Chapter 2

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"Hey little one" the brunette said and hugged Gyoza back. Who is she?

She was wearing a simple black tshirt and black trousers

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She was wearing a simple black tshirt and black trousers. But damn she's hot. Like hansome hot. If she has a lover many hearts will break for sure. And any person would love to be her partner.

They broke the hug and I saw p'Nam p'Heng and p'Noey beside them.

"We missed you Freen" p'Heng said as he hugged and p'Nam and p'Noey joined the hug.

"Stop" the Burnett said as she broke the hug "you guys are so clingy" she said and p'Nam samked her head

"Fuzzy as usual" p'Nam said and rolled her eyes

"Seems like someone has forgotten her friends while she went to states" p'Noey said in a disappointed tone

"We should leave" p'Nam Said in a overdramatic way. The Burnett chuckled

"When will the both of you grow up" she said as she smacked both of their heads.

"Ooi, that hurts na" p'Nam whined.

"Serves you right" the Burnett said in a cold tone. And she looked at us.

"Oh phi, they are my friends Irin and Becky" Gyoza introduced us "and she's my phi, the one who i always says about" Gyoza said. Oh she's her sister. Yes she always talks about her phi. We have never met her. But we almost know everything.

"It's nice to meet you irin" Freen said in a neutral tone and shook her hands "and you Becky" she said and we shook our hands and i her smile. When i felt her hands on mine. I felt something sparking inside me.  It's like I got struck with a high amount of voltage.

"Likewise phi" i said and she nodded.

"Freen" I heard someone calling that's when we noticed the other faces.

"Come here" p'Freen said and they came near us.

"Guys this are my friends from states" she said to us and looked at them "and these 3 are my friends Heng Nam and Noey. And it's my little sister Gyoza and her friends Irin and Becky " she introduced all of us.

"Hi I'm Friend" the cute girl said

"We know you are her friend, what's your name" p'Nam asked

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"We know you are her friend, what's your name" p'Nam asked. And they 3 laughed and we looked at their faces.

"Her name is FRIEND" p'Freen said and we nodded

"Oh, it's nice to meet you friend" p'Noey said and we all nodded

"I'm manow" the girl who is taller among them said and we smiled. Her eyes were glued to Gyoza. Owww love at first sight. I laughed at my thoughts.

"Can we go and have some food" p'Nam asked and we all laughed

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"Can we go and have some food" p'Nam asked and we all laughed

"You just had your lunch Nam" p'Heng said.

"So what I'm still hungry" p'Nam said

"Ok, you guys go and have food" p'Freen said. Isn't she gonna join us. Why do I feel like im disappointed or sad.

"Aren't you coming" Gyoza asked

"We have some other things to do" p'Freen said

"Oh come on Freen, we have met after 2 years,, and you are leaving just like that" p'Heng asked

"You talk too much" p'Freen said to p'Heng and looked towards us.

"We have to finish our admissions and we have all the time of the rest of our academic year to have lunch together" p'Freen said. Wait is she gonna join here. So I get to see her everyday. Why do I feel so happy. Jeez I'm straight and I have a crush on Nop. Stop thinking like you have a crush on p'Freen.

"Yehhhhh" they all squealed.

"Finally" p'Noey said and we all looked at her "don't forget to join the team Freen" p'Noey said.

"Oh we all joined the team" Friend said and p'Noey beamed a smile

"Yehhh that's the best news I've ever heard" p'Noey squealed

"Really, what about me" Irin asked and p'Noey looked at her. Oh ho busted. She beamed a smile

"You are the bestest my love" p'Noey said

"Wait, is she your girlfriend" p'Freen asked Irin and she nodded "finally, the biggest player settled for one" she teased p'Noey

"Oh shut up, you ice bear" Noey said and they laughed.

"Why are you calling her an ice bear, she's sweet" Irin asked

"Oh wait till a few days you'll know" p'Nam said and we both looked confused.

"We should leave Freen" Friend said. She looked at me before looking at Freen.

Freen nodded her head "we are leaving" she said and left with them.

"She didn't even change a bit" p'Noey said

"Yeah I hope one day she will" p'Nam said and they all nodded. I am still confused what are they even talking about. Gyoza looked at us.

"We should go Becky has her class in 20 minutes" she said thats when i realised that I have to be there. I started to run without even saying bye. I heard all of them laughing.

After class

Gyoza texted me to meet them at the parking lot so i went there after I finished the class.

When I reached there i saw our gang chatting with each other.

"Hey Bec's let's go and have dinner at Gyoza's" Irin said and i was gonna say no cause I need to ask my dad's permission then Richie. And it will take long.

"We already informed Riche and your dad they said you can have a sleepover too, so don't say no" Gyoza said

"Wow, how did you manage" i asked Gyoza in disbelief. Cause we have to beg for days to agree for a sleepover.

"It's a perk of being a Chankimha" she said and winked. Yeah perks of being a Chankimha

I laughed at her statement "oh come on Bec, they agreed na" Irin said

"Who am I to say no, then" I said and we all went to Chankimha's mansion.

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