Chapter Four

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You followed the boy out of the cafeteria. The two of you then ventured out across the street. There were a variety of shops at the corner lot. "The sushi in here is really good if you like that." Osamu suggested. You were more than happy to get sushi since it was one of your favourite foods.

"I'd never complain about sushi. Actually I won't complain about food in general, you put a meal in front of me and I'll eat it," you said, which was completely truthful. You had never been a picky eater.

Osamu smiled widely at your words. "I agree wholeheartedly with that." he said with a grin.

The two of you ordered then found a seat at one of the tables right beside a large window that faced Inarizaki. Neither of you waited even a beat to start eating. As impressed as you were with how quickly Atsumu had finished his milkshake, his twin was that much more impressive. You loved your food but were a surprisingly very slow eater.

"I think you may have broken a record on how fast you ate that." you stated. You weren't over exaggerating either. He had quite literally finished his entire dish in a matter of minutes.

"I was hungry," Osamu said innocently as he finished taking his last bite. You laughed in response, the way he had said it was so cute with his puffy cheeks from a mouthful of food.

"So, do you usually come over here for lunch?" you questioned, glancing around the shop curiously. There were surprisingly only a handful of students lurking around the sushi shop.

Osamu swallowed the last of his food before speaking again. "Depends on the day. Sometimes I pick up food and go back to the cafeteria or sometimes I just stay at the school. I rarely stay here all lunch. But I mostly meet up with Suna who is stuck in detention for the next few lunches."

"Oh right, you guys work together, right? At the cafe?" you questioned. You knew the answer already but it was an easy way to continue the conversation.

Osamu nodded to your question. "Yeah, we play volleyball together too. Been friends for a long time now."

"Suna plays volleyball? I knew you and Atsumu did. Kita is talking to the coach about having me join as a team manager for you guys," you said.

Osamu smiled at that. "Suna has been playing for a while, middle blocker and he's really good. That'd be cool if you joined, we could really use a manager. But you would have to deal with my brother though, so you should really think over what you are signing up for." he warned you.

That earned a laugh out of you. "I've had my share of chaos being manager at Shiratorizawa. I'm sure I can deal with Atsumu," you replied. While the boys at Shiratorizawa were extremely well behaved when the coach was around, they still had their moments of pure chaos when he wasn't.

Osamu's eyebrows raised at that. "Shiratorizawa is Ushiwaka's school. You've seen him spike?"

"Yep. I've heard you guys are really good too though. I'm looking forward to seeing you all play," you said.

"We are good. Practices are long though." Osamu said as he glanced back up at the menu on the board above the counter again.

"Getting more?" you questioned. The sushi was pretty filling, but it was so good that you were almost wishing you had more as well.

"Thinking about it. Wanna split one?" he replied.

"Sure," you agreed. Half a tray would be perfect for you. Not too much to overdue it but still enough to satisfy your appetite.

Osamu nodded as he temporarily left to go order. He came back with a tray of assorted sushi a few minutes later. "I was thinking about that one! We get to try a bunch this way! Oh and here," you said, handing money out towards him.

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