Chapter Sixteen

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You and Atsumu were able to join the others for lunch about halfway through. You sat beside Suna and across from Osamu. When you got there Aran was in the middle of a story about something that had happened during his and Kita's class.

You nudged Osamu under the table and he looked at you so you motioned to under the table with your eyes. He got the hint and you silently handed him your phone under the table. You had left it open to the message Haru had sent you. He glanced down to read it then handed the device back to you. 'Haru?' he mouthed silently. You nodded.

Shortly after that you were seated in your class with Suna again. Thankfully Haru still wasn't there. The class went by surprisingly fast and the two of you walked together to the volleyball gym together. You happily took the opportunity to put on your new Inarizaki hoodie, it was very comfortable.

As the practice began you took a seat on the bench to watch and take notes as usual. But when your phone lit up you couldn't help but look at it. Haru again.

Unknown: Y/n. Let's please talk. We have a lot to talk about.

This time you didn't leave him on read.

Y/n: Stop contacting me. I don't want to talk with you.

You put your phone away after that so you could focus on the practice. You continued to take your notes and completely push Haru off your mind. You knew exactly what would happen if you spoke to him. He would say all the right things. He would tell you everything you need to hear. But after that, the cycle of emotional abuse would start all over again.

When the practice ended Suna was out just after the twins who had left as soon as they finished. "He texted again. I responded this time." you said as you handed your phone over to Suna.

"Good. Stand your ground. You don't owe him anything." Suna replied, seeming satisfied with your response.

"Owe who anything?" Kita asked as he approached the two of you.

"No one." you said quickly. Telling Suna and Osamu was a big step for you but you weren't sure you were ready to tell Kita everything. You didn't know how he would react to the Haru situation. Suna was going to dig up dirt on Haru and make the whole thing go away. Then once Haru was dealt with, you could fix your relationship with Kita. But if Kita knew what your plan was he may not approve and want adult help, and that was the last thing you wanted.

"Oh." was all Kita said.

"Suna is walking home with us," you said, changing the topic. You were actually thankful that Suna was going to be there. The silence between you and Kita was unbearable. Kita nodded to your statement and the three of you began to walk towards the train stop.

Suna and Kita chatted for a bit about volleyball. You didn't bother adding to the conversation even though you easily could have. You were worried now. Haru had moved on from trying to mess up your life to trying to win over your trust again. You couldn't let him though.

When the three of you got off of the train you walked together, Suna in the middle. As you got closer to your house you immediately recognized the person standing on the sidewalk outside your house. You didn't know how he knew where you lived. But you knew why he was there.

"Y/n I told you I wanted to talk. That's all I want. All you have to do is listen," Haru said as the three of you stopped in front of him.

"We're not talking Haru. I want you to leave me alone." you replied. You wished he hadn't approached you after such a good day. You couldn't let him talk to you though.

"Just two minutes alone. Hear me out for two minutes." Haru insisted.

You could feel your fists clench as you began to feel an assortment of emotions. Part of you wanted to hear him out. You wanted to hear him apologize. But the other part of you knew that you couldn't do that, if you did you be his again.

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