Chapter Two

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You didn't leave the boy standing there for long before quickly accepting the plant and cookies from him. "That is so sweet of her. Tell her we said thank you," you replied as you gave him a smile in return.

"I will." he responded. The boy's hair was grey with black at the tips, his eyes were a beautiful brown and he was tall but not insanely tall like some of your friends from Shiratorizawa.

"I'm y/n by the way. Do you go to school around here?" you questioned. You hoped he was in second year at Inarizaki like you, then you would at least know someone before starting. Or at least that he attended the same school even if he were a different age. Even just seeing a familiar face in the hallways would be nice.

"I'm Kita, it is nice to meet you," he said very politely. His formality caught you off guard a little. "I go to Inarizaki, I'm in third year. Is that where you are planning to go?" he questioned.

Damn. Third year.

"Yeah. Second year though. I've never moved schools before so I'm a little nervous to be honest," you replied.

"Don't be too nervous. Most of the people there are decently behaved." he replied. The way he worded 'decently behaved' made you laugh, but Kita didn't laugh. He seemed confused by your sudden amusement. "If it would help we could take the train together, it's only short ride. Unless you were planning on driving." he continued.

"I would appreciate that a lot! I don't have a license so the train will have to do," you said. You were glad that he was willing to show you the route so you didn't have to figure it out on your own.

"Okay, I leave around 7:00 usually. I can stop by here on Monday and we will go together," Kita replied.

"Thank you."

"It's not a problem. Enjoy the cookies, my grandma and I made them from scratch. They are oatmeal raison." he said.

You smiled once again at how thoughtful he was. "Thank you Kita! I'll see you around!"

"I will see you. Goodbye," Kita replied before nodding towards you and leaving your step, headed down the road.

You happily snuck a cookie before bringing them in to share with your dad. It was sweet but extremely good, you were sure that the whole container would be done within a few short days. You then brought the plant up to your room as the first piece of decoration.


The next morning was odd waking in a new room. It was Sunday and you had the whole day to do anything you wanted before school begun the following day. You glanced at your phone before getting ready.

Tsutomu: Hope you got there safe. Missing you.

Short and sweet. Your cousin wasn't the type to send long messages. Although sometimes when he got really worked up he would send long voice memos. You didn't mind though.

Y/n: Yep, I'm here. Missing you guys too. It's been a day but I hope things haven't fallen apart just yet. Let your parents know I said hi.

You sent off the text before flipping over to your other unread message. You chuckled a little when you saw the gif of the little dancing duck Tendou had sent you. Shirabu hadn't messaged other than a response when you told him you arrived. He wasn't much of a texter and was probably needing some time to himself for a few days.

You decided you were going to go out for a walk since you didn't have much else to do and it was a nice day out. You didn't really have a plan other than to just walk and see where you ended up.

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