Chapter 52

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Becky's pov

I was about to go when a hand pulled me. Freen pulled me closer to her. She looked at me lovingly and kissed my head.

"Don't think too much, you are my first" she said.

"But you said you have experience" I said weakly

"I do by hearing Friend, Manaw, Noey or others talk about having sex and by watching some porn videos sent by Noey" she said and chuckled

"Trust me, no one ever touched me and I've never made love with anyone" she said and cupped my cheeks.

"And even if I had sex before, it won't be like anything happened yesterday. Cause it was pure and it was love. And I love you" she said and gave me a long peck. I pouted

"I should tell irin about p'Noey's video things" I said and she chuckled

"Oh she knows, this all happened before she was with irin. Irin changed her in a better way. So as Gyoza changed Manaw. I just hope Gyoza won't get pregnant and those dumbasses use protection " she said and sighed

"I bet they will" I said and chuckled. Everyone knows that Manaw is intersex. And she was very much open about it.

"Why don't we continue what we did yesterday" she asked playfully and i grinned.

"That might be a good idea" I said and closed our gaps.

Freen's pov

Noey, Friend Manaw and i were sitting in the bleachers after practice, talking about how Heng is in LA with Kate and how Nam might be enjoying her day with p'Tor in Hawaii.

After sometime Irin and Gyoza joined us. They sat with their partners lap and whispered somthing on their ears. And they giggled. Me and Friend gave them a questionable look.

"What are you all doing" Hannah asked and i saw my lover with her. Hannah sat beside Friend and Becky was gonna sat beside me but i pulled her on my lap.

"I missed you" I said and kissed her. It was meant to be a peck but i couldn't get enough of her lips. I pulled her closer to me. But she pinched my back.

"Ouch, babe" i whined and pouted and she just chuckled.

"I missed you too" she said and pecked me on cheeks. Which made me smile.

"So it's true then" I heard Noey's voice. That's when i realised that we are not alone.

"What" i asked her.

"You know, the glowing faces" Noey started

"Being too cozy" Hannah said

"Earning for touch" Friend said

"And the stupid smile on your face with the scratch marks on your back" Manaw said.

"Oh, it's not like you guys don't do it" I said and i saw Gyoza, irin and Becky blushing.

"Wait what do you mean by scratch marks and how did you see that p'Manaw" Becky asked.

"Well, your girlfriend hissed when we patted her shoulder and we saw some marks on her shoulder and back while changing and I'm very familiar with that mark" she said and looked at Gyoza in a teasing way.

We all chuckled, Becky let her head rest on my neck and she inhaled my scent.

"I'm sorry for the..... Scratches" she whispered while the others were teasing each other.

"Don't be sorry, I love it" I said and pecked her head.

"Why don't we go and eat" Becky suggested and we all went to eat lunch.

Becky is too much comfortable around me, she always makes a physical contact, even if just holding hands. And it's the same for me. I'm earning for touches. I want to touch her and feel close to her and i know the feeling is mutual.

Becky's pov

It's been over 6 months since we are officially together. I love being with her. I feel so complete and loved. She always pays attention to even to my small things.

"Umm, babe you are so beautiful" I was brought back to reality when she whispered against my skin. She has already undressed both of us and we are lying on bed. While we both are panting.

I've already had 2 orgasm's and she's going for the 3rd. It's been like this since we made love for the first time. We can't get enough of each other and the only time we don't make love is when one of us is on our period.

I pulled her over for another kiss.

"You make me feel so crazy" I said and kissed her again. She inserted her 2 finger inside me while kissing.

"Umm you are so tight" she whispered against my lips. She started to thrust and inserted another finger too.

"Damn, babeeeeeee" I was in cloud nine. She was kissing my neck and one hand inside me and another hand playing with my breasts.

"Faster daddy" and like everytime the name daddy works. She gets so much energy when i call her daddy. She pinched my nipples which earned a loud moan from me. She thrusted more hard and on the g-spot. I could feel I'm close to cum.

I tightened myself around her finger.

"Cum for me baby girl" damn her husky voice. And i cummed on her finger.

She licked her finger sensually looking at me.

"Hmm tasty as always" she said and pecked me.

"You did good baby" she said and pulled me closer to her. We both slept in each other's embrace and cuddling with each other.

Freen's pov

I woke up before her, we are still naked and she snuggling closer to me. I smiled while looking at her. The love of my life.

She opened her eyes and smiled, I went for a kiss but she stopped me. I frowned.

"Fuck, Freen we should be in our separate rooms now" she half yelled.

"Fuck, we have to get ready for the marriage. Oh my god, Gyoza is gonna kill me" she was talking non stop so i kissed her to make her shut up. She kissed me back calmly. Now i know she's calm so i let her go.

"It's your fault " she said and slapped my shoulder

"And how is that" i asked her.

"You should have let me go, after we meet yesterday. Not making love with me till i forgot that I have to go back to my room" she said and pinched me.

"Baby, you wanted that too na" I said and kissed. But before we could continue her phone rang.

"Fuck it's irin" she said and picked her call.

"Where the fuck are you Rebecca " i heard Gyoza's voice. And right after that I heard my phone ringing. I kissed her for the final time.

"I hope we won't be late like this to our wedding too" she said and wore her dress. I chuckled at the thought

"I won't promise anything " i said which earned a pinch from her  "Let's meet at the altar " I said and she pulled me for another kiss.

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