Chapter 45

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Becky's pov

As i was kissing her, suddenly i felt cold. We broke the kiss. And we both looked down at the same time. I panicked seeing my towel down.

"Close your eyes and turn around" I yelled and she did without saying anything. I wrapped the towel around my body again.

"I'll wait for you in the hall" she said and got out of the room. I let out a heavy breath which i didn't realise I was holding up until she was out of the room.

Fuck she saw everything. I blushed at that thought.

Shit Becky, uhhhhhh, oh my god how am I gonna face her now. Fuck this. I got up ready very quickly and went down I saw her talking with dad.

"Here comes the sleepy head" dad commented as soon as he saw me. p'Freen looked at me and i looked away.

"I'm getting late, I uhh i sh-should go" fuck why did i even shutter.

"Bye dad, see you soon" p'Freen said and came with me..

I quickly got into the car and checked my phone.

"p'Freen can you hurry up a bit, I have an exam" I said and looked at my notes on the phone. I know lying is bad. But I don't know how to face her.

"You should have told me earlier Bec" she said and started the car.

The car ride was silent. I guess she didn't wanna disturb me studying. Even though I'm not studying. As she parked the car inside the Uni, i got out.

"Bye p'Freen" I said and started to walk. But she held my hand.

"W-what i-is it" i asked. Fuck not again.

"Eat this" she said and handed me a sandwich. I took it and ran away from her. Without giving her a chance to speak up.

Gosh that was way too embarrassing.

Freen's pov

Why is she in so much hurry. I shrugged off my thoughts and went to the basketball field. I haven't practiced much since I've joined the team.

As soon as I got there i met Noey and Friend with other teammates.

"Look who's finally showing up" Noey said and smirked. I just rolled my eyes on her.

"Get your ass over here Sarocha" Friend yelled.

"I'll come after I change" I said

"You better hurry" Noey said

"Aye aye captain" i yelled and went towards the changing room.

After i got changed, I was about to go when i heard someone calling my name.

"Wait a bit I'll come with you" it was Manaw. She got changed. And we both went towards the field.

"Now I feel I like the captain of the ace team" Noey said proudly. Me and Manaw stretched a bit and warmed up before practice.

We had an hour of fun practice. We all were damn tired. Most of them left because of their classes. Now Noey, Friend, Manaw and i were on the field.

"Wow, you should come daily Freen, it's so fun when you are around " Friend said and i chuckled.

"Get up all of you" we heard Irin's voice. She came towards us. We all sat up.

"I've bought food and drinks for you all, eat up I know you guys are tired" she said and gave us food and drinks.

"You are the best N'Irin" Friend said and patted her head and she gave her a sweet smile.

"If you weren't my friend i would've broken your hand for touching my girl's hair. You are lucky that you my friend" Noey said which earned a smack from Irin's.

"Ouch babyyy" she whined.

"Uh don't wine, eat you food baby" she said and sat beside her and started to feed her.

"I miss my girlfriend" Manaw said

"Me too" Friend said. She still doesn't know that Hannah is here. And she might come anytime soon to surprise her.

"Me three" I said and heaved a sigh

"Hey baby" I heard Hannah's voice. Is she back. Friend's face lit up.

"Oh my god, you are back" she asked as she embraced her.

"Yes, and I'm staying here with you" she said and kissed her.

"Oh my god, really " she's so happy. Well during the engagement me and Hannah talked to Mr Armstrong about her admission but I didn't know that she will transfer this soon. Well I'm glad she's here.

"My girl is back" she yelled happily. Gyoza also came and sat beside Manaw.

"Wow, everyone is happy with their girlfriend and mine is busy writing exams" i mumbled

"What exam" Gyoza asked

"I don't know, she said she has exams today" I said and shrugged

"No, our morning class was cancelled cause the professor got sick during class, I'm also a law student, remember and I'm here" Hannah said.

"But she " I couldn't complete my words. She should have called me or come to me if she doesn't have any class. And I know she's not completing her work cause everything was done.

"Is something wrong buddy" Noey asked and i shook my head.

"I'm gonna change" i said and stood up.

"Wait let us come with you" they all stood up. Luckily we almost ate what irin bought us.

We took a shower and got changed. When we came back Irin, Gyoza and Hannah weren't at the court. Irin texted us asking us to meet at the law department.

As we came to the law department, we saw irin Gyoza Hannah Nam Heng but no sign of Becky.

"Why is she hiding from you" Nam asked

"Who" i asked back.

"Bec Bec, she was here with us. But when she  saw you, she just ran away" she said and i gave her a puzzled look.

"Did you have a fight" Gyoza asked and i shook my head.

"Did you do something wrong" Noey asked and i shook my head again.

"Then what happened, why is she running away from you" Nam asked

"I don't know, okay. Everything was going well. I went to her room to pick her up and we left her home. When we reached here she went out of the car without saying good bye, I hadn't heard from her or seen her after that" I said

"Did something happen when you were in her home" Noey asked teasingly. I rolled my eyes.

"No, i promised not to rush anything and I'm still courting her. We just kissed and then....."

Oh my god, don't tell me

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