Chapter 14

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"you know it's way better to go to the beach than mountains" p'Nam said.

Oh, I've been having lunch with them and they are making plans for the upcoming break.

And as always i have to go there even if i don't want to. Cause I know they will just drag me with them. Especially Irin and Gyoza.

"Oh look who's coming" p'Noey said and i turned around.

I don't know why my heart beats like this whenever I see her.

It's been days since I've seen her the last time. She still looks so hot.

Wake up you idiot, she's your phi.

"Long time no see Freen, Manaw" p'Nam said. p'Freen and p'Manaw have been gone to US to take care of something, which I wasn't aware of.

"How was your visit" Gyoza asked and we all looked at them to speak.

"Can we talk later, we are hungry" she said and sat down. They both sat opposite of me.

"Did you order, do you want me to buy something" p'Heng asked

"No, Friend will buy us food" p'Freen said coldly which I'm not surprised.

"Ok" p'Heng said. Disappointment was written all over his face.

"Freennnnnnn" Friend said as she came running towards us.

"Huh, why. Where's our food" p'Manaw asked. And Friend was grasping for air.

"Freen.... " Before she could continue p'Nam gave her water.

"Drink this first " she said.

"No, we have to leave. She's here" Friend said again.

"Who" everyone asked

"Freen" we heard another voice behind from Friend. And there stood a tall Burnett. She looked like an actress.

"Kade" p'Manaw muttered. p'Freen stood up and was about to leave.

"Wait let's talk" kade said and held her hands. p'Freen just looked at her

"Please" she begged. p'Freen let out a sigh and nodded.

They both left together.

And we all turned to p'Manaw and Friend.

"Don't look at us like that, we don't know anything " they said in unison.

"Oh come on, don't be a mood killer. Just tell us what's going on here" p'Nam asked

"Here?" p'Manaw asked and they nodded

"Eating" she said and gave a press lipped smile.

"Haha, very funny Manaw " p'Noey said mockingly.

"Don't ask us anything, you know how Freen is" Friend said and they all nodded.

One thing I've known about p'Freen is, she doesn't share anything much. She's more private person.

But she tells everything to Friend, Manaw and Noey. And whenever they all are together it's like they are plotting something.

Maybe it's just my mind or ....

While eating lunch i glanced towards p'Freen and kade. They were having their own time. And the next thing I know kade hugged her and she hugged her back and kade kissed p'Freen's cheeks and she smiled. Fuck

I don't know why I didn't have much appetite to eat. So I left without saying bye to others.

After class, I'm walking towards the parking lot. We made plans during lunch that we will do a movie night at p'Nam's home.

While walking i received a text. I usually don't check my phone that much but you know I've been waiting for someone's text.

I've got 2 texts, one was from Nop. He asked me if i could hang out with him and i replied no. And one was from....... Uno

Oh my god, finally she texted me. But before i could reply back. I bumped into someone.

"Sorr-" i couldn't finish what I was saying.

"Hey baby" Not Now.....

"Still sulking at me???" Nop asked as he snakes his arms around my waist.

"Nop" I said as i looked at him.

"Let's talk please" he asked

"Not now Nop" i said firmly

"Let's go" he said and pulled me by my hands.

"Nop" I said trying to escape my hands from his grips.

"Nop" i called him again. His grips were very strong and my hands were hurting.

He pinned me towards the wall and cupped my chin using his other hand. I was afraid of what he might do next.

"I'm sorry for being an ass, please forgive me baby. I swear I won't force you to do anything that you don't like I'm really sor-" and he couldn't finish his words cause he got punched and was laying down groaning in pain.

"Fuck" he hissed. Clenching his jaw.

"Asshole" yelled the one who punched him. Again the familiar voice. And i looked at p'Freen. If gaze could kill someone Nop would be dead.

She was going to punch him again when i moved in between them.

"Stop" i shouted and she looked at me.

"You okay Becky" she asked but I am mad at her i felt Nop's hand on my shoulder

"Don't touch her ass-" I didn't let her finish her words.

"Don't yell at my boyfriend" i shouted at her. I was fucking mad at her. Why the fuck is she punching him.

"What" she asked in disbelief. I just scoffed, I went towards Nop and checked his injuries. It wasn't that bad.

I looked at her in anger. And i saw Kade coming towards p'Freen. And it made me more angrier.

"What" she asked

"Just Go " I said and saw her controlling her anger.

I left with Nop without giving another glance.


Author's note

So, I don't know if you guys are liking the story flow or not.

I want your honest opinions, say it if it needs more improvement guys.

I appreciate your words

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