Chapter 18

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"Bec you are getting late" Gyoza said and i nodded. I don't have any mood to go and listen to the lectures.

"Let's meet at lunch????" Irin asked and i sighed.

"Bec, you know she's not even coming to the uni right" Gyoza asked and i sighed again.

It's been a week since the incident at the pub. I mean i do feel bad that i slapped her but the way she talked and the words she used is still ringing my ears and it's killing me.

I slapped her she scoffed.

"Yeah, that's all you could do, you can't stand up for yourself but you can slap me huh! Good move. You know what you should have done this to the asshole boyfriend of your who keeps trying to fuck you not-" she couldn't complete her sentance cause i slapped her again.

"You know what, i felt bad that i slapped you but not now. You deserve it" I said and stormed out from there.

I didn't go and check on Nop neither went to my friends. I went to my room and called Richie, and he came to pick me up.

And for the whole 3 days I was at my room , didn't go out or met anyone. My friends kept calling me but I didn't wanna talk to anyone of them.

3rd day Irin and Gyoza came home and we talked. Gyoza said sorry for her sister's behaviour. Next day the gang came and we spend time watching movies and talking.

No one talked about P'Freen.

And today, I came back to Uni cause even though I'm the daughter of the university I still have to maintain good grades and attendance to become a good lawyer.

"Yeah, il be there. I'm gonna go first, see you guys later" I said and left them.

I know P'Freen haven't came back to University. Cause she already told me that she have a business meeting to attend at Phillipines and won't be here for 10 days.

Even though i didn't want her to be away at first. Now it's good that she's away. I don't have to face her.

I'm not sure how will I behave infront of her. The anger I feel for her is more now. She didn't even tried to appologize, she just vanished.

I was soo into my thoughts that i forgot that I'm already at my class.

The class went well, even though my mind was occupied a lot. I haven't talked to Nop since that day and I don't know what to talk to him too. It's like after that day i have this bad feeling whenever I think about him but......, I don't know.

I'm having lunch with the gang, when I got a notification on my phone.

It was Uno. I haven't texted her back too. It's like I've locked myself up from everyone. Uno have been sending me texts constantly, even though i don't text her back.

"Princess, are you ok" she texted

"Yeah" i texted her back

"Finally Becca, I've been so worried about you where have you been, is everything ok" she texted. I know she's worried.

"I'm sorry for making you worried Uno, it's just everything felt heavy. I know i shouldn't have ignored you but i needed time to be ok" i texted back.

"It's okay baby, I'm glad your feeling better" she texted. Baby. Really

"Oh so I'm your baby now" i teased her.

"You are my everything " she texted which made me speechless

"Ok Miss Flirt, I have to go. I'll text you later" i texted back

"I'll wait for you as long you want princess " she texted back and i blushed. She's getting more brave.

"Someone's blushing there" I heard p'Nam's voice. Great now i have to get teased. Fuck.

"Even if we don't like Nop that much, as long you are happy we are not interfering bec. But you have to tell us if anything is troubling you okay" p'Nam said again and i nodded. I know what she meant. Like everyone in the table knows what she meant thanks to P'Freen.

"I know and I will not hide anything from you guys anymore" I said and looked at them.

"Speaking of which......" I paused intentionally

"Oh spill the tea please" It was Gyoza.

"Fine, i wasn't texting Nop. It was some else" I said and shock was evident in their faces.

"What" p'Nam yelled.

"Ooi calm down p'Nam" Irin said and they are waiting for me to spill more.

"Ok, so it's someone else. Someone who made me bold someone who supported me in my worst. Someone I want to meet in my life even for once" I said and their faces changed to teasing one.

"Is that someone you love" Gyoza asked and i coughed

"What" i asked

"You know love, like love love. You love that person Becky" she said and everyone nodded

"True" p'Nam added

"No, I love Nop" I said firmly

"You don't love him Becky, you just love the idea of being his girlfriend which you were desiring for a long time. I'm sure you don't love him. You need to understand it sooner or you'll hurt him and hurt yourself eventually" Irin said which made me think.

I don't love Nop????


Author's note

Hey guys, hope you enjoying the new chapters.

So is it time for Becky to realise what she actually feels??
What do you think guys??

What will happen next??

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