Chapter 42

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She broke the kiss when we both needed air. We both are panting for air and she was looking super hot right now.

"You are my fiance now, my soon to be wife. You can't call yourself my nong. Do you understand" she asked and i nodded without even thinking. Damn her commanding voice is super damn sexy.

She smiled and closed our gap again. This kiss was slow. It was like she was savouring every part of my mouth. She bit my mouth and entered tongue. I didn't wanna fight for dominance, cause all i want is her.

We again broke the kiss and looked at each other. We heard a flash sound and looked at the side where it came. And it was our friends with a Polaroid camera in p'Noey's hand.

She took the print that came from the camera and gave it to me.

"You guys look so cute together" Friend said.

"Even though we want to give your sweet time, we still wanna know how all this happened, so come there quickly" she said and went to the couch and everyone followed her.

"She's too bossy" I said and p'Freen nodded. Or should I saw my fiance. Oh I'm loving it.

"And i also wanna know how this all happened" she said and i nodded. I looked the polorid print and it was so cute.

"Oh picture is super cute" i said and showed her.

"No, we look super cute" she said and kissed me again

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"No, we look super cute" she said and kissed me again. I pulled her closer to me and deepened the kiss. I can't get enough of her. I want more. But she broke the kiss.

"As much as I want to continue this, they will come here again and disturb us if we don't go there" she said and chuckled.

"Let's go" I said and held her hand.

We both went back, our friends are already sitting in the couch and chairs. p'Freen sat on the chair she sat earlier and pulled me towards her. And i ended up sitting on her lap.

She kissed my bare shoulder and hugged my waist.

"Come on we are waiting here" p'Nam said. She really don't have any patience.

"What do you wanna know" i asked them.

"How and when did this all happened" p'Nam asked.

"Well, it happened when Gyoza and Irin came with p'Freen to England. Dad invited p'Freen's dad to dinner and they were talking about p'Freen's marriage. p'Freen's dad also didn't like Nita, when he said if there is another proposal he would accept and i blurted out that I will marry her" I said and looked at them

"Then??" p'Freen asked. I turned around and kissed her cheeks and smiled.


"I'll marry her" I said and they all looked at me. No one was saying anything.

"I'm serious, I'll marry her. You guys don't want Nita and p'Freen to get married. And uncle is not okay with marrying Richie with her. So I'm a better option" i said

"I like her" uncle said to dad and they chuckled

"Are you sure about it" dad asked and i nodded.

"You don't have to do this for the business, or for us princess " dad said

"I know dad" i said

"Then may i know why are you okay with marrying Freen?" Uncle asked

"Cause she loves your daughter uncle" irin said and i blushed

"And phi also loves her" Gyoza said.

"When did this all happened " uncle asked

"It's been happening for 3 years dad" Gyoza said

"What??" Dad asked

"3 years and she didn't even tell me" uncle asked

"It's complicated " I said

"How complicated " uncle asked and i narrated the complete story without telling some of Nop's part.

"Kids these days complicates a lot, you guys don't have to complicate this much just go straight and confess" dad said and chuckled

"I've always knew Freen as a brave kid, never thought she would be like this" uncle said.

"So now you want to marry her" dad asked and i nodded

"I shouldn't have let her go today, we should have talked about this together " uncle said.

"No" I said and they all looked at me.

"Why do I smell that you have something planned Bec " Richie asked

"Oh you know me well my brother " I said and winked at him.

"Okay you siblings, fill us in also" dad said and we both chuckled.

"So I will get engaged to p'Freen and marry her, but only in one condition " I said

"What is it" uncle asked

"No one will tell anyone that I'm the one who's gonna marry p'Freen" i said and they looked at me blankly.

"Well can I say that to my wife" uncle asked and i chuckled

"Ofcourse, just don't tell p'Freen and the others" I said and they thought for a moment.

"Okay I don't know what you are up to young lady, but promise me that you won't hurt her and get yourself hurt either" uncle asked and i nodded

"And you, don't regret whatever you are planning to do" dad said

"I promise " I said and smiled

"Count us both in Bec " Gyoza said and smiled.

"You guys are already in" i said

"So that's how everything started " I said ending the flash back and looked at their faces. They all were surprised.

"Wow, you are sketchier than Freen" p'Noey said and they all chuckled

"Okay but how did you manage to text her while you were with us" p'Nam asked.

"I will answer that but before i want to know how you managed to text me when I was around you" i asked to p'Freen.

"I sheduled your texts whenever you are with me" she said and i looked at her.

"You really are a Smarty pants huh" i asked and she chuckled.

"Ok tell me how did you do that" she asked me.

"Well, i only texted you on the night time" I said and she looked confused

"But i got texts and replies to my texts in the day time while you were with me" she asked

"That's where i come in" ......

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