Chapter 37

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What Nam said made sense. I thought about the possibilities about Becca being mine. I was grinning like a fool. But I can't expect too much too.

"Meung how are you gonna bring this topic up" Noey asked breaking me from my thoughts, that's when I realised it's lunch time.

"I don't know, I can't ask her directly" I said.

"Why don't you text that finace and talk to Becky at the same time if fiance didn't text you back while Becky is being around you. We can conclude that Becky is your fiance and ask her directly but if not you have to talk to your fiance about Becky " Nam said and i nodded.

"Yeah, let's do that" I said

"She's mostly free at night time right, why don't you invite Becky to a dinner date and text that fiance at that time" Noey asked.

"It's a very bad manner to use your phone when you are having dinner with someone else Noey " i said and she nodded.

"Why don't we plan something for tonight " Nam asked and i nodded.

"I'm gonna leave that part to you both, I have to talk to Becky first" I said and took my things.

"Wait for us Freen " Noey said

After 5 minutes we were at the cafeteria, i ordered food for everyone. Me and Nam are the only ones at the table cause Noey went to fetch Irin.

"Should I go and get Becky too" i asked Nam.

"No, she must be on her way" she said and right before she ended the sentence I heard Becky's sweet voice.

"p'Nam, P'Freen where are the others" she asked.

"They are on their way nong" Nam said.

"Wow so I'm early today" she asked and we chuckled at her cute expression.

"Here, milktea for you Becca" I siad and handed her a milktea.

"Wow, i thought you forgot about me when I didn't saw any milktea in my locker" she said and took a sip.

"How can I forgot you" I said and our eyes connected. She looked away shyly.

"Oh my eyes" Nam yelled. And we both looked at her. "Don't be too sweet in front of me, I don't wanna get diabetic in this early age" Nam said and we both rolled our eyes on her.

"Shut up" I said and looked at my phone, i already got a text from my so called fiance

"Hope you are in a good mood"

"It's lunch time right, eat a lot"

"I know I'm annoying you, but we have work it out"

There were some texts like that. I sighed and put my phone back into my pocket.

"Did she text you again" Nam asked and i nodded

"Who?" Becky asked and i looked at her.

"Just an unknown fiance" Nam said and i rolled my eyes.

"What" Becky choked on her drink.

"Be careful" I said and passed her a tissue.

"Hey guys" the others are here. Friend took a seat beside Becky. I accepted the fact that they are friends even though i sometimes get jealous of their closeness. Even though I know how much Friend loves Hannah and how Friend treats Becky as her sister.

"What's up with look on your face Bec" Friend asked and poked Becky's cheeks.

"Just surprised to hear bout P'Freen's new fiance" she said in a dramatic way.

"What, when did you get a fiance" Manaw asked.

"It just happened" I said and looked at Becky. She took her phone out and placed on the table. Nam looked at me and told me to text the fiance.

I took my phone and typed "yes it's lunch time, and I'm with my friends having lunch" i hit the send button.

To my surprise Becky's phone didn't get a message. I sighed and shook my head and placed my phone on the table.

"Freen, tell me who's your fiance" Friend asked

"I don't know" I said

"What do you mean, you don't know" Manaw asked.

"It means, that so called fiance of hers doesn't want to reveal her identity till the day they gets engaged" Gyoza said. And i looked at her

"What" she asked.

"I thought you weren't listening to what dad was saying" I said

"Yeah, cause I was busy texting my girlfriend and dad already told me about this while we were shopping for mom" she said. Wait what girlfriend.

"Wait, when did you get yourself a girlfriend. I didn't knew my nong have a girlfriend " i teased

"Well it kind of happened yesterday, I didn't wanna waste more time playing hard" she said and looked at Manaw

"So guys, I'm officially introducing my girlfriend to you guys" she said and paused. She motioned Manaw to stand up.

"So this is my girlfriend, Manaw" she said and Manaw chuckled.

"I know it can be tough for you, you can come to me if she mistreats you or Doesn't takes care of you. I know she can be stubborn sometimes" I said in a serious manner.

"Aww phi, don't worry too much na, I know she will take care of me" Gyoza said.

"I'm not talking to you, I'm talking to Manaw. Call me anytime she mistreats you. It's gonna be a hard journey for you buddy" I said and they all laughed

"I hate you phi" she said and pouted.

"Aww my baby sis is sulking at her phi" I said and ruffled her hairs.

"Take care of her" I said to Manaw and she nodded.

"I will" she said and smiled.

"Now stop sulking, or I will change my mind of coming to Disney land this week with you guys" I said and she looked up. Yeah, Gyoza asked me to come to Disney land next week to accompany their girls trip. Like they 3 will enjoy and I have to look after them. Cause Mr Armstrong told them that he will only let Becky go if me or Richie will accompany them. And Richie being Richie said no and I'm trapped.

"Wahhh, now you are threatening me" she said and looked at her bestfriends.

"Phi it's not fair, you promised us that you will come with us" Irin said

"Yes P'Freen, you can't cancel it just because of Gyoza. Come on" Becky pouted and i chuckled

"You guys are lucky that I love you" I said and they all high fives each other.

My phone beeped and i took it.

"Enjoy your time"

"I hope we can talk at night"

"Take care" that's what the message. And I'm damn sure Becky haven't touched her phone. Nor anyone in the table.

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