Chapter 27

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It's been 2 days since I went out, I spent my Sunday spending time in my room alone. And on Monday I took a sick leave cause I really wasn't feeling well.

Uno and P'Freen kept texting me, which made everything worse. I didn't text either of them.

But I can't do this anymore. I was feeling too much emotion and I couldn't even handle anything properly. I wanted to breathe for a moment. I texted my friends and asked them if we could go to the club tonight.

"Ooi, is that really our Becky"

"Did her phone get hacked"

"Did she lose her phone"

"What did you do to our Bec Bec"

"Where's our nong Bec"

"Haha, very funny are you guys in or not??" I texted them again.

"You don't have to ask that we are always ready for club night" it was p'Heng.

"Let me know which club we are going to and someone should pick me up" i texted

"Okay nong Bec"

I closed my phone and laid down. I suddenly got a call from irin. And i didn't wanna ignore it. So i took it.

"What happened, Becky. Are you okay??" She asked

"I'm not okay" I said honestly

"Is that why you want to go to the club" she asked and hummed.

"Okay why don't I pick you from your home, let's go to a restaurant and let's talk there" she said

"Can't we talk at the club" i asked

"We can, but I want my bestie time" she said and i chuckled

"Okay pick me up" I said and she hummed. 

"Can you invite p'Nam and Gyoza" i asked

"Ooi, am I not enough for you, my poor heart" she said in a dramatic way. 

"Okay don't be over dramatic " I said and chuckled

"Fine, I'll invite them too and I'll be there in an hour so be ready okay?" she asked and i hummed. We both ended the call.

As Irin said she picked me up from my home in an hour and we went directly to the shopping mall.

I was thirsty so we decided to go to a cafe and wait for the others. After half an hour later drinks and they came together.

"So what's bothering Bec Bec" Gyoza asked.

"I will tell you guys but promise me that you won't tell anyone about this" i asked and they looked at each other. Eventually they nodded.

"You guys know Uno right" i asked

"Of course we know" p'Nam said

"Did she do something to you" irin asked

"I kind of like her" I confessed

"Oh that we know Bec Bec" Gyoza said.

"And I like someone else too" I said and they looked at me.

"Don't tell me it's Nop" p'Nam asked and i shook my head.

"Then?" Gyoza asked

"P'Freen" I said

"What" they all yelled at the same time.

"Wait don't ask too many questions let me talk first" I said and they let me continue.

"I know it's weird, but I have feelings for both of them. Uno is someone who came into my life and made me stronger and she came again and made me bolder she was someone who was there in the dark always supporting me. She's a Mystery, someone who I know but I don't know.  I'm not sure if I love her. But she can always make my heart skip a beat." I said and looked at them

"Then there is P'Freen, who made my heart skip a beat whenever she looks at me. I have this sensual tension whenever I'm with her. She made me feel beautiful when I felt like a piece of shit. She supported and was there for me even when I was a brat to her. And after the kiss 2 days ago I have this strong feelings towards her" i blushed remembering the fireworks I felt during the kiss.

"Wait what kiss"  Gyoza asked

"When did that happen" irin asked. And for the first time p'Nam didn't overly reacted.

"And I don't know what I'm doing" I said and sipped my drink.

"Actually I don't know what to say" p'Nam started and paused. They all were sharing looks and telling something with their eyes. And I don't know what it is.

"Guys what are you doing here" it was p'Heng.

"What are you doing here " p'Nam asked.

"I came with the others, Friend needed some people to promote her aunt's shop so we are here to support it" he said.

"And who are the others" Gyoza asked

"Noey, Manaw, Friend and Freen" as soon as I heard P'Freen's name i started to get anxious.

"I should go home" I said and stood up.

"Don't go Bec, they are performing a song you should listen to" he said.  And i hesitated a bit.

"Come on don't think too much" p'Nam said and i nodded.

I Went with them to a shop. It was late night cafe with alcohol in it. The vibe was actually good. It was dimly lit and there was a stage too.

While we were going we heard someone singing. P'Freen was singing, P'Freen was fucking singing in the stage. Wow

I was taken back when I saw her guitar skill. Like her voice was good and the way she sang was super good. Like i could listen to her everyday.

But the guitar style is very similar, the way she holds the guitar. I feel like I've seen this one.

You took me down, down, down, down
And kissed my lips with goodbye
I see it now, now, now, now
It was a matter of time
You know I know
There's only one place this could lead
But you are the fire, I'm gasoline

Our eyes met, she smiled and sang again without breaking the eye contact.

I love you, I love you, I love you
I loved you dangerously
Ooh, more than the air that I breathe
Oh, now, knew we would crash at the speed that we were going
Didn't care if the explosion ruined me (me, me)

Oh, oh, baby, I loved you dangerously
Mm, mm
Ooh, I loved you dangerously
Ooh-ooh, I loved you dangerously

And when the song ended, she smiled again. She came directly towards me.

"Hey" ....


Author's note.

Hope you guys are having fun while reading the chapters. And I hope you all are excited for the new chapters.

So one more Chapter I'm done for today. And I won't be posting too many chapters like this. 

I will be busy for tomorrow, so I'll post when I'm free.

Hope you guys will take care of you guys.


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