Chapter 43

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"that's where i come in" dasha said and i smiled.

"What do you mean" p'Freen asked

"She meant they whenever I'm with you guys, she was the one who texts you" I said

"Oh that's why your texts are so emotionless sometimes " p'Freen asked and i chuckled

"Oh come on Freen, I was just being civil with you and I can't be lovely with my sister in law" dasha said and p'Freen blushed.

"Cute" I said and pinched her cheeks.

"Bec, it hurts" she whined.

"You are really a sneaky one" p'Nam said and i nodded

"Well not as much as you guys were" I said sarcastically

"Wahhh, bitchy mode on" Friend said.

"Hey don't say the b word to my fiance" p'Freen said and they all laughed

"We all know you are whipped, you don't have to prove it Freen" p'Manaw said.

"So what's the plan now" p'Nam asked

"Ah plan, I have to read and sign an agreement given by my fiance, you know she specifically told me that I can't change any of her rules but I can add some if I want to" i said and looked at p'Freen.

"Okay give me that" she said

"No" I said

"Come on" she said

"No, not before I read it" I said and stuck my tongue.

"Kids" p'Nam said and they all shook their heads and laughed seeing our banter.

"Why don't we go back and enjoy the party" p'Heng asked.

"You guys go first I need to talk to p'Freen" I said

"Talking or eating each other" p'Nam asked

"Oh my god, go and wash your brain p'Nam " I said and they all laughed.

"Come there fast or we will just assume that you guys are eating each other" p'Noey said and irin smacked her head. After they all left i looked at p'Freen.

"Hey there my fiance" she said and grinned.

"You can't use that now" I said and she frowned

"Ow why???" She asked

"Well, it was fixed by our parents and by me. You haven't done anything and you still have a promise to fulfill" I said and she looked at me.

"Still you are technically my fiance" she said and pecked me. Which was a surprise move so i blushed.

"So cute" she said and kissed me again.

"Now tell me, what should I do to call you my fiance again and about the promise too" she asked

"Well, you don't have to do anything" I said and she looked confused

"Court me first, make me your girlfriend then propose and the you can call me your fiance" I said and smirked

"Well, I will do anything for you my princess" she said

"But before that" she siad and paused

"What" i asked. But without saying anything she just kissed me. It was a quick peck.

"Don't ask me to not to kiss you, it's hard for me to control now" she said and i blushed

"Well no stopping you from kissing cause I like it too" i said and crashed our lips together.

This kiss was so passionate and her lips are so tasty that I didn't wanna break the kiss. I pulled her closer to me by nape and deepened the kiss.

I felt her hands roaming around my back and she squeezed my ass. I moaned and I felt her smile in between our kisses. As much as I want to continue to kiss her. I felt the need for air. So i broke the kiss and she groaned.

She didn't stop, she pulled me closer again and started to kiss my neck.

"Umm Freen" i moaned she was kissing my sweet spots. I arched my neck giving her more spaces. Her hands were roaming around my body until it found my breasts. She squeezed it earning another moan from me.

"You are so fucking hot" she said and bit my ear. Instead of feeling pain i fet somthing building inside me.

I know if i let her continue we won't be going anywhere. So i hugged her tightly, she groaned but hugged me back. Her face was in my neck inhaling my scent.

"You smell so amazing" she whispered again and started to give small kisses. I broke the hug and looked at her.

"As much as I want to continue whatever we were doing -" I was cut off by her

"I'm sorry" she said. She looked panicked. She wasn't looking at my eyes she was looking down like she did something wrong.

"Hey, look at me" I said and she looked at me. I smiled

"I'm sorry, i shouldn't have rushed" she said, I saw how her hands were trembling. I gave her a quick peck and held both hands.

"I want to do everything with you baby, but not now. Our friends are already teasing and this party is for us so we should go there and be with the others. We have a lot of time to do everything after you court me" I said and winked. She chuckled

"Hmm, I'm gonna hold onto that. And I'll be patient in the courting phase but don't make me wait too long cause I don't know how much longer I can control myself from eating you" she said and winked. And I know I'm blushing hard.

"Babeeee" i whined.

"Aww is my baby shy" she asked teasingly. I buried my face on her neck and bit her.

"Becccccc" she yelled and I stuck my tongue at her.

"Let's go" I said intertwined our hands and led her to the party hall.

We talked to few of the directors and our dad's other business partners. After that we went towards our friends.

"Oh my god, did you greet everyone like this" Irin asked looking at me.

"Yeah?" I asked "what is it" i asked again

"Is there mosquitos in the room" p'Nam asked and smirked.

"Mosquito???" I asked confused way and i saw them holding their laugh

"Yeah a big one, who sucked the hell out of you and marked you as theirs" p'Noey said still trying hard to control her laugh. I took my phone and turned on the camera. Fuck. I looked at the big mosquito who gave me an innocent expression.

A big mosquito who gave me a fucking hickey on my neck.

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