Chapter 5

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I woke up when i felt the sun rays on my eyes. I opened my eyes and looked around. I don't know when i slept off.

I quickly checked my phone if there were any texts from UNO. I know there's a chance that it might not be her. But I wanted to check it. What if she is my saviour.

But to my disappointment, there wasn't any text.

I went to the bathroom and did my business. And went downstairs to have breakfast.

When i reached the kitchen, I saw everyone sitting at the dining table except p'Freen. Where is she. I was looking around to see her. And i finally found her. She was in the kitchen cooking food.

God she's such a husband material. She looked so hot and her ass. Damn I wanna touch it.

Geez Rebecca, wtf. It's early in the morning. Stop doing this.

I quickly diverted my eyes from p'Freen to the others. p'Nam was the first to notice me.

"Hey there little Bec, had a good night sleep" she asked and i nodded like a kid.

"Come here Bec" Gyoza invited me. I was sitting beside Irin and Gyoza.

"God Freen, we are hungry hurry up" p'Noey yelled.

"Wait a bit, or eat outside" p'Freen said blankly. We laughed at the p'Noey.

p'Freen came with food and the maids also helped her carry the food.

"Have some coffee or tea, whatever you want" p'Freen said and i pouted I don't want coffee or tea I want milk tea. I wanted to say it loud but I didn't. I started to eat the food.

"Don't you want any drinks" p'Freen asked while drinking a glass of orange juice.

"p'Freen Bec only drinks milk tea" Gyoza said and i glared at her.

"Oh, didn't know that" she said and looked at her phone. I felt disappointed again.

She didn't look at me after that. I felt sad again. I don't know why I am feeling like this whenever she's near. I want her attention all over me. Even though we met yesterday.

But it doesn't matter, I have Nop. And I want him.

We finished our breakfast. The others left cause they have early morning class. And left me with p'Freen.

Now I'm in her car, we haven't spoken a word. When I was thinking about p'Freen. I felt my phone vibrates. I quickly checked it and saw a notification from UNO  my face lit up. I quickly checked. 'Good morning beautiful ' tss such a flirt. I think she's not the one.

I ignored the message and looked out of the window.

We reached our campus and we both went to different places.

I went to my locker to get my books. I opened and saw a note and a drink on it. It was milktea. I didn't drink that. I opened the note.

'hey beautiful, have some milk tea and smile more na. And don't ignore my texts. Reply me na ka.

Yours secret admirer


What the, how did she??. How. I was in the whirlwind of my thoughts until i heard the bell rang. I quickly went to my class.

Luckily the professor wasn't in the class so I went to my seat. I was carrying the note and the milk tea with me.

I took my phone and saw another message.
'my lady hope you still remember our first meet' i quickly replied

'who are you' i asked

'ouch you don't remember our first encounter, I'm hurt. But I hope you still have my hoodie though. Cause it's my favourite one and i gave it to you' she replied

Oh my god, it's her.

'so it's really you' i texted

'what do you think. But I'm really Proud of you now' she texted and i smiled

'now drink that milk tea and concentrate on your class, I'll text you later' another text came

'bye uno' I texted back.

The professor arrived at our class at the same time. It's like she knew the professor was coming. I took a sip of milk tea. And it was exactly how i ordered. I was so happy at that time.

At lunch, as usual I went towards our table. And Gyoza has ordered food for me. I sat beside her and we talked. After some minutes we saw p'Freen, p'Manaw and p'Friend coming towards our table.

They sat on our table. p'Freen was sitting opposite to me. I felt her gaze on me. I looked at her and she didn't divert her eyes. Instead she looked at my eyes lovingly. Not the usual coldness. I could watch her all the time.

"Ooi Bec, your crush is coming" p'Nam said and i looked where she was pointing and saw Nop. As handsome as ever. He was looking so hot in his simple white shirt and black trousers. But why do I think p'Freen is more handsome than him. I quickly erased that thought and focused on admiring him.

"Bec, Becky..... Rebecca"I was brought back from my thoughts. I looked at my gang and they all shook their heads. And i looked at p'Freen. She wasn't looking at me.

"Stop drooling over that's stupid boy" p'Noey said

"He's not stupid p'Noey and don't say something like that about him" i shouted at them and left. I was kind of hurt. They're always like this. If I hadn't left there they would tease me more.

I went to the rooftop and looked at my phone. I saw some messages from UNO

'Hello my lady, have a nice lunch'

'Are so busy, why aren't you replying to me back'

'You still don't believe me'


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