Chapter 13

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I was shocked to hear someone whispering those words.

I was about to turn when that person stopped me.

"Woooh, easy these Becca" right' she fucking called me Becca.

"Missed me??" She asked again. I tried to turn again.

"Naah, you can't. Remember our deal Becca" she asked.

"Come on, I want to see you" i whined

"Don't whine princess, I'll be in front of you soon" she said and held my hand. And i felt fucking spark all over my body when she touched me.

"I missed you princess " she whispered which gave me a lot of butterflies in my stomach. What is she doing to me.

"Why didn't you text me these days" i asked her. Cause she literally didn't text me these days.

"You know why, and don't deny it. But i didn't leave you i was there for you princess and I'll always be there for you. Don't sulk I'll text you soon" she said and came closer to me.

Now I can feel her body against me. She embraced me from behind.

"You smell so good" she said. Which reminded me of someone but I just shrugged those thoughts away.

"I have to go" she said and was about to break the hug. But i held her hand.

"Wait, just stay for a minute, please " i asked and i heard her chuckle

"Anything for you, my princess " she said and stayed embracing me.

My gang was so busy with the concert that they didn't notice me.

"I have to go now, I'm getting late. I'll see you soon na. Take care princess " she said and left.

When she left all i felt was coldness. Like she was warm and I miss her presence. I want her with me.

Oh my god, what's happening to me.

"Bec, let's goo. p'Friend called and asked us to come to the backstage " she said and i nodded. With a heavy sigh, i followed them.

We walked towards the backstage and entered. I saw p'Friend hugging Rose aka Hannah.

"Ahem" p'Noey cleared her throat.

"Oh hey guys" p'Friend said sheepishly

"Huh, forgot about your friends when your lover arrived huh??" p'Heng asked and pouted

"Ooi, I didn't forgot you guys, I'm the one who called you here naa" p'Friend whined

"Ohoo these kids" Irin said and we laughed.

"Babe, these are my friends Noey and her girlfriend n'Irin, Heng, Nam and her bf p'Tor and n'Bec" p'Friend introduced us and we smiled

"And this is Hannah, my beloved girlfriend " she said and kissed her. She's so sweet.

"Nice to meet you guys" we all exchanged smiles. Then i noticed her holding Uno's cap and mask.

The others were teasing p'Friend.

"Where's Uno" i pointed on the cap and mask Hannah was holding

"Oh Uno... Hmmmm? Ha she left to meet her special women" she said and looked at me teasingly.

"Oh" that's all I could say.

"It's nice to meet you Bec, hope we could be good friends in the future" she said and smiled sweetly

"We are already friends phi...." She cut me off

"We are the same age don't call me phi" she said and we both chuckled.

"Don't you wanna know where she went" Hannah asked

"Who?" I know who she meant, I don't want to be obvious

"The ones hoodie you are wearing" she asked and i looked away

"Hmmm" I hummed

"You'll meet her again, even though you both are in the same friends circle" she said and my eyes went wide

"What" i asked and she smiled

"Babe let's goo, I'm hungry" p'Friend said and we both looked at them.

"Let's go and eat" p'Nam said

"I hope p'Tor won't go bankrupt because of p'Nam" Irin said which earned a glare from p'Nam

"Babe" p'Nam whined at p'Tor

"Don't worry babe, I will work extra hard to make extra money" p'Tor said and we all chuckled

"You are the best" p'Nam said and stuck her tongue towards Irin

After the Banter we went to eat. I want to talk Hannah again. But p'Friend was sticking to her like a superglue that i couldn't have an alone time. And they also left early to go somewhere.

I went to washroom. After finishing my business I went to wash my hands. And I was lost in my thoughts. All i could think was Uno.

How she smelled, how she embraced me, how her voice sounded.

It gave me chills all over my body.

Somthing I've never felt with Nop. But i did felt it with someone else.

Someone who avoids my presence at all cost

Someone...... Uhhhhh stop thinking about her.

Suddenly my phone started to ring and it was none other than my boyfriend.

"Hey babe, are you done" he asked

"Yeah almost we are having dinner Babe" i said and he hummed.

"I'll pick you up and we can go to my condo" he said. I know what he is trying to say.

"I'm not sleeping with you Nop, and I'm not coming either i wanna go home" I said. I'm tired of his emotional game.

"Babe, I'm not..." I cut him off

"I know what you are trying to say and I'm tired of your emotional games" I said and ended the call.

"Bec you ok" It was Irin. Shit did she hear what I said.

"Yeah" that's all I could say.

"Come on, you can talk to him later. I thought something happened to you, you have been in the washroom for so long" she said

"Sorry gummy bear, let's go" I said and we walked

"Is he gonna pick you up" she asked and i just shook my head

"I'm tired and I wanna go home " I said.

"Can I sleep over" she asked

"No" it was p'Noey

"You are coming with me after dropping Bec at her home" she said firmly. I think the love birds had a fight.

We went towards the car. And throughout the ride, all i could think about was Uno. She has been occupying my head a lot.

I sighed and looked at my phone.

Still no text from her.

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