Chapter Three

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The next morning came way too fast. After Atsumu had dropped you off last night you spent the rest of the night scrolling on your phone and wasting time. You didn't have any school work to do since you hadn't had a class yet.

As you peered in the empty cupboards for food you could hear your dad on the phone. Probably some sort of business call. He walked into the kitchen wearing a suit and a headpiece that allowed him to take calls without holding the device. He glanced at you, pausing his conversation for a moment.

"I'm heading to work. There isn't any food yet, I'll give you some money to buy breakfast and lunch," he said as he handed you a twenty dollar bill, then thought for a moment before adding a second.

"I'll be home in time for dinner." he said as he grabbed a briefcase that had been on the counter before moving to the front hall and returning to his conversation on call.

You pocketed the two twenties already knowing you weren't going to need that much money for two meals.

"Someone is here for you y/n," your dad yelled before shutting the door again. You glanced at the clock realizing it was 7:00 exactly. You quickly grabbed your bag before running out to meet up with Kita.

"Good morning y/n," he greeted you.

"Morning," you said in return. You had never been a morning person. Back at Shiratorizawa you and Shirabu would walk to school in silence because you were both grumpy in the mornings, which worked for both of you. But Kita wasn't Shirabu and you didn't want to come off as rude when he was going out of his way to show you the route.

"How was your weekend?" Kita questioned as you two began to walk.

"It was alright. The cookies you sent were so good! I've almost finished them already, thank you again!" you said, trying your best to sound enthusiastic so early in the morning.

"You really shouldn't eat them all at once. It isn't good for your health," Kita replied. At first his response made you a little mad because it came off as demeaning and passive aggressive. But when you looked over to him he looked like he was genuinely just pointing out a fact.

"I'll keep that in mind," you said with a light laugh. As you arrived at the small train stop you followed Kita onto it. It wasn't the same type of train you had been on when you visited Tokyo, this was a really tiny one, almost like a bus replacement. Kita took a seat beside the sliding door, leaving an open spot beside him for you. When the train started to move he had his eyes closed seeming to be in complete peace and calmness. Even his breathing was steady and in the same motion as the train. There was something very comforting about the boy.

You suddenly remembered Atsumu's words from the day before. He had seemed very set on you asking Kita to join the team. You figured you would definitely rather ask the boy now than in a room surrounded by the entire team of Inarizaki.

"Kita?" you said. The boy opened his eyes and looked over to you, giving you his full attention. "I met Atsumu Miya yesterday," you began.

"How unfortunate for you," Kita replied. You couldn't help but laugh. Once again Kita didn't laugh. You got the impression he didn't realize when he was saying something funny.

"He wants me to become a manager for your volleyball team and told me to talk to you about it. I used to manage the Shiratorizawa boys volleyball team and I really do enjoy doing it. I also have already done a ton of research on other teams that I think will be helpful." you explained.

Kita nodded along to your words. You don't think you have ever spoken to anyone who gave you such intense undivided attention before. "I'd be happy to have you. I will talk to the coach for you. Shiratorizawa is a very impressive team."

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