Chapter 7

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It's Friday and we are currently doing our shopping.

Irin, Gyoza and p'Nam were so excited for the shopping whereas p'Heng and p'Noey weren't as excited.

But to my surprise p'Freen came with us for shopping. She was so silent and so cold. Didn't even look at me for once.

It's like we have become completely strangers. What happened to her. We were having so many eye contacts and i saw her smiles too. But now all i could see was a poker face.

I was a little disappointed but i thought for a moment why should I?

p'Nam, Gyoza and Irin helped me pick a good party dress which is a little bit reveling. And i saw how p'Freen's face changed when she saw the dress. For a moment i thought she would protest. But who am I kidding.

"Bec it will be perfect for you" Gyoza said and i saw p'Freen scoffing.

"It's cute but I haven't wore something like this" I said

"We can try something new na, we are gonna do a makeover and new clothes matching your vibe, it's gonna look so badass" Irin said and i chucked

"Even though I like my cute nong Bec, i wanna see your badass side too, so please na" p'Nam said giving me her iconic puppy eyes. I just rolled my eyes and said 'fine'.

We bought the clothes and went to shop to do my makeover. Gyoza said that she already made my appointment and they will continue their shopping after talking with the professionals.

I was glad that they are helping me. Cause  they know more about these stuff than i do. The only thing I can do is study.

I have already took my seat for my makeover. I looked at them nervously but they just smiled at me.

I took my phone and texted Uno. Oh yeah we have been texting each other a lot lately. Even though I don't know anything about her. She is a good company. And talking to her makes me feel better.

"Hey Uno" i texted

"Hey Princess, nervous???" She texted back

"How did you even know" i aksed her back

"Oh I know everything princess"

"Just stay calm, just remember however you look you have me and I love you the same" she texted.

This is the one thing i like about her, she makes me ease and she always tells me that she loves me making sure that I feel loved.

"Ma'am this is for you" one of the people from the stylist said and gave me a milktea. At the same time i got another text

"Hope this will ease your nervousness, fighting na ka" she texted and i chucked

"Thank you Uno " I texted back.

I took a sip of the milktea and it was so good. I saw a reflection of p'Freen and saw her smiling while looking at her phone.

She seems happy, wait does she gave a lover or something. I felt a sudden pang on my chest.

Why do I feel like this. I shook off my thoughts and focused on the milktea.

After like 3 hours or something I was ready. I didn't look at the mirror first. I looked at my friends and they were chatting with each other.

p'Noey was the first one to notice me.

"O... M..... G" that's what she said and the others looked up and i saw how their jaws dropped. I was getting more tensed now. They aren't saying anything just stood there with their mouth wide open.

"Do I look that bad" i asked and they all shook their head

"It's the opposite Bec Bec, you look gorgeous" irin  said

"How did you hide that beauty inside you all these years" p'Noey commented and i chuckled

"Omg, you look like a Barbie dol bec" it was Gyoza.

p'Freen, p'Manaw and p'Friend came at that moment. p'Manaw gave me a thumbs up and a smile. I saw how p'Friend was checking me out.

Still I didn't get any reaction from p'Freen. She maintained her poker face. Which made me sad again.

"Let's go and have dinner together" p'Heng said and we all left to have dinner.

At the restaurant

"You guys go ahead I'll come back after I use washroom" I said and excused myself from them.

When i entered the washroom i saw p'Freen washing her hand. I smiled but she again ingnored my presence

I was moving forward but my heels broke and I was falling down. I was ready to face the hard surface in my face but it didn't.

A very firm hands were around my waist preventing me from falling on to the ground.

It was none other than p'Freen. We locked our eyes. And i could look at these eyes forever.

And I missed those eyes. I felt like I've been longing to meet those orbs. But why do I feel like that.

I love Nop right. Then why do I feel like this. Maybe I'm thinking too much.

"You ok" she asked and i nodded

"Next time wear something comfortable, I won't be there to catch you like this" she said and made me stand properly.

I was gonna say thanks but she already left.

I did my buisness and came back where my friends are.

When i came back p'Freen wasn't there.

"Where's p'Freen" i asked

"She was just here" p'Noey said checking around "oh there she is"  she said .

I looked at the direction she was coming and saw a paper bag on her hands.

There was a vacant seat beside me so she sat beside me.

I was looking at her. She turned her face and looked at me. And then she looked at my foot. She bent down and rememoved my heels.

"p'Freen what are you doing" i aksed. Luckily the others were so busy  looking at the chef who was cooking for us live. This is a famous restaurant where the chef comes to our table and cooks for us. And it's kind of fun to watch cause they put us some shows too.

"Stay still" she said and i did.

She took a pair of slippers and made me wear it. It was a cute rabbit slippers. It kind of reminds me of p'Freen.

I looked at her and smiled and she smiled back. Finally i could see her smile again. I was already happy.

"Hope you like it" she whispered and looked at the chef who was serving the food.

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