'Freen like a leech.

"Why Nita is here" i asked my friends.

"Apparently they were visiting dad" Gyoza said and rolled her eyes

"I don't want to see that bitch" p'Nam said

"We don't have any choice p'Nam, we have to be patient until dad makes an descision" Gyoza said.

"What descision" i asked cause I don't know what they are talking about.

"So P'Freen is gonna be the CEO of the company after an year, but there's tradition, that our great grandfather made when he established Chankimah's industries. Like whoever takes the role of CEO should be married or have a fiance before taking that role" Gyoza said

"What??" I still don't get it.

"It means , P'Freen has to marry or get engaged before she becomes the CEO" she said.

"Okay, but why Nita" i asked them.

"Not only Nita, your brother too" p'Nam said.

"Apparently dad asked if she has any lover and she said no. So dad got proposal from Mr. Jenson and Mr Armstrong to marry their children to P'Freen" she said and sighed.

"So unless she has a lover she has to choose between both of them before 6 months" she continued.

"Okay, that's not good. It's like they are forcing her to get married" I said

"We know Bec, but she doesn't have any choice too. And dad will stop this arrangement if P'Freen introduce someone has her lover. But apparently she's single" She said

"What about that kade" i asked

"Kade??" p'Manaw asked and i nodded

"Kade is our friend and she's more like a sister to 3 of us. There's no chance Freen will love her" she said. So I'm also a sister to her right. But she loves me.

Does she??

But she admitted it right??


"Guys let's go and eat the food is ready" P'Freen said and asked us to go to the garden. Everyone left and I was still in the couch and P'Freen was looking at me.

"Baby come fast" Nita said and i rolled my eyes.

"Bec, come on let's go and eat" she said and i scoffed

"Your baby is calling you don't wait for me" I said and walked away.


It's For you ❤️

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