Chapter 38

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I'm at my home office reviewing some files about the meeting I had a few days ago. I'm glad that they said yes to our project. But if it should work, I have to convince the main investors and Mr Jenson is one among them. He's clearly showing his disagreement in everything I say.

Like i get it that he might be upset that dad turned down his proposal of marriage. But he can't mix personal things to a professional. I just hope we get another investor. I know we are a big company, but this project is big too and we need a partnership with another company or some investors.  I should talk to dad about this matter.

I got up and went to his home office. I knocked before entering.

"Hey kid, why are you still up" dad asked and took off his reading glasses.

"I just want to talk about the new project dad" I said and he motioned for me to sit.

"So what is it"  he asked

"You know the main investor of the project is mr Jenson and he's giving me a hard time actually" I said.

"Yeah about that, I've removed him from the main investor" he said

"What, when did that happen?" I asked him.

"Today actually, I know how he's pulling the strings for not accepting your proposal. So i removed him" he said and shrugged his shoulders

"So who's the new investors" i asked him.

"It's your fiance's company actually" dad said and i looked at him.

"Don't look at me like that, i didn't ask them. It's actually their offer and they liked your project too. They actually believe in you that you'll make it a sucess" he said and i nodded.

"Do you really think, she's the one for me" i asked him.

"Yes, but it's up to you. You guys get engaged first. And you still have time to get married and if both of you don't want to get married or you find another person we can cancel the wedding " he said and smiled.

"If I can cancel it why can't I just cancel it now" i asked him desperately.

"You know Tristan is getting married to Nita next month, and if you don't even have a fiance he can easily be the next CEO" dad said

Yes, Tristan. How can I forget about him. He's the main reason I was sent to the US for studies. He's my main competition. He's the son of dad's sister. Even though his sister passed away his father and him still rely on us. And we never stopped supporting them. He always wants what I want. And he gets most of the time in the childhood. And he always manipulated me.

But not anymore. I learned my lesson when I trusted him and went to the bar. That was the last time i saw him. After that I've never heard of him that much. I know he's helping dad in his works and he's in the US managing the branches there, that's why I came back to Thailand.

I know he wants to be the CEO, but I won't let him be. I won't let him manipulate anything., anymore.

"Freen, we all know what all he has done. But due to the promise I made to my sister I can't abandon them. And if you won't become the CEO he's next in line. And you know how Jenson pulls the strings. It's in our company that the CEO must be married or engaged. I know he's gonna turn the tables if you don't get engaged" dad said and i nodded.

"I get it dad, you don't have to explain " I said and smiled at him.

"You should go and rest, you have to take those 3 crack heads to the Disney land tomorrow " he said and chuckled

"Wish me luck dad" I said and he laughed.

I went back to my room, I'm still pissed about Tristan. If he hadn't drugged me that day, i wouldn't have gone to US. I wouldn't have lost a chance to court Becca that time.

When I was peacefully settling in US he came there to ruin my peace. Now I'm not gonna run away. I'll make sure he won't become a CEO.

I laid down and looked at my phone, I saw some texts in the group chat, created by irin so they can talk about going to Disney. They 3 are very excited to go there. I know how Happy they are. Maybe I can spend some alone time with Becky and confess everything that's happening now.

Speaking about Becky, we have becoming close now. And I love spending time with her. Even though she's busy with the school works cause she was absent too many days. She still manages to text me and spend time with me.

There were many time i thought about confessing to her. Or just hold her close to me. But i couldn't. I'm not sure how she sees me. Even though every time our eyes met, she blushed or the fact that she's becoming clingy to me. I love those moments with her.

And there is this fiance, who barely texts me now. Like she texted a lot during the first 3 days but after that she barely texts. It's not like I'm complaining. I'm glad that she's not annoying me that much.

Tingg..... Well speaking of the devil.

"I heard we will be getting engaged next week, hope we can meet soon. And I'll send the dress for the engagement day, please wear that"

"I won't be texting you that much, I'll be busy with the preparation cause dad asked me to prepare everything so that you won't be tired with everything "

"Take care" she texted.

"Fine, find me a suit I don't want dresses " i texted her.

"Okay, are you okay with white suit" she asked

"It's not a wedding " I said

"I know, are you ok in white suit or not??" She asked again.

"I'm fine with any colour " I said

"Okay then, white it is" she texted.

"I gotta go, I have a busy week ahead and i don't wanna waste my sleeping time and look like a panda during the engagement day" she texted

"I have some conditions " i texted her back.

"What is it" she texted back.

"I'll let you know on the engagement day, and you can add any on the  agreement if you want to. We can discuss that over after the engagement " i texted


"Good night" she texted

"Good night" i texted and sighed.

It's happening sooner than i thought. 

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