Chapter 16

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"Bec, watch out" that's all I could hear and the next thing I know I was hit by the volleyball.

I fell down by the hit and groaned in pain.

"Becca ...." I heard p'Freen's voice.

"Bec, you ok" everyone was asking questions while checking me.

p'Freen made me stood up and i looked at p'Nam, p'Heng, p'Noey and p'Friend who were playing volleyball.

"Who hit me" i asked and they all looked at p'Friend.

"You..." I said and glared at her.

"I'm sorry na Bec Bec, it was an accident" she said in a low voice.

"Waah, the mighty Friend is being scared of her nong" p'Manaw said and laughed. And i glared at her.

"Jeez, don't look at me like that. You are fiesty"  p'Manaw said

"Are you okay nong" it was p'Freen and i nodded.

"You guys continue playing I'll help her with the ice pack" she said and walked me to the kitchen area.

Oh we are here at the beach house of Chankimha's for a weekend trip. It was an idea of p'Nam to strengthen our bond. It's been a week after the incident and me and p'Freen became close. She brings me milktea daily and treats me very well. She doesn't show her grumpy or cold side towards me. And I like this p'Freen more.

"Here put these on your head, it is a bit swollen" she said and handed me an ice pack.

"Thank you phii" I said and took it from her. I placed it on my head it was good but my hands were becoming cold. I sat on the kitchen counter. p'Freen came with a glass of water and took the ice pack from me.

"Here let me help you" she said and held it. We were close to each other.

"Thank you phi" I again said and lean my body on her shoulder while she put the ice pack on my forehead.

"Tired??" She asked and I hummed

"Want some milktea for energy " she asked and my face lit up

"Yehhh, you are the best" I said and hugged her.

She chuckled "such a kid" she mumbled

"Phiiii I'm not a kid. I'm a grown up woman" i whined

"Fine, my grown up kid" she said and chuckled again. And i glared at her.

"Let me order a milk tea for my baby Bec" she teased while ordering the milktea and I hit her chest and pouted.

She just chuckled and pinched my cheeks.

"Don't pout I might kiss you" she said and i don't know why I don't get angry at her when she says something like this.

"Phiiii" I said and glared at her

"Ow, my Bec Bec is angry ok, I'll stop with the teasing" she said and caressed my hair.

After some minutes we both went out and she gave me the milktea. I was happy sipping the milk tea like a kid.

I got notifications on my phone, For a second i thought it was Uno. Then i remembered that she won't text me till Monday cause she's going somewhere.

When i checked my phone, I saw a notification from Nop. He said he will come here in the evening cause he has some meetings to attend and he will be bringing over his friends too.

I just texted him back that it's okay and drive safe.

After that we all went to lunch. While eating i rememberd Nop inviting his friends.

"Guys, Nop will arrive in the evening and he will be bringing his friends, I hope you won't mind" I said and they all were silent. Like no voice came.

I looked towards them and they were looking at each other. And p'Freen was eating her food like i didn't even said anything.

"Guys" I said and they all looked at me.

"It's ok Bec " p'Nam said and looked towards p'Freen. Is there something going on here.

After some seconds they started eating again like nothing happened.

After eating i went back to my room. I was tired so i took a power nap.

I woke up when I felt a pair of arms around my waist. I looked up and saw Nop hugging me.

"Hey baby" he said and kissed me. I don't know why I feel weird kissing him now. He smells strange. Like he's drunk.

I broke the kiss and looked at him. And yeah he's drunk.

"You are drunk" I said and he smiled

"So" he asked while roaming his eyes around my body.

"You know you look so sexy right now" he said and kissed me again in my neck.

"Hmm Nop" i moaned. I wanted to push him and make him stop but i couldn't he was more stronger.

"Bec, wake up it's time" I heard Irin's voice.

"Nop, stop " I said but he wasn't so i pushed him hard. And he fell down.

"What the fuck" he yelled

"I said stop" I said firmly and got out.

"Becky" he called but I was already on the stairs.

"Finally, girl you are up. We have a party tonight how can you sleep like that" p'Nam asked as soon she saw me. She has a teasing smile on her face.

"It's still early p'Nam" i whined and went towards kitchen.

P'Freen was making milktea and when I saw that I smiled.

"Wow, is this for me" i asked and stood opposite to her. She looked up and smiled. That smile which always make me smile back.

"Yeah" she said and suddenly her smiling eyes turned to a sad one. Her smile faded.

"P'Freen you ok" i asked.

"Yeah , I am" she said and handed me a glass of milktea. Before i could speak she left.

I looked at Friend, who was giving me a teasing smile. She came to take a bottle of water. I have her a whats wrong look and She signalled me check the mirror. And when I looked I saw the hickey.


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