Chapter Forty Four

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The next morning you woke up almost feeling sick from nerves. Of course you were excited for your big date tonight, but you were also extremely nervous. Even if it was just Kita there were still a lot of things that could go wrong on a first date.

You laid in bed for about an hour feeling as if you were unable to move and could only stay in that same spot and think about the evening events to come. What if nothing felt the same the second the date started or things were awkward between the two of you?

Finally you dragged yourself out of bed. Your dad was heading out for the day to help one of his friends who was moving houses just outside of the city. He would be gone all day but that worked better for you since you still hadn't told him you were going out on a date.

Even with Haru your dad had still been a little uncomfortable with you dating even though he really did try to hide it for you. You could still tell though. And Haru had everything going for him, he was a suck up to parents and his mom and your dad had been coworkers for years. Kita didn't have any of that going for him which only made you that much more worried to tell your dad that you were going out with him.

You knew you were getting ahead of yourself though. The two of you were just going out on a first date, it didn't mean you were dating.

You finished up your breakfast and tried to do homework then quickly put it away to watch tv since you weren't being productive at all and only staring at your page overthinking everything. But you couldn't focus on the show either so instead you put on music and just let yourself think.

After a while there was a knock on your door. It wasn't anywhere near the time Kita would be picking you up yet. It was only early afternoon and Kita wouldn't be at your doorstep until 7:00.

When you answered your door you saw Atsumu, Suna, and Osamu standing on your front porch.

"Hey! Missed ya!" Atsumu said as he wrapped you in a spinning hug. You had to balance yourself using the doorframe when he placed you back on your feet.

"What are you guys doing here?" you asked. You couldn't help but smile though, these three were the perfect distraction from all your thoughts. It was as if they just knew you needed them to show up.

"Thought you might need some hyping up today." Osamu answered. "We brought food." he added, holding up a container that looked to have muffins inside.

"And video games." Suna chimed in.

You smiled. They knew you would need some sort of distraction today and showed up for you.

"Come on in." you said opening the door wider for them to enter.

Within no time you were munching on a banana chip muffin while playing on the Nintendo Switch that they had easily hooked up to your tv. For the majority of the afternoon the four of you played super smash bros, having you and Suna against Osamu and Atsumu.

You had finally managed to let your thoughts go and just focus on playing the game. It was a lot of fun and you had settled your nerves a lot. You were thankful that your friends had somehow known you needed them today.


By the time it was evening, you were questioning all your life decisions as you stood in your room with Suna, Atsumu, and Osamu attempting to get ready for your date with Kita.

You had not planned on bringing them upstairs because unlike Suna, the twins had never seen your room and you had planned on keeping it that way. But they had wanted to help you get ready and you figured it was only fair since you had snuck a peak in both their rooms when you had been in their house.

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