Chapter 22

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I woke up and saw my room. I felt relieved for a second. I checked my phone and it's only 11:50 pm.

I stood up and went downstairs to drink some water.

When I was going down I heard the faint noises of my friends. It's like they are arguing on something and because of my dizziness i couldn't hear anything properly.

"You can't do this Freen, we can understand your reason but it's not right" it's p'Nam's voice.

"I know, but she already hates me Nam, can't you see that. If she's happy like this, let her please. I'll come clean but not now" P'Freen said.

"It's not fair for her phi " Gyoza said

"It's more like we all are hiding this from her" p'Noey said. What are they talking.

"Admit that you are UN-" I suddenly felt dizzy and my tummy was not feeling good.

"Guys" I said when I couldn't see properly too

"Bec, oh shit " I heard p'Nam's voice. And the next thing know is I'm on the ground.

Freen's pov

The car ride back home with Becky was silent. I'm glad that she's sleeping now.

She looks more at ease while sleeping. After reaching home i carried her to her bedroom. I gently laid her down and removed her shoes.

I put the comforter above her body and made sure she's sleeping comfortably.

I went down and saw Nam, Noey, Gyoza, irin, Heng, Manaw and Friend. So literally everyone is here.

And the way Nam, Noey and Gyoza is looking at me is like that are ready to kill me anytime.

"What the fuck Freen" Nam started

"You know whatever you are doing is wrong" she yelled again.

"Can you tone down your voice she's sleeping" I said

"When did this all started" she asked again.

"What" i asked cause I don't know why she's angry right now.

"You know what she's saying phi" Gyoza said

"I don't have any idea" I said.

"You don't, really Freen. That's bullshit" Nam half yelled. I just sat down.

"How long have you been in love with her" Nam asked straight to point.

"More than 3 years" I said. I guess they already knows half of the matter. So it's better to spill everything

"What the fuck, 3 years and you haven't said anything to us. Freen that's rude we are your friends " Noey said

"I know" I said and took a heavy breath.

"What's happening here, can you fill us up" irin asked

"This phi of yours is in love with your bestfriend for more than 3 years" Noey said and the shock was evident in her face.

"Wait Becky i thought you guys were talking about Nita" Friend said.

"Nita is not even in the picture here Friend " Nam said

"But she's P'Freen's fiancee right" irin asked

"If she doesn't finds a partner for her in 6 months" Nam said

"Then why are you letting her call you babe" irin asked

"Cause she's fucking stubborn and I'm tired of taking to her" I said. I've said a million times not to call me babe but whatever I said fell into deaf ears and I'm tired of talking to her and saying the same things.

"But it's not bad, why are you 3 yelling at P'Freen for that" Irin asked. So they don't know yet.

"Babe did you hear Gyoza singing today at the club" Noey asked

"Yeah and it was soo good, I wonder why she hasn't joined any band yet" Irin said. Okay so they know.

"Cause I'm already in a band, I'm the main vocalist of the band Day dreamers, Angel is my stage name" Gyoza said

"Oh my god, Becky is gonna be super happy is she hears that. So you know Un - wait why are you saying that now babe" Irin asked

"Cause the Uno Becky has been texting all time is Freen" Noey said

"What the fuck" Irin said

"Babe, language " Noey said and Irin glared at her.

"You can't do this Freen, we can understand your reason but it's not right" Nam said and I know she's right.

"I know, but she already hates me Nam, can't you see that. If she's happy like this, let her please. I'll come clean but not now" I said cause after the last fight at the pub she was in her room for almost 4 days. And i felt like shit, saying those words to her.

I just wanted her to be safe from Nop. He's an asshole and he was kissing another girl that day.

"It's not fair for her phi " Gyoza said

"It's more like we all are hiding this from her" Noey said and i nodded.

"Admit that you are UN-" before Nam could complete her words we heard Becky voice andshe fell down.

We panicked and rushed towards her.

"Take the car" I said and we rushed her to the hospital.

Luckily she was ok, and she was sleeping again. They moved her to a room. And we all went inside.

"I'm sorry for creating this situation but just give me time I'll tell her everything" I said more like begging them

"We can understand you phi, but we can't hide this forever and if she knows before we say it. It's gonna a big trouble for all of us" Irin said and she has a point.

"I promise I'll talk to her soon and even if something goes wrong I'll take all the blame" i said and sat beside her.

She's really an angel.

"We know she looks like an angel right now, but you need to eat something too" Noey said

"I'll go and buy food for everyone" Heng said

"I'll come with you" Friend said and they both went out.

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