Chapter 39

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Remind me never to say yes when they ask me to come with them anywhere. Never.

We arrived at Disneyland in the morning and I'm tired as hell. And these 3 are still not tired. Like I don't know if they carry batteries to charge them but I can't. I can't anymore.

"P'Freen, accompany me to ride. I don't wanna ride alone..." Becky is whining and I'm not gonna fall for that.

"Irin and Gyoza are there with you Becca" I said sternly

"But I will be sitting alone, please" shes pouting right now.

"P'Freen" no she's using her puppy eyes on me again. It's like the hundredth time. I sighed and gave in.

"Fine" I said

"Yehhhh, you're the best" she said and kissed me on the cheeks. I still blushed even though she kissed me on the cheeks a lot during this week. And I' still want more.

"Let's goo P'Freeeeeeeen " she said and dragged to one of the rides.

She's like a kid who got their favourite chocolate. She's so happy which makes me happy.

"P'Freen Becky , over here" Gyoza called us and we went near them. No no no, it's not happening. They are dragging to the roller coaster. Fuck i shouldn't have said yes.

"P'Freen said yes, let's get in" Becky said excitedly and i gulped seeing the rollercoaster.

"P'Freen are you afraid of riding roller coaster" irin asked and i shook my head.

"Don't lie" Gyoza said

I scuffed "why should I lie, I'm not afraid of these silly rides" I said and walked ahead of them i felt a hand interwining them to my hands. I looked beside me and saw Becky smiling sweetly at me. I smiled back.

We sat on the seat and put the safety belts. I was literally freaking out. I've been fidgeting my fingers.

"P'Freen hold my hand, It will make you calm" Becky siad and showed her hands. I interwined them as she did before.

The ride went very carzy and i felt sick all over my body. When the ride was over i went to the washroom and threw up. When i came back I met Becky's worried eyes. She came with a water bottle and gave me.

"Where are the others" i asked her

"They went to buy some foods, let's go and sit there" she said and showed a table

"Are you okay p'Freen, i shouldn't have forced you to come" she said sadly

"I'm okay, I just felt sick a bit. It's okay na I'm perfectly alright" i said and she smiled.

"Are you okay p'Freen" I heard Irin's voice. I just nodded my head. We ate lots of food and went to other rides. Well mostly them I just watched them from a distance. And took a lot for pics for them.

It was already evening so we decided to ride the Ferris wheel.

Irin and Gyoza got on the first booth and we got in the 2nd one. Gyoza and Irin winked at me before getting in.

Me and Bec sat on the seats. Most of the booths are empty cause we were the first ones to get in. And it's perfect timing to watch the fireworks.

"Here drink some water" I said and handed her a water bottle

"Thank you" she said and drank it.

"It's so beautiful here" she said looking around.

"Not beautiful as much as you are" I said. I didn't even realised I said it out loud till Becky turned and looked at me.

"Flirt" she said

"I'm not flirting, just stating the facts" I said and she blinked twice. She was blushing now. I thought i should tell her everything now.

"Bec..." I called her and she hummed

"I'm getting engaged this week" I said. She looked at me blankly. It was like i don't know what she's thinking now.

"Oh, congratulations" she said and i nodded.

"I'm invited right?" She asked and i nodded.

"Bec..." I called her again. But this time our faces were too close. I slowly put my hand on her face and caressed her cheeks.

"Remember that I will always love you no matter what happens" I said and kissed her forehead. She smiled.

"I love you too p'Freen " she said and kissed my cheeks. This time her kiss lingered too much on my skin. And she she parted her lips from my cheeks. Im missing her lips on me.

And She embraced me tightly. She broke the hug but our eyes got locked.

"Don't think too much now, let's enjoy the moment till we have it" she said and i nodded.

" you are the most beautiful person I've ever seen in my entire life" i said and tucked her hair.

"If there's a chance to make you mine, I gonna take it and never gonna let you go" I said and leaned closer. We were few Inches apart from each other.

"And I'm not gonna leave you, I'll always stay with you" she said more in a whisper. And she closed the gap between us.

We are kissing each other. Not like the last time. It's slow and steady. I can feel the love we have for each other. We parted a bit but didn't wanna lose contact too.

We rubbed our nose together and I still wanna kiss her more. So i kissed her again. This time with more passion and love. I conveyed everything im feeling. Even though it's not the first kiss, I still feel like it's our first kiss. And I don't know if i could kiss her again. A tear escaped my eyes. Becky broke the kiss and wiped the tears.

"Will you wait for me" i asked and she nodded.

That's all I want.

We heard the fireworks sound. She looked at me and smiled.

"Hold me" she said and leaned her back on me. I held her waist and tightened our hugs.

"I love you my princess" i whispered in her ear and kissed her head again.

She turned her head and kissed me again.

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