Chapter 34

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We were back to Thailand after 2 days. I promised grams and pops to visit them soon. Gyoza and Irin also stayed with me and we all left England together.

Richie and dad left on one car and asked us to go together in another car. We were going out of the airport. But before we could reach our car. A van abruptly stopped right infront of us

2 masked people came out and placed something on my mouth and covered my face. I couldn't see anything. It was so fast that i couldn't even get time to scream or yell. And they dragged me inside. The van was going in a full speed.

I was damn terrified but i didn't make any sound or yell. I know it can worsen the situation. Irin and Gyoza saw everything and I know they will inform my dad and Richie. And I will be safe.

Soon we reached somewhere, they dragged me inside and made me sit on a chair or something.

They removed the covers from my face and mouth. I blinked and opened my face. It was a dim lighted room. I blinked and adjusted my eyes to the light.

I was shocked to see the people around me. Its none other than my own friends, glaring at me. Irin and Gyoza were also there.

Gyoza and p'Manaw were sitting so close. I heard that p'Manaw is courting her. Well she also told me that she wanted to be her girlfriend the next day but she also wants to enjoy the courting phase a little bit.

I saw p'Nam trying to lift my phone from the table in very dramatic way. And she doesn't lift it too.

"What are you doing p'Nam" i asked

"Your phone is so heavy, I can't lift it" she said and Friend came towards the phone and she also tried to lift it and failed.

"What it's not heavy" i said and lifted it infront of them

"Then why don't you pick the calls when we call you" p'Nam shouted

"Damn you Becky" it was p'Noey

"You are lucky that we love you, or else we would have thrown you away in the middle of the ocean" Friend said.

"Woohh, chill down" I said and they all glared at me. p'Nam smacked my head and sat down beside me.

"Ouch" I yelled.

"You can't do things like this, you know how much worried i was" p'Nam said and a tear escaped her eye. I feel really bad now. I embraced and patted her back.

"I'm sorry na, I won't disappear like this again. I promise" I said trying to soothe her. Friend joined the hug.

"And if I do this again, you guys have all the permission to throw me in the middle of the ocean" I said and they chuckled

"Group hug" p'Heng announced and we all hugged together.

"We are sorry for hurting you nong" they all said

"And I'm sorry for being so immature" I said and a tear escaped my eyes.

"I'm hungry why don't we go and eat" p'Heng suggested and we all were ok with it.

We went to a nice restaurant to have food. I missed this. The usual banter while having lunch. The teasing, and them.

"Ooi, we know you missed us. But you should eat Bec Bec " it was p'Nam. I stuck my tongue at her and ate while the others laughed.

"Hooi, Nita is out of the picture " p'Heng said.

"What?" We all asked.

"You know the news about Freen and Nita's engagement, they cancelled it" p'Heng said.

"Thank god, I don't want her to be my sister in law" gyoza said and we all laughed

"The next time I see her, I'm gonna mock her until she feds up with us" p'Noey said

"She's an actual bitch" Friend said.

"And the way she calls Freen 'babe' yukkk, I feel like i wanna voimit" p'Nam said.

"So now that Nita is out of the picture, what your next move Becky" p'Nam asked

"What move" i asked even though I know what they meant.

"Oh don't act dumb smarty pants, we all know what she meant, including you" p'Nam said.

"No plans" I said and shrugged my shoulder

"What, you have to do something nong" p'Manaw said.

"I don't have to phi " I said and continued to eat.

"You don't love Freen?" Friend asked.

"I do" i admitted

"Then, why don't you wanna make a move on her" p'Manaw asked

"I don't know" I said

"I wanna smark your head badly" p'Nam said and i chuckled

"Relax, I'm not planning anything. Let's see how it goes" I said and they all glared at me.

"Don't regret in the end nong" p'Noey said. I looked at them and smiled.

"I won't" I said and continued eating.

We talked about my stay in England and what they did. About their daily life and after spending almost 3 hours in the restaurant we finally decided to go back.

Me and Gyoza were going back together. She dropped me off at my home.

"Are you sure about this" she asked

"Yeah I am" I said and smiled.

"I'll see you tomorrow then" she said and left.

I went to my room and took a relaxing bath. I got changed and came to my bed. I heard my phone beeping.

I took my phone and smiled when I saw who was the one texting.


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