Chapter 47

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Freen's pov

Finally, today I'm gonna take her out on a date. Even though i asked her out 5 days ago.

Well I would have taken her out that day, but works calls. After becoming the CEO, i really haven't gone to Uni that much. Even though I texted her as much as I could.

She doesn't complain that I don't spend time with her, cause i know she's understanding. It Doesn't mean that I will neglect her. I know she missed me badly. Gyoza tells me everyday how much she misses me, how she space out. I know i shouldn't be like this, it's because I took charge recently and I have to go through so many important details.

So today I'm gonna take my girl out and have an amazing night and ask her to be my girlfriend. I'm gonna make up for the 5 days of spending less time.

I've already asked permission from her dad to let her stay the night with me and he was okay with that.

It's past noon, i got ready and texted her that I'll be there in 30 minutes. I took my keys and went to my car.

Car ride to her home was exciting. I haven't seen my baby for 5 days. When I entered my car to the Armstrong mansion. I saw Becky standing outside looking so cute and beautiful.

I got out and went towards her and embraced her.

"I missed you so much beautiful" I said and kissed her hand.

"You and your sweet mouth" she said.

"I missed you too handsome" she said and giggled while biting my nose. I frowned and acted like it hurt. So she kissed my nose again.

"Don't frown too much" she said and took my hand.

"Where are we going" she asked.

"Well, my plan is to go to an arcade and spend some time with my baby and then dinner and back to my condo. If you want to add anything we can add" I said

"I love it let's go" she said.

I opened the car door for her and sat on my seat. She wasn't wearing the seat belt. So I leaned towards her to make her wear it. As i went near her she closed her eyes and started to breath heavily. I smirked at her and continued putting seat belt.

"Done " I said when I successfully put the seat belt. I saw her murmuring somthings. But i didn't hear anything properly.

The car ride was 25 mintues. We reached the arcade and she was still pouting. She was about to open the door when I stopped her from opening it. She looked at me and i closed our gap.

"don't pout my princess " i said and smiled

"I'm not" she said blushing a little bit

"Whatever you say" I said and got out. I open the door for her and interwined our hands.

"Let's go and have fun" I said and she nodded.

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