Chapter Fifteen

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As you were finishing you heard a knock at the door. You ran over to answer it, already knowing it was Suna. The boy entered your house and immediately sniffed in the smell of the meal you two had prepared. You lead Suna to the kitchen.

"I'm stealing some of whatever that is." Suna stated as he searched through the cupboards to find a plate. After filling his plate, he joined you and Osamu at the table. "So, what's going on?" Suna asked, looking from Osamu to you.

You glanced over at Osamu a little nervous, but he nodded to urge you to trust Suna too.

"Haru is my ex. I don't know why he is here. But he is going after you guys to get to me. I don't know what to do about it." you gave him the shortened version. Then you glanced over to Osamu and back to Suna. "I need help." you said.

Suna had stopped eating to listen to you. His facial expression was unreadable. You couldn't even begin to guess what he was thinking while you were speaking.

"This guy needs to get a life." Suna said with a look of pure disgust on his face. He took a bite of his food while he thought for a minute. "Do you have anything to hold over him? We could try to blackmail him," he suggested.

You tried your best to think of anything that you could come up with about Haru that he wouldn't want people to find out about. "I don't think so." you answered.

"Damn." Suna replied before taking another bite.

"We could try to come up with some sort of peace offering. It won't be all that satisfying, but at least we'll get the guy to leave you alone." Osamu suggested. It was possible but you didn't know what you had that Haru would even want. He was well off like you and didn't need money.

"That's boring. Let's just beat the shit out of him instead." Suna said, immediately dismissing Osamu's suggestion. You laughed, assuming it was a joke.

Osamu rolled his eyes at Suna's suggestion. "Okay, going back to your earlier idea. You've dug up dirt on people before. How long would it take you to find whatever skeleton this guy has in his closet?" Osamu asked.

"Rich kid from Shiratorizawa? It'll probably take a few days, but I'm sure I could find something." Suna replied with a slight shrug.

"Hold on. How often do you do this?" you cut in. You weren't sure how you felt about this whole plan and you weren't sure how you felt that they had done this before.

"Once. Some guy in middle school was a real ass to Atsumu. He had it coming." Osamu replied for Suna.

They sure did take care of each other. And you didn't feel like an outsider. You were one of them and they were going to take care of you the same way they took care of each other. In that moment you weren't sure why you had been so afraid to ask for their help. 

"Alright, that's the plan I guess. I'm not gonna miss anymore class so you won't be around him alone." Suna said. You nodded in agreement. It wasn't a solid plan, but it was more than you had that morning.

"You have a pool?" Suna asked, his attention on the window looking into your backyard.

You nodded. "Yeah, pool and a hot tub. You guys can come over on the weekend if you wanna swim." you offered.

"Sounds fun. I'll probably have to bring Atsumu though. He'd whine if not." Osamu replied.

You laughed. "Of course, we need Atsumu." you said. Osamu gave you a look that said Do we really?

Suna had now finished his food and moved to the kitchen to dispose of his bowl. "Y/n, where's the dish soap?" he called over to you. You hadn't even realized he was planning on doing the dishes.

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