Chapter 12

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So apparently, UNO's not talking to me.

Or I'm not talking to Uno.

Uhhhrrr it's too confusing now. So i basically thought p'Friend is Uno and talked to her all the time. While i ignored the real Uno.

I haven't texted Uno since i thought p'Friend is Uno. But i always get milkteas and encouragement from Uno. But instead of replying to her, All I did was talk to p'Friend.

Now I feel like shit.

Uno has been there from the start and i misunderstood someone as her.

But i can't be balmed too right, she didn't text me too, like if she replied to my texts i wouldn't have thought that Uno is p'Friend. Cause p'Friend started to text me from her Number. And the realisation hits me.

Oh my God, so Uno basically hasn't talked to me after I got into a relationship with Nop. Oh my God, how did I miss it.

Now I really feel like a shit.

"Becs" I came back to reality when Irin shouted

"What" i shouted back.

"Oh come on, which reality are you in, your band is there, setting up their instruments and you are just immersed in your thoughts......." she said and the moment I heard my band i looked over the stage and saw them checking the instruments.

And Uno is nowhere to be found. I felt disappointed a bit.

"Ooi, are you even listening to me" it's Irin again.

"She's not here again, gummy bear" I said and pouted.

"Don't be sad my gummy bear, you'll meet her one day" she said and put her hand on my shoulder. Irin is the only one who knows about Uno.

Not the fact that I talked to her through phone. Just that she helped me on highschool and has been my inspiration.

"Oh there's my girlfriend" we heard p'Friend saying and we looked at the stage and saw 2 people with Black hoodie. Yeah their main costumes are hoodies.

Their name will be printed in the back and the name of the band in the front which is 'Day dreamers'

"Which one" p'Nam asked. Now everyone was looking at the 2 girls who are facing their back towards us.

And they turned.

"Rose" she said.

"Rose???" I asked

"Yeah, her stage name is Rose" she said and i nodded. Yeah Uno has her real name too.

"I'll introduce her to you guys after the performance" she said and we nodded

"You better buddy, cause we have plenty of things to ask her" p'Nam said

"Please don't scare her off Nam" p'Heng said and we laughed

"Oh, Uno is playing this time" as soon i heard her name i looked at the stage.

There Uno came with her classic black Tshirt, the black cap and the mask and a hoodie in her hands.

She went towards Rose and they talked and they both left together

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She went towards Rose and they talked and they both left together.

"Where's she going" i whined and pouted. And she came back wearing that black hoodie with her name.

Everyone knows it's Uno cause she's the only one who hides her face well.

Others just wear caps only with the hoodie.

I watched her every moment, the way she carried her guitar and how she turned it.

"Gummy bear,  I want to wear my hoodie" I said and she looked at me. She turned around and showed me her backbag, in which I put the hoodie'. I took the hoodie and wore it.

"Finally" I said and smelled it. I always wanted to wear her hoodie while she performs. And it's her hoodie. I smiled at Irin and she did the same.

I took my phone and texted her

"Hey stranger, getting ready for the performance" i texted and luckily she took her phone and checked the message.

She roamed her eyes towards the crowd and finally met mine. She looked and smiled and then there wasn't smile on her face.

"Don't sulk naka" i texted and pouted looking at her. She smiled again.

"Don't be too cute, I have to perform in a bit and I can't lose my focus" she texted back and i smiled

"I know you are gonna rock it" i texted her back. She looked at the message and liked it. She looked towards me and winked.

And i blushed. Oh my god. What's she doing.

"So you guys ready, for day dreamers" The MC announced and the crowd cheered.

"Whoo, that's a huge welcome. Thank you for all the support guys. Now let's start our music fest" Rose said in mike and signalled the others.

The music started playing, and I was so immersed in looking at Uno. The way she plays the guitar and the sudden looks and winks at me.

They played like 6 songs
1. Stuck with you
2. Talking to the moon
3. Arcade
4. Driver's licence
5. Summertime sadness
6. Because of you

They mostly played slow songs, but that was soo good. Like everyone enjoyed and Rose's voice is also good. She perfectly mingled with them.

And in the last song, Uno's eyes never left mine. And i felt goosebumps all over my body. Which I've never felt in a long time. Her Baby blue eyes, drowns me. And we never broke the eye contact.

"Sooo that was awesome, I hope you enjoyed the songs. And it's the end of our show. So till next time take care guys" Rose said and the crowd cheered again.

Uno looked at me for the last time before she went in.

I was a bit sad that i couldn't spend time with her.

As the next band came and started to play, we were focusing on them. They were also good even though I missed seeing Uno on the stage. I can't forget the fact that i finally saw her after 2 years.

"Hey stranger, looking good on my hoodie huh" wait what ?


Author's note

So guys, I saw your comments and it made me confused more.

Like most of you wants G!p but GxG is also good. And I'm confused now.

Let's see where the story takes me. I'll let you know if I decide what to write.

Till then take care guys.

Love Tulip 🌷

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