Chapter Twenty Nine

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"Here, eat up. It'll help calm you." Kita instructed as he placed a bowl of stew in front of you. It smelt really good. You had left your own dinner behind when you stormed out of your house and hadn't eaten since lunch.

You began to eat, it was flavourful and with every bite you felt yourself relax a little more. He was right, getting food in you was important when you were this upset. As you finished the final scoop of your stew Kita took a seat beside you, placing a plate with a slice of homemade cheesecake and a mug of hot chocolate in front of you.

"Thank you Kita. You are so kind." you said as you looked at the dessert. You had come bothering him late in the night and he had simply taken you into his home and prepared you a whole meal.

"It's not a problem. I hope you are feeling a little better than you were." Kita replied. You nodded. You still felt awful and upset. But you were no longer on the verge of tears and you felt more in control of your emotions.

The cheesecake was the perfect level of sweet and it was better than any store bought one you had ever had. You wondered if this is what living with Kita would be like. A warm house that had family pictures lining the walls and constantly smelled of baking and a full home cooked meal every night. You couldn't lie - that life sounded nice. You kind of wanted it.

"Do you want to talk about what happened?" Kita asked when you had finished your cheesecake and now sipped on your hot chocolate.

There was no insistence with his question and you were sure that he would be content if you never told him what had been said between you and your father. He wanted you to share what you were comfortable sharing.

"I think I am overreacting to what happened. But I just couldn't help myself, I was so angry and felt so unheard." you started. Kita waited patiently for you to continue while you took a sip of your drink.

"My dad got a promotion at work. I know that's good news, but to me it isn't. It just means that he's never going to be home anymore. I'm barely going to ever see him. It's so selfish of me to be this pissed, but I don't think it is fair. I would move to a smaller house in an instant if it meant he spent more time at home." you explained.

"That's completely understandable y/n. I don't think it is an overreaction at all to be angry about that. A lot of the time people take for granted what they have at home." Kita said.

You thought about that. You liked what he said, he couldn't have been more right. It was so easy to forget how lucky you were to have family that care about you. Both you and your father often took each other for granted even after losing your mom.

"I yelled at him for taking the job without even talking to me first. I know I can't make his decisions for him, but I wish he would have at least given me a chance to tell him my perspective on this," you said.

Kita nodded. You were nervous to tell him what you had said about your mother because you didn't want him to think you were insensitive and awful to your father.

"You can tell me." Kita said, giving you a soft expression. It must have been obvious that you were terrified of telling him the next part.

"I accused him of not wanting to be home because my mom isn't there anymore. I said that I remind him of her and that's why he hates being at home with me... because I'm not her." you said, you could feel yourself close to crying at the memory. "I'm a terrible daughter." you whispered.

You waited for his response. You wouldn't blame him for thinking poorly of you after that.

Kita simply placed a hand on your head. You looked to meet his gaze. "You're not a terrible daughter." Kita stated in a gentle tone.

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