Chapter Forty Seven

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About halfway through the movie Kita's grandmother was calling the two of you into the kitchen to eat. You three sat around the table and like the first time you had eaten here you all said your thanks for the food before eating.

As soon as the food hit your mouth you were already hit with various flavours. You weren't quite sure how someone could possibly make food so good. Every bite was incredible.

"You must be excited about Nationals y/n. It is all Shinsuke has been talking about lately." the woman asked you. She then leaned a little closer to whisper. "Aside from you of course." she added with a knowing smile.

You wondered just how much Kita had told his grandmother about you. The idea of him sitting and chatting to his grandmother about his crush was kind of adorable to you.

You smiled at her. "I am very excited. Those boys are all so talented, they deserve this for sure." you replied to her first statement.

"It's not just the team who are talented grandma. You should watch y/n go. She can pick out everything wrong and right about a play just from watching it live, she doesn't even need to review any videos. It's really incredible when you think about it." Kita said.

You couldn't help but smile at his compliment.

"He's overexaggerating, I can only pick out one or two little things from the play." you insisted. "What about you? Did you ever play any sports?" you questioned the elderly lady.

She instantly smiled that smile that reminded you so much of Kita's. "I did. I used to be quite the swimmer when I was younger. I would compete in tons of competitions. I even won a few back in my day." she replied proudly.

There was a spark in her eyes that seemed to be taking her back in time as she spoke about her youth. Your question seemed to bring out such a happy side of her. Kita looked slightly surprised by her words which made you wonder if she, like her grandson, was constantly turning her attention to others and hardly ever openly talking about herself.

"Do you still swim?" you asked curiously.

She shook her head sadly. "I haven't swam in years. I don't want to be a bother to all the younger kids around. I bet you I could still do it exactly how I used to, the motions are all something I will never forget." she replied.

It made you very sad that her age had gotten in the way of her doing what she loved. You could imagine it was also a little nerve wracking to show up to a place where there were only people less than half your age.

"You know, I have this giant pool in my backyard. I'm not kidding you that thing is bigger than some public pools I've seen. Once the weather is nicer you should come use it." you offered.

"Oh I wouldn't want to bother you or your father." she quickly denied your offer.

You shook your head to that. "We just want to see it getting used. I won't end up using it as much as it should be used. Besides, it would make me so happy to know you get to enjoy. Consider it a thank you for the cookies and pie." you insisted.

Kita's grandmother looked as if she were about to cry. "Thank you, you're such a sweetheart." she replied. You smiled at her words.

When you looked back over to Kita, he was looking at you with a look that made you feel as if you were the first person he had ever seen. It was a look of pure admiration and amazement. You gave him a soft smile and he quickly returned to eating.

When you all had finished the meal and dessert you and Kita did up the dishes. He was washing and you were drying, neither of you were speaking but there was something so calming about standing beside him and cleaning together.

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