Chapter Thirty Eight

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Practice was longer than usual to fully prepare the team for Thursday. You didn't mind the extra time though, to be completely honest you were starting to get a little nervous. You always got nervous before a big tournament. At the first Nationals this year with Shiratorizawa you had been sick to your stomach all night before it began.

You spent the practice working with Suna, helping him out with his blocking practice. It was hard to tell because he was always slouching but Suna was actually very tall. Taller than even the twins.

When the practice ended you waited for Suna and Kita outside of the changerooms. Atsumu was the first out.

"I didn't see you at lunch, but how was your weekend!?" Atsumu asked when he approached you.

"It was really good! I heard you had an eventful weekend too." you replied, remembering Suna's story from earlier today.

Atsumu's face dropped. "Samu say something? I'm gonna kill him." he said immediately.

You couldn't help but laugh at that. "Suna did." you corrected him. "Don't worry though. I thought I was gonna shit my pants after having an egg breakfast on the weekend." you said laughing.

Atsumu grinned, seeming less embarrassed.

"Ready to go?" Osamu asked from behind the two of you.

Atsumu and you both turned at his voice. "Yep! See ya y/n!" he said and Osamu waved before the two headed out.

As the twins left Suna came out and about a minute later Kita did as well.

"Suna is walking with us. We have a test on Wednesday that we desperately have to study for." you explained to Kita.

"Sounds good." Kita agreed easily.

On the trip back to your house you listened as Kita told Suna about the weekend. Based on his words you could tell he had really enjoyed his time in Miyagi. You found it funny how many little details Kita remembered that you had already forgotten.

Suna seemed to find Shirabu scaring you guys the first night particularly funny and couldn't stop laughing until you eventually punched him in the arm to shut him up.

"Have a great night you two. I'll see you tomorrow." Kita said when you had arrived at your house.

"See you at 7:00 Kita!" you said with a smile before the boy nodded and walked off towards his house. You noticed Suna watching you closely, there was something clearly on his mind.

"What's up with you?" you asked him.

Suna quickly shook his head. "Nothing." he said dismissively.

You shrugged to his response and opened the door. It was weird for the lights to be on but the even weirder thing was the smell. It smelt like fresh bread. You had completely forgotten that your dad was no longer going to be in his office until late hours. It was really odd to wrap your mind around that fact.

"Hey dad, Suna is over to study," you called out as Suna followed you into the kitchen.

Your dad was at the stove, pulling a full loaf of bread out of the oven. "Okay no problem. You two should have some of this bread, I made it today. It's an all day process but surprisingly pretty easy!" he beamed.

He seemed more happy than usual. Having the time off of work has probably opened so many doors for him.

"Sure dad. Thanks." you said as you and Suna took a slice of the bread. It was still warm and very good. You could definitely get used to having your dad home in the evenings if this is what it meant. You would no longer need to make every meal for yourself.

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