Chapter 6

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I quickly texted her back 'hey Uno'

'Hey princess ' she texted and i blushed

'Gosh you are such a flirt' I said playfully

'only for you' she texted back and i blushed again.

'i always wanted to find you and say thanks for helping at that moment'

'and also for the hoodie' i texted back.

'Well I'm glad i happened to be there at that moment, I think God send me there to help you'

'but I'm really glad that I was there, and also for meeting you'. She texted back

'well you don't have to flatter me this much and I'm not that special or beautiful for these compliments' i said genuinely.

'Don't under-estimate yourself my lady, you are the most beautiful women inside and out' she texted back

'Thank you for the compliment, but if I am that much pretty why doesn't my crush even look at me' i texted

'maybe because your crush doesn't have eyes. But seriously though you are beautiful Rebecca'

But if you want your crush to look at you that much why don't you do a make over' she texted back. And i thought for a moment. Should I do it.

'hey it's up to you. I still love the way you are now' she texted again.

'why are you complementing me too much' i asked

'Cause I'm yours only secret admirer. I fell for you the first time i laid my eyes on you. But it's ok if you don't feel the same. Cause we haven't known each other yet. If I stayed there with you at that time. You will be my girlfriend now.'

But it's ok, if you have a crush I'll help you' she texted and i was like. What is happening. Is she confessing. Omg i got confessed for the first time. This past 2 days is very strange. First p'Freen and now Uno.

"Thank you for the offer I'll think about it"

"Hey i have to go, text you later I guess" i texted back.

"Bye princess, take care na" she texted back

I smiled and put my phone aside. I went back to my class cause I still have 2 class left until I can go home back.

I saw p'Freen in the hallway, i looked at her and smiled. But she just ignored me. What the

I reached my class and sat at the usual seat.

Classes were finished and I was packing my bag to go back home. Richie texted me that he will pick me up. So I'll wait for him at the front.

As i was going I saw my gang and they came beside me

"Is my little Bec still angry with me" p'Noey asked in a cute way i chuckled

"No dummy, why do you think like that" I said and smaked her head.

"You are lucky that you are my favourite nong" p'Noey said and I chucked.

"Should I drop you home Bec" it was Gyoza

"No, Richie is gonna pick me up Gyo" i said and they nodded.

"Hey there's a party this Friday , do you wanna come with us Bec" it was p'Heng

"I want to let me think na" I said he nodded

"Think as much as you want cause it's Nop's party and I know you want to go" Irin said which made my face bright.

"Really" i asked and they all nodded

"Are you sure you are still thinking " p'Heng teased

"No" I said and they all laughed.

"But i don't have anything to wear for party" I said and looked down

"We still have time Bec, we can go for shopping after class on Friday what do you think" Nam asked and i nodded happily.

"But nong, if you want him to notice you you have to do a little makeover and Remove that glass" p'Noey said which earned a smack on her head by Irin.

"Owch babe it's hurt, and I'm serious she needs a makeover People like Nop only cares about the image if you want him change your appreance" p'Noey said.

"Let me think about it" I said and we all reached at front gate.

p'Noey and p'Heng went to get their car. While others were beside me. We were chatting about random things and i saw Richie's car approaching.

So i said bye to all of them and got inside Riche's car.

"How are you princess, did you had a fun night yesterday" he asked and i nodded excitedly

"It was good Richie" I said and he nodded

"Let's go and meet dad, he's waiting for you with your favourite pasta" he said and my face lit up.

"Let's go Riche, faster" i said and he chuckled.

"This kid" he muttered

At home

"Pa " I said as i hugged him.

"I missed you my princess " he said and i chuckled

"I just spent a night dad, you are acting like i wasn't home for months" I said and chuckled

"Go and fresh up princess, let's have dinner together " he said and i nodded.

I ran a warm bath and laid on the bath tub. I was thinking about what p'Noey and Uno said.

Do I need a makeover.

I finished up my bath and went downstairs to have dinner with dad and Richie

They were already there at the dining table.

"Dad, can I go to a party this Saturday. My friends will be there with me" i asked him. I was hoping a rejection but he smiled

"Princess, you don't need to ask for our permission. You are already an adult and we trust you. Just be careful and update us where you go" he said and smiled i returned the smile and looked at Riche

"You head him Little monster, just give me a call if you need a ride or if I have to rip someone's bone out. I'll gladly come to you" he said and i looked at him. Even though he was such a pain in my ass. He is a great brother.

"I love you guys" I said and they smiled.

We had our dinner and we talked about what happened recently.

After dinner i went back to my room and checked my phone. As expected

"Hello my lady" ......

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