Chapter Twenty One

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When the four of you finally got out of the hot tub you and Suna closed it up while the twins delt with the bigger pool. You then all dried up before going inside. It was quite a bit cooler out now.

"What are your plans for the rest of the evening?" Osamu asked you as you entered your house through the sliding back door.

"Probably eat." you replied. You didn't have anything specific you needed to do other than that.

"Come to our place. We've got a backyard fire pit and we were gonna make sausages and hang out. Suna's coming over too." Osamu offered. For some reason the idea of the Miya twins having a backyard fire pit didn't surprise you at all.

You thought about his offer. You were sure your dad wouldn't mind you going over for a few hours since he had met the boys already.

"Yeah okay. Your mom won't mind?" you asked. The last thing you wanted was to get them in trouble.

"Nah she won't mind. She's going to work for a night shift soon anyway." Atsumu said, cutting into the conversation.

"Alright, that'll be fun." you agreed with a smile. "Let me go put something warmer on though." you added. They nodded and you ran upstairs, leaving them on the main floor alone.

You settled for a comfortable pair of sweatpants and your Inarizaki hoodie. It was only going to get colder as the evening went on and you didn't want to be cold since you would be outside. While you were changing you noticed Atsumu's hoodie and quickly grabbed it to finally return it to the boy.

When you returned downstairs the three of them were sitting at the kitchen table. Suna was on his phone. Atsumu and Osamu were laughing at something one of them had said.

"You better not be posting that video you took today Suna." you said as you entered the kitchen. He looked over at you and smirked before returning his attention to his phone without a word. You chose to ignore him though.

"Atsumu I'm sorry it took so long, I kept forgetting to give it back. But here is your hoodie." you said, holding it out towards the boy.

He looked confused for a minute, as if he had completely forgotten about it. "Oh yeah. You can keep it. You looked good in it." Atsumu said dismissively. But at his words both Osamu and Suna looked over at him. Both raising their eyebrows.

"It's fine Atsumu. It's yours," you insisted.

"Nah, it's cool. I've got a ton of hoodies. Plus all of Samu's." he replied.

You smiled. "Thank you," you said, placing it over the back of one of the chairs. You were honestly pretty happy with that. You had really liked wearing the hoodie, it was very comfy. Plus you didn't own a lot of hoodies.

"Like hell you can just have mine!" Osamu said, suddenly registering what Atsumu had said.

"We're twins. We're supposed to share clothes. You're being dramatic." Atsumu said in a tone that made it sound like it was the most obvious thing ever.

"Yeah but you don't return any of my shit when you take it." Osamu argued back.

You and Suna caught each others eyes while they argued. You found yourself and him often looking at each other when the twins would fight. You both found it equally amusing.

"Let's get going." Suna finally jumped in.

With that the four of you made your way out and down the street. You walked beside Atsumu while Osamu and Suna walked together in front of you two. You actually had no idea where the twins lived so you just followed along.

You guys walked for a while and when you passed by a familiar park you couldn't stop yourself from looking over at Atsumu who was already smirking at you. It was crazy to think that it had only been two weeks ago when you had met him at this park. It felt like years ago.

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