Chapter 36

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I woke up and got ready for the meeting. It's still early. I wore my buisness suit and went out. Luckily mom made sandwich for me. I took a bite and went towards the car.

My phone is still buzzing with messages.

"Good morning"

"Stop ignoring me will you"

Stubborn, i mumbled and blocked her contact. I reached the meeting room after 20 minutes and one of the clients was already waiting for me. The meeting went smoothly. Dad came after my presentation and he was happy seeing me getting praised by the others.

The look on the face screams 'that's my girl'. I chuckled and took my things.

But before i could leave sad spoke "come to my office" he said. I checked the time it's already 9 now. And my class is at 10 so i till have time. I went to dad's office. I knocked before entering the office. He was checking some paperwork.

"Dad" I said and he looked up.

"Freen, I'm so proud you my baby" he said and smiled. And i smiled back.

"It's nothing dad" I said and he motioned for me to sit.

"You know I'm glad that you are my daughter, I can't explain how proud I feel right now" he said. I feel so much happy when he said those words.

"Are you going to Uni after this" he asked

"Yes dad, I have a group project to finish" I said

"And Nam or Noey must on your group" he asked and i nodded.

"Well I'm not gonna hold you here longer, but ..." He paused

"What dad" i asked him

"Can you unblock your soon to fiance and could you please talk to her properly. I got a call from her dad saying that she's upset cause you blocked her. " he asked me. I looked down. Fuck. Why the fuck she did that.

"I know it's strange to talk to her all of a sudden, but can you just treat her better " he asked and i nodded my head weakly. I can see that he's upset about behaviour.

I left his office after our talk. I reached my class and luckily no one was there. I took my phone and unblocked her

"Hey" i texted her

" Hi, i thought you won't text me again" she texted back.

"I didn't wanna either" i texted her back

"Can you not be an ass right now" she texted and i scoffed.

"Look i know it's new to you. I understand. It's the same for me"

"But atleast I'm trying to be nice here, and even if you don't want to be nice. Can you not be an ass with me" she texted

"I'll try" i texted back.

"Can we at least be friends " she asked and i thought for a moment

"Like that, we can know each other a bit" she said which made sense.

"Okay" i texted

"And don't block me next time"

"Uncle already told me that if you misbehave with me I can tell him directly. So treat me better " she texted. Fuck. I hissed

"Fine " i texted back.

"Have a good day, I'll text you when I get free"

"And try to be more civil than showing hatred cause I'm your soon to be fiance 😉" she texted with a wink emoji in the end of the text. I sighed and put my phone back on my pocket.

"Freenky" it was Nam's voice. I looked up and saw her and Noey. They both sat beside me.

"You came early today" Noey said

"Yeah" I said dryly.

"What's up with the grumpy Freen" Noey asked and poked my cheeks

"Nothing " i said and sighed

"What is it Freen " Nam asked.

"I'm getting engaged next month " i said.

"What" they both yelled at the same time which hurted my ears.

"Jeez,Volume down. My ears" i whined

"Wait, what do you mean you are getting engaged next month. Do you know there are hardly 20 days to the next month" Nam said

"I know" I said

"What about Becky" Noey asked

"I don't know Noey, dad wants me to be the CEO starting from next month cause he heard some of the investors disrespecting me and he wants me in the CEO seat in the next board meeting. But I can't be a CEO without being engaged cause of the promise. And I can't force Becky to be engaged with me, when we aren't even couples. Even if we are how can I ask that in a short time" i vented out everything that I was feeling.

"Why do you guys even have that promise thing" Nam asked.

"You know basically, my great grandfather's brother was the one who formed Chankimah's Empire. He was so busy in buisness that he forgot to have a life aside from his company. So when he got sick, he found his brother aka my great grandfather and give everything to him and made him promise that whoever takes control of the company from our blood line should have been married or ready to be married. Otherwise they shouldn't get involved in the family business " i said

"That's lame" Noey said and i glared at her.

"But it makes sense too"Nam said.

"Yeah, he was too afraid that his hardwork will go to waste but luckily, my great grandfather was married and had a son too, so the hardwork of his brother didn't go waste" I said.

"I know it's kind of lame, but he has a point too and a promise is a promise and for Chankimah's promises are meant to be kept not to be broken" I said.

"That's deep, and you Chankimah's are too deep" Noey said and chuckled. Not funny Noey, not funny. I sighed again.

"Are you gonna tell the other about this engagement thing" Nam asked

"I have to, especially Becky since I don't want us to fight anymore " i said

"Are you just gonna let her go" Nam asked

"No I'm not, I've been in love with her for more than 3 years. I want her Nam, I don't want anyone else" I said

"Why don't you talk to the fiance and tell her to back off" Noey asked

"I can't, she will tell my dad" i said and sighed.

"What" Nam asked and i explained everything that happened, including the texts.

"Damn, so you basically don't know who you are getting engaged to" Noey asked and i shook my head.

"Why do I find it similar " Nam asked.

"What do you mean" i asked her.

"You know, your dad was at Becky's home and you got yourself a new unknown fiance who happens to be only texting you. Isn't the texting thing kind of deja vu" she asked and it made sence


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