Chapter 48

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Freen's pov

I broke the kiss and looked at her, her pupils are dilated and she was looking so fucking sexy breathing like that.

I know if I kiss her again, I won't be able to stop myself. I gently placed her down. And kissed her head.

"Go and shower let's sleep, we both have classes tomorrow" I said and she groaned.

"Fine" she said

"Come on, I'll give you some PJ's to wear" I said and led her to my room. I gave her the clothes I've prepared for her and let her use the bathroom first.

After some minutes she came back from the shower and I went in. After talking a cold shower I came back. I was in my sports bra and shorts. I saw Becky sleeping peacefully. I smiled and went towards the bed.

I laid down beside her and automatically she snuggled closer to me. I love this feeling. She being in my arms. I want her beside me always. If it's possible i would carry her in my pocket to everywhere. I kissed her temples and slept beside her.

I woke up in the morning when I felt someone looking at me. I smiled at the thought of Becky beside me. She was tracing my jaw. I slowly opened my eyes and smiled.

"Good morning baby" she said which made me more happy.

"Good morning my wife" I said and she blushed.

"I'm not your wife" she said

"Yet" i completed

"You are my soon to be wife, get used to it mrs Chankimha" I said and smirked and she blushed.

"Cute" i mumbled and kissed her cheeks. I tried to get up but Becky didn't let me.

"Let's stay in bed more"she said in a cute way which i can't definitely resist.

"Okay my love" i said and we cuddled more.

Becky's pov

I finished my morning class. I don't have any class till lunch. Luckily Irin and Gyoza also didn't have any class, so Hannah and I went to the music room where Irin and Gyoza would wait for us.

As soon as we reached the music room, I saw Irin and Gyoza in a heated discussion.

"What are you both talking about" i asked as soon as I sat beside Irin. And Hannah sat beside gyzoa.

"Nothing we were just talking about our assignments" she said and we nodded.

"So how was your hot date yesterday Bec" Irin asked more like teased

"It's was good, i really had a good time with her" I said

"That's all, nothing spicy happened???" Gyoza asked and i shook my head.

"We kissed and it was becoming heated i thought we might do it but she stopped and told me to shower cause we have classes tomorrow" I said and they all shook their head

"Maybe she thought you wouldn't be ready to do that, you know when Nop was around" Gyoza said and i nodded

"That was before, I want her. I really want her. It's really different from being with Nop. She makes me safe and secure which I've never felt with Nop. And I'm so attracted to her that I sometimes want more than kissing " i said

"Then why don't you tell her that" irin asked

"How can I" i asked

"Just aks her directly or make the first move" Hannah said and i nodded.

"Why don't we go for some shopping to seduce your soon to be wife" Hannah asked

"That's a good idea" Gyoza said

"Girl, she's your phi" Irin said

"So what, it's for my bestie" Gyoza said and took my hands "let's go shopping " she declared.

"Guys i think Noey and others might be done with their practice why don't we take them with us" irin asked

"Good idea, let's go to the court and check them first " Hannah said. We went to court but it was already crowded.

"Why is it so crowded today" irin asked

"Let's go and find out" I said and we all went to the front row. Some of the players were resting there. And i saw p'Freen, p'Manaw, Friend and p'Noey playing there.

"Look at p'Freen she's so fucking hot while playing " one of the girl said who was standing in the crowd.

"She's hot even if she's not doing anything" another girl said.

"Damn Becky, your girlfriend has lots of fans" irin said and i glared at her.

p'Freen made a jump and scored a point "wow, look at her abs, I'll do anything just to touch it" another one said.

"You know p'Friend is looking hot too" another girl said and i looked at Hannah who have the same sour expression as me.

"So as p'Manaw and p'Noey. Basketball team this year is gonna crush with these handsome players" another girl said

"I would come here daily to watch them play"

"Omg, she showing her abs again" then i looked at p'Freen and she's wiping her sweat using her jersey.

"It's not gonna work like this" Hannah said

"They should know who they belong to" Gyoza said

"Exactly and ones they are eyeing is ours" irin said

"Sarocha" I yelled. My friends looked at me so as p'Freen and the others.

"Baby" she said happily.

We all went near them. Irin, Gyoza and Hannah went near p'Noey, p'Manaw and Friend and kissed their lips. But me nahh I dragged p'Freen with me.

"Baby, where are going. The match hasn't finished yet" she asked but i didn't say anything. I went to the changing room and locked it.

"What happe-" I didn't let her finish. I crashed my lips on her kissing aggressively. She didn't responded to me first but then she kissed me with the same intensity. I broke the kiss and looked at her. She's so fucking hot and i can't deny that fact.

She was gonna ask something but i pulled her over for another kiss. This time we fought with our tongue. Usually she's the who wins but this time I won. We broke the kiss again but instead of looking at her I kissed her jaw and kissed her neck.

"Umm Bec" she moaned. She fucking moaned my name. Which gave me more energy to continue what I was doing. I sucked her and marked her. After some more kissing i let her go.

"This is mine, I don't want anyone to drool over this" I said and she nodded.

"Go and wear something inside your jersey" I said and she nodded again. It's like she lost her ability to speak.

She came back wearing a full sleeve inside her jersey.

"What is this for" she asked indicating the hickey.

"To let others know that you are taken and you are mine. Don't hide it" I said she came beside me and held me by my waist.

"Ofcourse i won't hide it, it was given by my princess. I'm being a good girl and listening to you right now, but don't forget to be a good girl for me tonight in bed, cause I'm not gonna show any mercy tonight" she whispered seductively

"Be ready for tonight love, I'm gonna make you mine and I'm not gonna hold myself tonight" she whispered again and kissed my ear. This time I lost the ability to speak. She pecked me again and led me back to the basketball court.

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