Chapter 3

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We decided to have a movie night so we bought some snacks before going to Chankimha's mansion.

We reached Chankimha's mansion after 30 minutes of driving, we all went to home theatre and started to look for a movie and p'Noey p'Heng and p'Nam started to play games.

"Let me take a shower first" Gyoza announced

"I want to take a bath too" irin said

"Me too" I said she looked at both of us.

"Ok, lets go and get PJ's for you both first" she said and we nodded "don't you guys wanna take a shower too" she asked the others.

"Nah, later" Nam replied they all were busy with their games. So we 3 went to Gyoza's room. She was going through her wardrobe and we sat on her bed.

"Here, take this" she said and give us the PJ's. "you can take shower in the guest room, I'll ask the maid to escort you" she said

"No need for that, I know the rooms" Irin said and smiled.

"Ok, don't take too long na" Gyoza said and we laughed

Irin and i went out of Gyoza's room.

"Bec you can go to the room over there and I'll take this one" she said as she indicated a room with gray door and she went to the room opposite to Gyoza's. I nodded and went to the room.

I went in and placed the clothes on the bed I went inside the bathroom and i checked the water on the bathtub. It was so warm and there were candles near the bath tub. It was some kind of relaxing.

After 30 minutes of bathing, i rinsed my body and wrapped myself in a towel. I was about to open the door but it was opened before i could touch the door nob. And saw a naked body infornt of me.

I panicked and was gonna scream but before i could the person put her hands on my mouth forbidding me not to shout. That's when I saw who it was.


She was in her sports bra and shorts. Sweat was on her body. My eyes were on her toned abs. Geez how can this girl can be this hot. Like how. I was so into drooling over her body.

Then I felt her face on my ear, "like what you see" she asked huskily. I nodded my head unconsciously, I heard her chuckled that's when I realised what was happening i quickly diverted my eyes form her abs to her eyes.

That was a mistake, cause her eyes were the most prettiest eyes I've ever saw. Damn her eyes were hypnotising me.

I looked down at her lips and it was so tempting to kiss her right there. It was so tempting im not sure how I managed not to kiss her at that moment. I saw her smirking

"Wanna taste it" she asked and i panicked.

'Shit Becky what are you doing. She's your friends sister you can't do this. And you also have your crush Nop. Stop these imaginary things on your mind' i mentally scolded myself

She came close to me, i started to panic. My heart was beating so fast. And my breathing was deepened. Our lips were so close that if we move an inch closer we would kiss. I Baldy wanna close the gap. But instead i close my eyes. Surrendering to her.

"Why do you have to be so beautiful like this" she whispered making me Shiver. I looked at her eyes in disbelief. But all i could see was truth.

We both were staring at each other, it was so intense and no one wanted to break it. Until we heard footsteps approaching the door.

"Becca, where are you" it was Irin, she shouted. I quickly diverted my eyes.

"I'm changing, I'll be there in 5" I replied back

"Ok, come fast I'll wait at the home theatre" she said

I looked again at P'Freen and broke her grip on me. I looked at her, but she was not looking at my face and her face looked flushed. I looked at myself and realised that my towel fell off.

I quickly grabbed my towel. I saw her smirking. I pushed her and took the clothes from the bed and went to bathroom to change it.

After changing I went out and saw P'Freen drinking water, like she hasn't drink any water in ages.

When she heard the sound of door closing she looked at me. She was looking at me like she saw something precious thing. I couldn't look at her face anymore, i was so embarrassed to even look at her.

I diverted my eyes and quickly went out. I heard her Chuckle. It was like a melody to my ears.

Geez Bec stop being a weirdo. What happened inside feels so surreal. I couldn't even push her when she was so close and I even FUCKING closed my eyes. What happend to you Bec.

You shouldn't be thinking like this, think about Nop. You are straight like a pole Bec and you have a crush on Nop, the hottest guy in your campus. But not as hot as p'Freen. She was so hot, her inviting lips her eyes and her toned abs. OMG stop thinking like that.

I was so into my thoughts that i didn't even realise that I've already arrived were my friends are.

"Becky, which world are you in right now" I heard Gyoza saying. I looked at her. She placed her hands on my forehead checking my temperature. "what happened to you, why is your face looks so red, you don't have fever though" she said. I stepped back

"I'm ok, I just felt hot suddenly" I said and she nodded

"Fine, let's go and have dinner. After that we will watch movie" she said and i nodded.

I went to the kitchen and drank some water,  now I get why P'Freen was drinking so much water when I came back. I blushed again thinking about what happened.

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