Chapter 11

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"Nop, stop" I said and pushed him.

"Why are you always a mood killer Bec" he asked annoyingly.

"I told you I'm not ready to do more than kissing, why dont you understand that part" I said. It's been like this for 3 weeks. And It's been a month since I've started dating Nop.

It's a dream come true. But Actually I'm not sure anymore.

I've been liking Nop for a long time. But being as his girlfriend is different.

"Jeez, I'm gonna go" he said and started to walk.

"Nop wait" I said and he stopped. He came back and kissed me again. This time pulling me so much closer to him.

I broke the kiss and we looked at each other

"You know you look damn sexy right now, I just want to make you mine" he said as his face was on my neck placing soft kisses.

He was gonna kiss me again when the door opened and I saw Irin there.

"Finally, I found you" she said dramatically. And when she saw our position. She chuckled awkwardly

"I'm sorry if I intarupted your make out session, but I have to steal Becky from you Nop" she said and smiled

"Yep, she's all yours" he said looked at me

"She really has a bad timing" he said and kissed me on my cheek

"I want more than kissing, think about it while you are enjoying with your friends and call me after you reach home" he said and left.
He is sweet when he is with his friends or we are in University. He takes care of me and always accompany me everywhere.

Is relationship all about being sexual with each other. He always tried to kiss or do something but I'm not ready so I won't let him. And it will lead to a huge fight. And it's like the 4th fight in a month, actually in 2 weeks.

I don't know why he is like that, i already told him that I'm not interested in sex or any physical thing now. I'm not comfortable enough to do it with anyone now.

"Bec, let's go we are already late, you don't want to be late for your favourite band's concert" it was Irin.

"Yeah, let's get going" I said and and walked towards her.

"Making out early in the morning huh" Irin asked. In a teasing way

"Shut up" I said and rolled my eyes.

"You are getting more bold my gummy bear" she said. And her phone started to ring.

"We have to go Bec, Noey is waiting for us with the others" she said and i nodded.

We made our way towards the parking lot and I saw everyone except P'Freen and Gyoza.

Well, Gyoza went to USA with her mom for an engagement party. And i didn't saw P'Freen that much after I was in a relationship with Nop.

"You ready Bec " p'Nam asked. p'Nam and p'Tor are in a car together. p'Heng, p'Friend and p'Noey were standing together near p'Noey's car. I didn't expect p'Friend to be here. Isn't she supposed to be at the concert, practice or something.

"Yeah, let's go guys" I said went with Irin to Noey's car. p'Heng got into p'Nam's car and p'Friend sat beside me.

"So N'Bec was busy with your lover boy" p'Friend asked in a teasing way.

"Kind of" i said and  she smiled. I don't get it. Is she that good at hiding her real emotions.

Like isn't she jealous even a bit. She confessed that she likes me as UNO but she doesn't even shows any kind of that pain or jealous when I'm with Nop or I talk about him.

We even talk about the my love life freely.

"I'm excited for the concert, are they good??" p'Friend asked suddenly asked which brought me back to reality

"Oh yeah, it's your first time right" Noey asked and p'Friend hummed.

Wait first time, she's one of the member right.

"You will definitely fall in love with the band I'm sure of it" p'Noey said

"Oh I'm already in love with the band member" p'Friend said.

"What" i aksed quickly. And everyone looked at me.

"Umm, my girlfriend is playing with the band tonight cause their main vocalist can't perform tonight " p'Friend said.


"You have a girlfriend " i asked in disbelief

"Yeah, it's been 3 years and she's my childhood best friend. Her name is Hannah" she said

"You didn't tell us Friend, it's not fair you know" p'Noey said

"Yes, p'Friend . We are friends and you didn't tell us na" Irin complained

"Okay don't whine too much guys, I'll introduce her to all of you na" she said.

After that we all fall into silence. And 20 minutes later we reached the concert venue. It's pretty crowded. It's like a battle of bands. But in a non competitive way.

Uno's band haven't performed in a year, it's like they completeky disappeared. And Uno hasn't been performed in any concert for 2 years. That's why I am so eager to meet them again.

I looked at p'Friend who was standing beside me with p'Heng.

"p'Friend, can i ask you something, can you be honest with me" l asked her and she nodded..

"Are you Uno" i asked as the last resort.

"Uno??? Who???" She said



Author's note

Hey my lovely readers, how are you guys. Hope you guys are doing good.

I know it's a late update, but in trying my best to update you. It will take some few days to get back at the flow of the story but I'll make sure not to disappoint any of you by the story.

So I' have a plan to make this story a intersex story, even though I decide that it should be GXG. What do you guys want, Intersex or normal.

And I hope you like the chapter, let me know what you think about it and your suggestions too.

So see you in the next chapter.

Till then take care my lovely readers

Have plenty of water.

Love Tulip

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