Chapter 32

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It's been 5 days since I've been here. Spending time with grams and pops is one of the best decisions. I feel more relieved and less sad nowadays. And the way they both pamper me is always special. It always makes me feel close to mom.

Today Richie and dad will come here, cause the day after tomorrow is mom's death anniversary.

I've thought a lot these days about what happened back in Thailand. I'm not sure if I'm mad at them. I understand their situation too. And I'm gonna talk to them when I go back.

I was actually at a mall with my Cousin Marco. He's always the one who keeps me company when I'm in England.

While shopping, i heard some familiar voice calling my name. For a moment i thought I was being delusional cause I'm hearing her voice.

But the voice was getting louder and closer. I turned around and saw her.

The one I want to avoid and embrace at the same time.


She's here, right in front of me.

"Hey princess" she said and smiled, the smile which makes you smile involuntarily.

"Hi" I said

"Can we talk" she asked and i thought for a moment. Should I?? Then i remembered Riche's words.

"Yeah" I said

"Let's go there" she said pointing to a cafe. I saw Marco talking with one of his friends.

"You can go first, I'll come there" i said and she nodded.

"Don't tell me it's your new way to run away again" she said and i rolled my eyes on her. "I'll wait for you inside" she said and started to walk.

I went near Marco.

"Hey, one of my friend is here, I'll be with her in the cafe" I said to him.

"Okay then, I'll go to the PlayStation with my friends call me when you are done" he said and left with his friends.

I went inside the cafe and saw P'Freen sitting on a table, talking with waitress who is literally eye fucking her. Why does she have to bring so much attention to herself.

I went towards the table and she looked up and smiled. Uhhh that killer smile. She got up and pulled a chair for me. The waitress left right after i sat in front of P'Freen.

"So what do you wanna talk" i asked her

"Ok, straight to the point huh" she said and took a sip of water.

"I'm sorry" she said

"For??" I asked back.

"For not telling you that I'm Uno" she said and took a deep breath.

"And I was the one who asked the others not to tell you about the fact that I'm Uno. I begged them not to say. They always told me to come clean about me being Uno. But I was too afraid to say that to you" she said and looked at me.

"Why were you afraid, you knew how much I wanted to see you and know you" I said.

"I know Becca, it's just I was too afraid of being rejected by you" she said and looked at my eyes.

"I loved you since the moment I saw you, i didn't realise that at first and I was at Newyork when I realised that" she said and i looked at her confusingly. From the moment she saw me. Like really. I looked like a shit when she saw me first.

"After our first meet, I saw you everyday but I was too afraid to talk to you or approach you. I know I'm a cold and bold person. But you were the only person who make me like this. You make me feel a lot of things.

But after a month i had to go LA to continue my study as my dad asked me to. I actually missed seeing you around. But luckily you and my sister became friends and I saw you from her stories even though you don't show your face that much.

I was planning to confess and try my best when I come back to Thailand" she said and paused.

"And why didn't you do it" i asked

"Cause you had this stupid crush on that asshole" she said and i glared at her.

"Don't look at me like that, I was so heartbroken when I heard that u have a crush on Nop. And when I came to the Uni I saw you drooling over Nop like he's some snack. That's why I saw so cold to you before. I was just jealous of Nop." She confessed. Damn that's a lot.

"But being with you my cold self really melts. And being around you makes me lose my control. Do you know how many time I've tried so hard not kiss you" she said and her eyes falls on my lips. I felt thousands of butterflies in my stomach. And I know I'm gonna bluh if she continues to look at me like that.

"Don't look at my lips" I said and she looked up.

"I'm sorry, it's so hard to control and you make it so hard" she said and drank the water in one gulp.

"I get it if you don't want to talk to me or give me another chance. I totally understand it. But can you just talk to our friends. They are so worried about you especially Irin, Gyoza and Nam. I'm at the fault here, I can take any punishment you want but just talk to them" she said and held my hand.

"I'm not mad at them, i understand their situation too. I will talk to them once I go back. I know i behaved so childishly, and I've also hurt you a lot too. I'm sorry for that. " I said genuinely and she smiled.

"So are we good now" she asked.

"Let's see, and I'm gonna take that 'I'll do whatever you want' seriously. So don't let it slide from your mind" I said. She was about to say something when the waitress came back with the drinks.

"Enjoy your drinks ma'am " she said and winked at Freen and Freen being Freen didn't even give her a look.

"Enjoy your milktea, princess " she said and handed me the milktea. I took and took a sip.

"Gosh I really missed it" I said  

"So are we good??" She asked and i nodded.

"I promise I won't mess up this time" she said and i looked at her.

"You better keep this promise " I said and she smiled.

"I will" she said.

"So why are you in England, don't tell me you came here to talk to me" I said and she looked away. "Are you serious" i asked her.

"Well, your dad and my dad are having a meeting in England, so I came here with Richie with the excuse of the meeting. I went to your home and your Grandma told us that you would be here. So here I am" she said.

"Wow" that's all I could say.

After talking for an hour, we both went our own way. She had a meeting with dad at our company. And I went back home too.

I felt better after that talk. Maybe I am being too childish with everyone.

But I won't lie that it didn't hurt.

They have been understanding towards me from day 1. Now it's my turn to be an understanding and a better friend.

I made a mental note to meet them as soon as I reach Thailand.


Author's note.

I saw a comment saying, the story flow doesn't make sense. If you feel the the same let me know, so that I could improve it.

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