Chapter 17

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When I came back to my room I saw Nop and P'Freen talking, more like killing each other with words. The smirk on Nop's face and the anger in P'Freen's eyes.

It looks like they can fight any second. So i made my way.

"Nop" i called him and he looked at me.

"Hey baby" he said and snakes his arms around my waist and kissed me on my cheeks.

"P'Freen" i called her but she just left without saying again.

I heard Nop scoffing. And i looked at him.

"She has feelings for you" he said and i looked at him.

"What do you mean" i asked him

"She loves you Bec" he said and looked at me.

"Hey, it's not like that Nop" I said but I was cut off by Nop

"It's the truth, she likes you more like loves you . If not she won't threaten me" he said and took a deep breath.

"What " i asked in disbelief

"I know you probably won't believe me but please stay away from her " he said and kissed my head.

"I'm going out with my friends, I'll meet you at the pub. Be careful okay" he said and smiled. And i nodded. He left after that.

My mind was full of Nop's words. Why did P'Freen threaten him. Does she likes me like Nop said. I mean we had our moments. But ....

"Bec, get ready quickly" it was Irin's voice. And I don't want p'Nam to yell at me. So i got ready as soon as possible.

The pub was more crowded than we thought. But the vibe was really good. It was one of p'Tor's new clubs, 'Blue lagoon'.

The club was decorated with neon lights and the music was a blast.

We directly went to the drinks sessions and I'm damn sure I'm getting drunk tonight. I don't know why I want to feel drunk today like i badly wanna drink.

p'Heng got us some shots and we started to drink. P'Freen, p'Manaw, Gyoza and p'Friend aren't with us.

P'Freen and Gyoza had to visit someplace and p'Friend and p'Manaw was accompying them.

My mind is still on what Nop said. Even if P'Freen has feelings for me. She can't threatened my boyfriend.

I made up my mind to talk to her when she comes.

After some shots Nop came and dragged me towards the dance floor. We were dancing and having fun. It's been so many days I've had fun with Nop.

Like these days all we were doing was fight. And it's nice that we are enjoying. But still there something Missing.

The song changed into a sensual song and the vibe became romantic more like lustful. Everyone was sticking to their partners. And Nop was with me. So we were dancing together and I can feel his hands everywhere. I didn't mind cause it was just dancing. When the song was gonna end Nop pushed me towards a corner and kissed me.

The alcohol, the dance and kiss everything was affecting me. And I was responding to his kisses.

He wasn't breaking the kiss and it was hard for me to breathe. So i pushed him a little to breathe.

"Nop...." I was cut off by him.

"You know what, I'm tired of this shit" he half yelled and was about to turn. But i held his hand.

"I'll be back " he said and yanked my hands and left. I let out a heavy sigh. What is happening to him.

I sighed and went towards our table and saw p'Friend, p'Manaw and Gyoza.

"Hey Bec Bec " Friend said as soon as she saw me. I smiled and took a shot.

"Are you okay bestee" it was Gyoza. I just let out a heavy sigh again.

"Okay somthings bothering you and you are gonna spil it now" she said. And I don't know what to say.

"Where's P'Freen" i asked trying to divert the attention

"Oh she went to park the car, she'll be back in a minute" Friend said.

Gyoza was talking to p'Manaw. I was looking at them and smiling

"Another love story " I heard Friend saying and i looked at her.

"I think they will be a couple before we head back home" I said

"Nah, I don't think so. I think they will take their time " she said back.

"Let's see" I said and smirked. Cause i know Gyoza if she wants something she will go for it. And they already kissed at Nops's party even though because of alcohol none of them remembers it.

"Where's Freen " p'Nam asked as she made her way towards us.

"She should be back, I'll go and check on her" Friend said and stood up.

"I'll come with you" I said and stood up.

"Dont take too much time" Gyoza said and i nodded

Me and Friend went towards the exit. It was near the washroom.

"I'll kill you basterd" I heard P'Freen yelling

"Fuck you" it was Nop. Omg i rushed towards the alley and saw them.

"Break up with her you asshole " P'Freen yelled.

"No one's breaking up with me" I yelled. Why the fuck she wants Nop to break up with me.

"Why are you doing this" I asked her. No answer came from P'Freen.

"Babe, i already told you her intentions" Nop said. His nose were bleeding. I saw his friends coming towards them.

"Bright can you take Nop and get some ice for his wounds" i asked and he nodded.

"Nop, you go inside I'll come back to you" I said and he looked at P'Freen . I saw how P'Freen was getting more angrier.

"Asshole " she muttered

"Just admit it Freen, you just want to break us apart" Nop backfired. And P'Freen was gonna punch him but I came in middle

"Why are you always trying to beat him P'Freen" i asked her.

"Cause he's such an asshole Bec, you know he's such a loser and he was c-" I didn't let her finish

"You know what stop this, just stop whatever you are doing. Nop was right I should maintain some distance from you" I said and i saw her scoffing.

"You know what,  you deserve this asshole. Go and fuck your fucking asshole" she yelled. And the next thing i know,

I slapped her.

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