Chapter 44

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Freen's pov

I woke up very happy today. Who wouldn't be happy when you got the love of your life as your soon to be wife.

Wow I'm literally bragging here. But I don't mind, I love bragging about her.

I got ready and went out, I saw my mom dad and nong eating their breakfast.

"Good morning kid" dad said as soon as he saw me.

"Morning dad, mom" I said and kissed them.

"Hey what about me" Gyoza asked.

"Good morning little one" i said and ruffled her hair. I went to the kitchen and poured myself some orange juice.

"Phi, I'm a grown woman, I'm not a little one" she whined. I went towards her.

"Even if you are 90 years old, you are still my little one" I said and kissed her head.

"Why are you up early, you don't have class till 10" Gyoza asked

"Yeah, but Becky has class at 8, and i promised her that I would drop her at uni" I said

"Wow, you never even once thought about dropping me to uni" Gyoza asked

"Why should I, you know how to drive na and you never wanted me to drive you" I said and took a bite of sandwich.

"You are so mean" she said and pouted. Her face lit up suddenly, "should I join you in the car today" she asked teasingly

"Oh yeah, so what about Manaw. Are you sure to let your girlfriend drive alone" i asked her while raising my eyebrow.

"Oh shit, she might be here now" she said and stood up.

"Hey watch your language" I said and made her sit.

"I'll tell her to join you inside, eat your breakfast" i said and got up. I went out and saw Manaw getting out of her car.

"She's eating, go and eat breakfast, I know you probably haven't had any food " I said and patted her shoulder

"Where are you going Freen " she asked

"To pick up my wife" I said and winked at her. She smiled and shook her head.

You can call me love sick, cause i am. I've always wanted to show my love towards Becca, but i couldn't. I was afraid of the what if's. But she showed me that i shouldn't be worried about the what if's. She already took a big step and arranged our Marriage. Now it's my time to show her how much I love her and how much I want her to be with me.

It's starting with me courting her. I know she's already mine. But if my girl wants me to court her. I will do that too. As long as she's happy.

I drive my car straight to her home. I parked my car and got out. I was greeted by the maids and her Brother.

"Good morning nong Freen" he said and smiled

"Good morning Richie" I said and smiled back.

"I would love to stay and talk but I'm getting late" he said and took his keys.

"We should meet some other times, and yeah make yourself home Freen" he said as he rushed to his car.

"Oh hey Freen, you are here early" her dad said as he came towards the dining table.

"I came to pick up Becky, she told me she has morning class" I said.

"Oh god and she's still sleeping, would you please go and wake your wife up" he said and i blushed

"Ok sir" i said.

"Hey, no more sir and being formal, call me Pa or dad" he said and i nodded

"Now go and get that lazy princess up" he said and chuckled

"Okay Pa" i said and went up. I already know her room. It's not my first time being here in Armstrong's mansion.

I knocked before entering inside. And the sight I saw was heavenly.

She was sleeping like a baby, in her pink pajamas. She's super cute. I couldn't resist her cuteness. But i remembered she'll be late if I didn't wake her up now.

I went towards her bed and laid beside her. I pulled her close to me pecked her head. She quickly wrapped her arms around me and snuggled closer to my neck. Such a sleepy baby.

"Bec" i whispered in her ear. "wake up baby, you have class" I said and kissed her ear. She stirred but didn't open her eyes. She smiled against my skin.

She slowly raised her head and smiled.

"One of the best dreams ever " she said and snuggled again. Jeez this baby thought it's a dream.

"You know you smell so great even in my dreams" she said and inhaled my scent. I chuckled but it stopped when she sucked my neck. Damn that was a good one. I'm feeling so much butterflies and i got shivers when her tongue touched.

"Ahrrr" i moaned when she bit me.

"You taste so good too" she said and smiled again. She's so cute, i would've let her sleep like this if I could but I don't want her to miss her class.

"Cause it's not a dream baby, I'm right beside you" I said and bit her ear. Which worked cause she pushed me and i fall out of the bed and hurted my back.

"Fuck" i groaned.

"What are you doing here" she said as she got up and made me stand up.

"You have class in the morning and i told you I'll drop you today" I said and she looked at her phone.

"Shit, I'm gonna be late" she yelled and ran towards the bathroom. Wow, just wow, what just happened. No goodmorning kiss, no hi's. My thoughts got interrupted when i felt a pair of lips on my cheeks.

"Good morning baby" she said and smiled. I wrapped my hand around her body.

"Good morning too my princess" I said and pecked her lips.

"Wait for me here, I'll be quick okay?" She asked and i nodded.

After like 20 minutes she came back with a towel wrapped around her pettiet body. I saw a water droplet going from her neck to her valleys. I gulped seeing that. I looked up and saw her smirk.

"Like what you see" she asked with that smug smirk. I stood up and went towards her. I remember the first time I saw her like this. She wasn't confident like this. But she was so beautiful like this.

I pinned her against her wardrobe, i leaned closer. I saw her gulping and closing her eyes.

"Why do you have to be so beautiful" i whispered the same line, I said when I saw her like this. I moved my face back and looked at her face. Her face was so flushed. And she was super cute.

She opened her eyes and looked at me. Her breaths were uneven. She pulled me closer and closed our gaps. She kissed me passionately and hungryly. It wasn't her usual type of kissing. She's always gentle. But not now. Shes aggressive and her kisses her damn sexy. I wrapped my hands around her waist and she wrapped her hands over my neck. She pulled me closer by my nape.

We broke the kiss when we needed air. But what happened next shocked the both of us.

We both looked down at the same time.


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