Chapter 40

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I Don't know why after that kiss Becky was more distant. After 2 days it's my engagement and now she's going to England cause her grandmother and grandfather asked her to come.

I don't know why I feel like she's going cause of me. Cause of the confession and kiss we had.

I took the luggage out from my car, and placed it near the luggage Noey placed. Irin is going with her.

She was talking with Gyoza and Nam while Irin was talking with Noey.

"Bye, I'll see you in 2 days Bec" Gyoza said and hugged her.

Nam and Gyoza left first cause Nam has to go somewhere and Gyoza will drop her off.

"p'Freen" Becky came beside me.

"Why the long face" she asked

"Why do I feel like you are going because of me" i asked but instead of answering she circled her hands on my neck and smiled.

"Don't think too much, now give me a hug I'm gonna miss you for 2 days" she said in a cute way. And i hugged her tight.

"Take care, my princess, and come back soon. I don't wanna miss you too much" I said while hugging her. She broke the hug and looked at me.

"Okay my big baby" she said and kissed me on my cheeks. I smiled.

"Gummy bear, let's go" she said. Noey and i watched them go from our sight.

We are going back right now. Noey is the one who's driving. I kept thinking about what happened in Disneyland. Why Didn't I have the courage to ask her to be mine earlier. If i did i would've been engaged to Becky now. Not with an unknown person.

I sighed while thinking about my fucked up situation.

"You ok, buddy" Noey asked and i just hummed.

"You sure" she asked again.

"I don't know, Noey. I feel like I'm losing something even though I know I won't be" I said and I don't know if she understood what I said.

"I can understand it Freen, but you can still decline the engagement " she said and i sighed.

"I can't, not when Tristan is eyeing the CEO position " I said.

"You know that's kind of lame excuse" she said

"I know, but it's the only way. And I have a plan too" I said

"What plan" she asked

"An agreement for the engagement " I said

"What" she asked again

"Well dad gave me enough time to get married like I don't have to get married till Gyoza graduates. So I'll be engaged to the unknown fiance for a year and then I'll break the engagement" I said and she looked at me.

"Eyes on the roads Noey" I said and she looked back to the road.

"I hope it works Freen, you already took a lot of time in everything. I hope you won't regret anything later" she said and i hummed. I don't know what to say. Cause I do have this fear of losing Becky completely.

I sighed and closed my eyes.

I looked at the mirror after getting dressed.

Not bad she got my sizes correct

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Not bad she got my sizes correct. It fits perfectly even though it's showing my tummy a bit. It's good. I like it.

Today is the day. My engagement day. Uhhhh. I'm actually frustrated but I don't wanna show it cause everyone is here and if I put a sour expression, everyone will think I'm getting engaged cause I want to be the CEO.

Well it's true though. I am getting engaged for the CEO position.

I sighed again while fixing my hair.

"Freen everyone is waiting for you, will you just come."  It was Nam.

"I will, where's Noey" i asked her.

"She's...   Oh there she is" Nam said and i saw Noey coming with a file i asked her to bring.

"Is the contract ready" i asked her and she nodded.

"Good luck buddy" she said and i nodded.

"You guys can go to the hall first, I'll be back in a few minutes" I said and went out.

I have to speak with the Fiance and make her sign on this contract. I don't wanna take more risks.

I knocked on the door.

"Come in" I heard the voice. So i opened the door.

I saw a girl in there taking mirror selfies.

Shes good looking but not like my Becca

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Shes good looking but not like my Becca. I looked at her and turned around.

"Hi, why are you here. You should be at the hall" she said.

"I just came to give you this, hope you don't forget the contract I've talked about. Read everything through and tell me if you want to add something in it" i said and handed her the contract

"And I'm not gonna change anything I've written in it, so don't expect me to change" I said and she nodded

"O-kay" she said.

"See you in the hall" I said and walked away from the room, without even waiting for her reply. How I wish it was Becky instead of her.

I walked straight to the hall where everyone was waiting for us. I saw dad talking with     Mr Armstrong and Richie

I saw my friends at a table, Becca is still not here. I went towards them.

"Have any of you seen Becca " i asked them.

"No, have you seen irin" Noey asked

"And Gyoza" Manaw asked.

"Irin, I don't know. But Gyoza is with mom" I said.

"Freen" I heard dad calling me. I went near them.

"It's time let's go to the stage" he said and i nodded. I signalled Gyoza to come to the stage with mom and we all  walked with dad to the stage. The MC gave mike to my dad.

"Good evening everyone, thank you all for coming to the event as per my invitation" he said and bowed.

"Well it's a good day and I hope you are enjoying the evening " he said

"As you all know our Chankimha's group has this weird custom of becoming a CEO. Well most of you know about that. So as my daughter is the soon to be CEO, she's getting engaged tonight. And I hope you all bless her to have a good life with her partner" he said and they all clapped. The people are closed ones. Like our Directors and their family and some close friends and their family. So it looks like a small gathering instead of an engagement.

"I know getting married can stress you out sometimes, but Freen i believe in you. I know whatever you do, you won't do without a reason and i know you are a good person. And I hope you like my choice too" he said and smiled at me.

"Why don't we welcome the soon to be Mrs Chankimha or my soon to be my daughter in law and her family to the stage" he said and gave the mike back to the MC.

"So let's welcome our beautiful soon to be bride" The MC announced and the door opened. Everyone was looking in the direction but not me. I was searching for someone in the crowd. But to my surprise I met another pair of eyes.

'What is she doing there'

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