Chapter 35

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Freen's pov

I was checking my documents when my phone buzzed. I took a look at it and saw the pics of my friends, they took while eating. I'm glad to see the smiling faces. Especially Becky's. I'm glad they are back to normal.

I zoomed the pic towards Becky. Her smile the way her dimple is showing and how her eyes sparkle. She's sooo cute. When will you be mine Bec, when can I say that you are completely mine.

My train of thoughts got interrupted when my nong came inside my room.

"Phi, mom is calling you downstairs" she said and i nodded.

"Did you drop Becky at her home" i asked and she nodded.

"Come on, I'm hungry" she said and i chuckled at her cuteness

We both went downstairs and saw mom and dad already sitting at the dining table and talking with each other.

"Are you sure honey" mom asked

"Yes 100 percent" he said and smiled. I don't know what they are talking but I don't know why I'm getting tensed suddenly.

We both sat down. Gyoza beside dad and I said beside mom.

"Freen, Director Lee called me today about the urgent meeting you had" he said and i sighed. I can sense where the conversation is going.

"You have to take charge as the CEO soon, we can't let them disrespect you" he said. Yes some of the investors weren't ready to listen to me cause I don't have any position in the company. I'm just the soon to be CEO not a complete CEO.

"I know dad" I said and looked down.

"I'm not forcing you to do anything baby, you know I'm getting old" he said and chuckled

"You are not old, you are still young" I said as i rolled my eyes.

"Okay, but still I can't manage everything alone like I did earlier. I need support and our company needs you, you have to take charge sooner" he said I sighed again.

"But dad, can't I just be a CEO without marriage or getting engaged with anyone" i asked and this time he sighed

"You know better than me Freen, and I want you to keep the promise. Your sister will do the same when she's ready to take over. And you don't have to marry the person right now. Just get engaged and marry the person when your sister is ready to take control of the company " dad said

"You don't have to marry Nita, i cancelled the engagement proposal" he said and I smiled. Finally, a good news.

"And I've already found a better women for you" he said and i choked on my food.

"What" i asked him in disbelief.

"You know I found a perfect girl for you. She's beautiful inside and out. I know you will like her" dad said. I looked at mom and she was smiling like she knows the person. I looked at Gyoza who is not even interested in the conversation.

"Who is she?" i asked him.

"I can't tell you that" he said and i looked at him

"Why" i asked him.

"It was one of the agreements that you will only know about each other officially on the engagement day" he said and i looked at him in disbelief. How can I get engaged to an unknown person. How can he think I will love another person when my heart already wants another person.


"Don't think too much Freen, she's the right one for you. I already gave her your number. You both can talk to each other and know about each other well by this" he said. And i don't wanna eat more. I already lost my appetite.

"And I hope you treat her in a good way" he said and i nodded.

"Thank you for the food, I'm sleepy i should go now. I have an early morning meeting" I said and i stood up.

"Okay, don't overwork yourself like your old man" he said and chuckled

"Still, you are not old dad" I said and walked.

"Oh yeah, her name is princess" he said and all i could do is nod my head and showed a thumps up.

As soon i reached my room. I laid down. I looked at my phone to check whether Becky texted me or not. But to my surprise I saw a text from unknown number. Who might be this person. I ignore the message and put the phone down. But the message tone was not stopping.

I took my phone, it's the same unknown number. I decided to open the chat. I saw lots of stickers and emoji.

"Finally, what took you so long to text me back. Sarocha" the person texted and i looked at the text blankly.

"Who are you and how did you get my number" i texted back.

"I'm princess" the text came. I chuckled a bit

"Your soon to be fiance" and the color on my face fade away. Wtf.

"How did you get my number" i texted back

"Are you really dumb or just acting like one" she texted back

"Haha, not funny and stop texting me" i texted back

"I wasn't kidding and I'm not gonna stop texting you" she texted back

"Well then, I'll stop texting you" i texted

"Try to ignore me and the next text goes to your dad" she texted

I sighed and put my phone back to the bed side table. I tossed and turned around. She kept sending a text and because of that i couldn't sleep. I picked my phone back and to my surprise another person texted me.

I smiled when I opened her chats.

"Good night P'Freen"

"See you in the Uni" that was the text but it made my night much better. I smiled and texted her 'good night'. I put my phone at the table again and slept peacefully while a small smile crept on my face.

My Bec Bec


Author's note

It's gonna be Freen's pov for a new chapters.

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