Chapter 10

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After that beach incident i totally avoided p'Freen. Like if she's somewhere i would run to the other side.

And on the other side, I've been getting too much attention which i hate for a fact. Now i have lots of admirers. Mostly I'll be just seeing my friends receiving flowers and chocolates. But now I get those things.

At first I loved the attention but as the day goes it's too much.

And Nop, he's been the sweetest after the party. We talked a lot. He always initiates and comes to me. I don't have to drool over him on the side now. Cause he's always right beside me.

We talked a lot and got to know each other better.

He's nice, even though some of the things he told me made me think twice about him.

We went on two dates. It was nice but I feel like I've been missing something.

And for Uno, she's still the same. Even though she said she loves me. She helps me with Nop.

And for my conclusion that p'Friend is Uno is getting stronger. Cause whenever I see her texting on her phone i get notifications.

But is she really Uno, cause you know. If I'm thinking is right, Uno is clearly hiding her identity and she won't just text me right.

I don't know, my mind is full of these things lately that i even slack off from studying.

Oh, Now I'm currently walking to the cafeteria where my friends are waiting for me.

When i entered I saw everyone except p'Freen. I was little sad even though I was the one who's been avoiding her.

As i was walking towards our table i felt a hand grabbing me. I looked up and saw Nop with his charming smile.

"Hey gorgeous" he said making me blush. He always call me gorgeous.

"Hey Nop" I said as he grinned.

"I have a suprise for you" he said and clapped his hands.

Suddenly all his teammates surrounded us. And their hands were behind their back. It's like they are holding something.

One of his friend touched my shoulder and i looked back to see him. He just smiled and motioned me to look forward.

Nop was standing there with sunflowers.

"It's for you my sunshine" he said and gave me. I smiled at his gesture even though sunflower isn't one of my favourite.

"Bec, will you be my girlfriend" he asked. Wait no confession no proposals just directly asking. Wtf

Nop saw my hesitation, so he spoke up.

"I like you Bec, i really like you. I know my proposal is a little weird I was nervous and blurred out that girlfriend part" he said and chuckled.

"But i really like you, please give me a chance" he said and held my hands

As he was speaking I saw how his eyes were sparkling.

What are you thinking Bec, you always wanted to his girlfriend. Say yes

"Say yes, say yes say yes" all of them were chanting that and i nodded my head.

He embraced me tightly. But why don't I feel any butterflies or any comfort.

Stop thinking too much Becky.

He broke the hug and kissed my cheeks.

"Thank you babe" he said and everyone yelled in happiness. They all were cheering for us.

I was happy to his girlfriend. He is my boyfriend.

I was broken from the happiness when I saw P'Freen looking at me. Her eyes were locked at me. She looked broken. I don't know why I feel bad.

She left the canteen, I wanted to follow her. But Nop dragged me towards my friends table

"I'll be back Bec" he said and gave another kiss on cheeks. He's so sweet.

After he left i looked at the flowers he gave me.

I'm happy but i don't know why I don't feel it completely.

I looked up and saw my friends in a teasing look. I know I have to endure them

"Finally the baby has a boyfriend" Noey yelled and they were teasing me.

Lunch was more of teasing than eating. I was so red and my cheeks were hurting from the smiling.

After class I was leaving the college when I saw P'Freen behind me. I was gonna greet her but she walked away without even acknowledging me. I was hurt.

"Hey Bec" I heard a voice and looked behind and saw p'Friend.

"Hey p'Friend" i greeted her with smile.

"Drop the formality kid, just call me Friend" she said

"How should I drop the formality when you just called me a kid p'Friend" I said and she chuckled.

"You are smart Bec, really smart" she said and we both chuckled.

"I heard you got a boyfriend now Bec " she asked and i nodded. Maybe she's my Uno

"I'm happy for you, but be careful not everyone wants the same" she said which made me think. It's the same dialogue Uno said to me. She is my Uno. I smiled at the thought

"Come on let's go" she said making me come out of my thoughts.

"Thank you Uno" I said and smiled genuinely. She returned the smile. 

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