Chapter Thirty Three

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As you and Kita exited the bus you looked around at the familiar street. You were glad to see that nothing had changed. Miyagi was the exact same as you had left it.

"His house is just down this street here." you said happily as you turned a corner. "Oh you're not scared of dogs right?" you asked as you remembered Goshiki's dog.

"No, I don't mind dogs," Kita replied.

"Good because my cousin has a big old golden retriever. She's a sweetheart but gets really excited very easily." you explained. Kita nodded to your words, not seeming worried at all.

You finally made it to the familiar house. His garden still had the colourful flowers with little gnomes guarding them, just like it always did. You and Kita walked up the steps and you knocked on the door already extremely excited.

The door opened a second later and Goshiki stood there grinning. Your aunt quickly made her way to the front hallway as well.

"Hey Tsutomu!" you beamed as you reached forward to ruffle his hair. He quickly swat your hand away from his head. You remember teasing him for hours the first time he had come home with his haircut.

"Hi y/n." your aunt said. She then turned to look at Kita. "You must be y/n's friend Kita. I'm Tsutomu's mom, you can just call me Himari though. It's very nice to meet you, how was the trip here?"

Kita smiled politely. "It's nice to meet you too. The trip went well. Thank you so much for inviting me into your home." he replied. Your aunt smiled, you knew Kita would instantly impress her with his manners.

"You're y/n's cousin right? I'm Kita." he then said to Goshiki.

"I'm Goshiki," he responded.

At that point Goshiki's dog came running out onto the porch, jumping at Kita and completely knocking him over.

"Spike come on get off him girl!" Goshiki instantly scolded.

But Kita was smiling as he reached out to pet the dog who was attacking his face by licking him.

"I'm sorry, she's not usually like that with strangers. She must like you a lot." Goshiki said as he pulled Spike away from Kita and helped Kita back to his feet.

"It's alright, I don't mind." Kita replied as he wiped his face with his hands. "Did you say her name was Spike? Like after the volleyball term?"

"Yeah. To my defense I was six when I named her." Goshiki replied as he rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly.

You and Kita stepped into the hallway as Spike went wandering back into the house. "Tsu why don't you take them downstairs to put down their things then you guys can come back up here to eat." Goshiki's mom said.

Goshiki nodded as he motioned for the two of you to follow him. You really didn't need him to lead you, this house was practically your own house. You and Goshiki have had countless sleepovers in the basement.

The three of you made your way into the finished basement. There was a tv and a couple of recliner chairs along with lots of storage shelves and an entire board game room which consisted of a table and shelves of countless boardgames.

There were already some air mattresses set up on the ground. That was where you and Goshiki always slept.

"Are you staying down here with us Tsutomu?" you asked.

"I was hoping to if you're comfortable with that Kita." Goshiki replied.

Kita nodded. "Of course."

You guys could hear the doorbell from upstairs. "Oh that's Shirabu! He is coming over for dinner." Goshiki quickly said.

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