Chapter 31

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"I want to go to England" there I said. And they looked at me.

"Why so sudden, we always go there after 2 weeks, right" Richie asked. We always visit England during that time Cause it's Mom's death anniversary and i mostly spend a week there. Even though staying in Thailand, where she grew up brings a lot closer to her. England is where I was born and where we lived together, and where she died.

"Yeah I know" I said

"Are you okay princess " dad asked and motioned me to sit in between them.

"I just miss mom, I want to feel her close to me. I want to stay with grams and pops too. I miss them a lot" I said and hugged dad. Grams and pops are dad's father and mother. Mom's father and mother are no longer with us.

"Aww it's okay princess, you can go there tomorrow if you want, you can take Richie with you too" he said

"No dad, I can go alone. And I know you need Richie in your office more than I do" I said.

"Hey, you both don't want me" Richie asked and pouted.

"I love you my big brother" I said and held his hand.

"I love you too my baby sister " he said and caressed my head.

"Still I'm gonna come with you there and make sure you reach there and I'll come back here after that" he said and I was gonna protest cause I don't want him to tire himself.

"And it's final, no protesting" he said and stood up.

"I'm gonna go now, I have to meet Freen today" he said and got up.

"How are the things between you and Freen " dad asked. Why do they have to talk about her when I'm right here.

"It's good, and Nita is a big obstacle dad and she's so persistent" he said and took his phone.

"I hope Nadech will see the true intentions of Jenson" he said and heaved a sigh.

"I hope too, but I'm getting late" Richie said and left.

"Go and pack your bags, I'll cook dinner for both of us" dad said.

"Why don't we order food, pretty please" I said giving him my most adorable eyes.

"What does my princess want to eat" he asked still chuckling

"Yehhh, let's have pizza night with fried chicken" I said and he nodded.

"Go and shower I'll order it for you" he said and i nodded.

We had pizza night and watched movies together. Richie joined us Late at night. And then we were off to sleep.

We are currently at the airport, walking towards our private jet.

We both got in and settled in our respective seats.

After the flight took off, Richie ordered some food and wine. I was surprised when he ordered 2 glasses of wine. He usually doesn't support me in drinking.

"Okay now tell me what happening in your life" he asked and i looked at him confusingly.

"Don't look at me like that, I haven't asked you what happened in the mall few days ago cause I wanted you to take your time. But you took enough time now fill me in" he said. I know he won't let it slide until I won't tell him everything.

We always share everything with each other. He's my first friend.

"Come on, I know something happened between your gang and you they haven't stopped bothering me" he said and i let out a heavy sigh.

"Fine......" I said and narrated the story. How i met P'Freen, how me an Nop got committed. How he treated me. How P'Freen treated me. About Uno and everything happened between all of us.

Richie's expression changed whenever I said about Nop and he clenched his fist when I said How Nop treated me. He's lucky that we are flying now. If not I'm damn sure Richie will go to Nop and punch his life out.

After saying everything i looked up to him. He wiped the tears that were coming from my eyes. He embraced me tightly.

"Aren't you angry that the person you want to marry is someone I love" i asked him.

"No" he said and smiled. I was confused.

"Cause I don't love her, I'm only doing this cause it's good for business and I don't love anyone or have a love partner so why not a marriage for business that's all. And we always discuss business whenever we meet. So i don't get bored too" he said

"You guys talk about business during your dates" i asked.

" Well its not really a date, and as I told you it's for business" he said.

We landed in England after hours of flight. Pops already sent a driver to pick us up.

When we reached at our mansion. I was greeted by the smiles of grams and pops. We hugged each other. I missed them a lot.

Richie was planning to spend a day with us  but left after an hour cause he had an urgent meeting.

I'm now sitting at the mom's graveyard. I smiled while looking at the picture of her. She's so beautiful.

I love you ma.

After spending almost 2 hours talking with her I went back to the mansion. 

I was welcomed by the aroma of grams cooking.

"Bec Bec, let's eat lunch" pops invited me. We talked a lot during the lunch and I had a great time with them. I feel relaxed a bit.

After lunch I went to my room to take my online class. But my mind was still thinking about what Richie said after I told him everything.

He smiled and looked at me in my eyes before speaking

"Princess I can understand how you feel, and I'm not siding with anyone here. What done is done. And you both had fair shares of hurting each other. You hurt her when you were with Nop and she hurted you by hiding the truth. Look I'm still not siding with her. But I want you to know her side of the story. Do you know why she did that or your friends" Richie asked and i shook my head as no.

"Talk to them first, know their side story. I'm not forcing you to do anything here, i just don't want you to regret later" he said and smiled.

What he said is true in every aspect, maybe I will talk to them once I feel better.


Author's note

I hope you guys accept the story whether it's a G!p or normal one.

I'm still confused cause i really made up my mind about doing this a GXG but your comments, I just don't want to disappoint you guys.

And I'm sorry if I made you guys feel disappointed.

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