Chapter 26

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The lunch was pretty good. I have to admit Aunt Nun makes the best food. After eating we went to play some games in the game room. We played billiards and some board games.

P'Freen was still with Nita and Richie, so she didn't join us.

I have this uneasy feeling whenever I see Nita touching P'Freen but I just shrugged it off and focused on playing.

It was almost evening. P'Freen came towards us and sat down.

"How does it feels to have 2 suitors Freen" Noey asked

"Shut up" P'Freen said and they all laughed.

"That leech is calling you baby too much ,it's like she doesn't know any words other than baby" p'Nam said in a mocking word.

"Don't remind me that" P'Freen said and closed her ears.

I didn't wanna hear anything about Nita or my brother courting P'Freen. I excused myself and went to the roof side.

It was evening, so the sun setting was seen. I was enjoying the scenery until someone intruded.

"Enjoying your time alone here" P'Freen asked. And i didn't say anything

"Oh come one why are you sulking at me" she asked and held my hands. I shoved my hands from her.

"Bec" she said

"Go back to your suitors" I said and looked away. But I heard her chuckled

"Wait, don't tell me that you are jealous, my baby" she said and made me face her. And i pouted.

"Don't pout like that I might not control myself from kissing you" she said which made my heart skip a beat.

"Tss, say that your Baby Nita" I said and the next thing i know i felt her lips on mine.

She kissed me. She's kissing me. And her lips are so soft and so smooth. I stood there without doing anything because I was still feeling her lips against me and she's actually kissing me. I felt butterflies in my stomach roaming around. No it was actually fireworks. I really don't know how to say this but Freen Sarocha Chankimha is actually kissing me.

She bit my lips which made me open my mouth a bit. She inserted her tongue, and it's so warm and good. She broke the kiss when I wasn't responding to her.

She took my hand and placed it on her chest.

"Do you feel this" she asked. I could clearly hear how her heart was beating so loudly. I bet mine is beating like that too.

"It never beats for anyone like that" she said and lifted my face. I looked at her eyes. And I saw love and desire in that. She again closed our gap. But this time i responded to her kisses with the same intensity.

I grabbed her nape and pulled her closer to me. I felt her smile between our kisses, It was  like a dream which I don't wanna wake up to any time soon. And the way our lips zynced, damn that was the best kiss I've ever had in my life. Even though my first kiss was with Nop. I felt this is really my first kiss. A kiss that made me drowning.

Damn I love how we are kissing now.

We broke the kiss. She placed her forehead on mine. We both were panting so hard. She placed her hands on my cheek and caressed it.

Fuck, i kissed her. I kissed P'Freen. It still feels surreal. Even though it feels good I feel hurt a bit cause of Uno. I like her too and I kissed P'Freen.


I ran away from there without saying anything. I couldn't contain my emotions anymore.

Luckily dad and Richie were done with the conversation so we left Chankimah's home. I said I was feeling unwell and they didn't ask any more questions cause I was in the hospital a few days ago.

Freen's pov

I don't know what came over me that I kissed her. I don't regret it. But was it too soon. Did i scare her off again.

I was so happy when she kissed me back, it's like she wanted this to happen. And the way she grabbed my nape and pulled us closer. That's was damn good move. I've never felt something like this with someone.

And the fact of scaring her off even before confessing everything was a wrong move.
I was thinking too much. But I wanted to talk to her. So i went down.

But to my surprise she and her dad left with her brother a while ago. And i couldn't stop her. I couldn't say what's in my heart.

I felt said again.

I saw my friends getting ready to leave again. I didn't wanna ruin their mood too. So i didn't say anything. I bid my good-byes with them.

After they left, I went back to my room. I told them that I wasn't feeling well and i need to sleep.

Dad and mom knows, how hard I work so they let me rest today. And for my little sister she was busy chatting with someone and i bet that someone is close to me.

I went back to my room and texted her as Uno. And to my surprise she didn't respond to any of my texts.

I texted her from my number and she's didn't text back.

I was getting worried too much, i felt like I messed everything up.

Fuck, why did I do that.



Author's note.

I wasn't planning to update more today.
But it's for you
For someone who made a special request, 😉

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