Chapter Seventeen

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When you woke up the next morning you had a good feeling about today. You fixed things with Kita and he fixed things with Haru for you. For the first time this entire week you felt good.

You felt a smile makes its way onto your face when you heard the knock on your door at 7:00. You grabbed your bag in a rush before heading out.

"Good morning y/n." Kita said when he saw you. It was his normal greeting but today it was different than it had been the day before. Today he was cheerful. Today there wasn't a strange distance between the two of you.

"Morning!" you replied. Normally you had to fake your cheerfulness in the mornings but today you didn't.

"How was your night?" Kita questioned. You had pretty much gone to sleep after seeing him the previous night but you still had so much to catch him up on.

"Honestly it was pretty boring. Suna and I tried to get a start on our project but sat there for hours with no work to show for it. We are trying again tonight so he is gonna walk home with us again after practice." you explained. Kita nodded along to your words.

"Great, I look forward to walking with the two of you." Kita said, he didn't sound overly enthusiastic but the small smile he gave you was enough to indicate that he meant his words.

"Oh! Guess what Atsumu did!?" you exclaimed, remembering that you hadn't gotten a chance to tell the boy about your gift. You then dove into the story about Atsumu running you into a pole then giving you such a meaningful gift. Kita nodded along, asking questions as you spoke.

You missed this more than you had even realized.

As the two of you arrived at school you spotted Aran. Then you waved to the two as you headed to the second year hall and they went in the direction of the third year hall.

You entered the class and moved to your spot at the back of class. You only had to wait a few minutes for Suna to arrive. He took his seat beside you. Only a minute after Suna had entered Haru strolled into the class. But to your surprise he took a seat at the front at the other side of the room, as far away from you as possible.

You looked over to Suna who's attention was also on Haru. "Guess Kita really scared the shit out of him." he whispered to you.

"I don't blame him. I wouldn't want to test my odds against Kita's threat." you said. Suna nodded, eyes wide to show he agreed with your statement.

"We should let Osamu know. I think he is pretty worried." Suna said. You nodded. You figured it was more of an in person topic though so you decided you would tell him while you three were walking to lunch.

"By the way, you still interested in swimming on the weekend? You guys can come over Saturday I'm home alone all day anyway." you said. You would much rather have Suna and the twins over all day than spend it alone. It was nice to have time to yourself but you got a lot of that as is already.

Suna nodded. "I'm down. I finish work at 1:00 in the afternoon so I can come over after that. Osamu has the same shift as me."

"Sounds good." you agreed. With that the teacher began his lesson. It went by fairly quickly and you barely even noticed Haru from all the way across the class. When the bell signaled lunch Osamu was already at the door waiting for the two of you.

"How's the dirt digging going Suna?" Osamu questioned. He was referring to the decision the three of you had made that Suna would dig up some sort of dirt on Haru.

"No need for it anymore." Suna replied with a slight shrug.

Osamu looked over to you and raised an eyebrow. "Kita is scarier than you would think." you explained, lifting both eyebrows and grinning.

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