Chapter Forty Two

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After Atsumu had dropped you back at your house you stayed in for the rest of the night. Your dad was out job hunting so you took the afternoon to just have some time to yourself. It was really nice, you couldn't even remember the last time you just spent time alone without any form of socializing.

The next morning you had school once again and as usual Kita was knocking at your door at 7:00 exactly. You hurried out the door to where he stood.

"Good morning." Kita said as you came outside.

"Morning." you replied.

The two of you fell in stride with one another as you walked together. You couldn't help but think about your conversation with Atsumu yesterday though. If Kita really did like you back then there was no reason why you shouldn't just confess to him.

But you still couldn't bring yourself to say anything. You sort of wished Kita would just say something, but you suspected he had no idea that you liked him back.

You opened your mouth to say something but quickly closed it when the words didn't come. The two of you were walking in silence. But it wasn't entirely out of the ordinary, while you usually don't stop talking on the journey to school once in a while the two of you walk in a comfortable silence instead.

You couldn't break the silence so instead you figured you would try to tell him in another way. You gently brushed your hand against his as the two of you walked. His hand was warm despite the cold weather, you wondered if his hands were always warm.

Kita looked over at you at the contact, his eyes wide and eyebrows raised a little. But he still didn't say anything choosing not to bring any attention to it. You didn't say anything either and broke eye contact first as you continued walking to school.

You guys continued the rest of the trip quietly. When you arrived to school you waved goodbye and went your separate ways.

When you got to class you had to wait several minutes for Suna to arrive. He took a seat beside you at the back of class looking exhausted already.

"Long night?" you questioned.

Suna nodded slowly, even his actions seeming exhausted. "I was at the twins place last night and we only got like maybe three hours of sleep at most."

"So you're telling me I'm just going to have to yell at all three of you to get you guys moving during practice?" you asked. Suna nodded to that, blinking a few times to wake himself up.

Just after that your teacher started his lesson. He handed back your tests from last week and you were able to brag openly to Suna when yours was three percent better than his.

By the time lunch rolled around Osamu was waiting for you and Suna also looking exhausted. Unlike Suna he still smiled when he saw you, not quite as grumpy as Suna was from the lack of sleep.

"You guys are so stupid, why would you stay up all night when you have to get up early for school?" you questioned as the three of you walked towards the cafeteria.

"Because our Ma got us a new video game to celebrate our win on the weekend and Atsumu wanted to keep playing online until we got a win and we really sucked at it." Osamu explained.

You couldn't help but grin, of course it was some stupid reason.

At lunch you sat between Atsumu and Kita. Despite having so little sleep Atsumu still seemed to be beaming with energy like usual.

"You know since Nationals are in Tokyo this year we get to stay over there for the entire time." Atsumu said in between bites. Nationals wasn't just a possibility now, you guys were going to Nationals in the Spring.

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