Chapter Nineteen

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The next morning you woke up before Suna. When you turned you could see him sleeping. At some point during the night he must have ended up turning to face you. He looked so peaceful in his sleep, his hair was a mess and some of it had fallen into his face. You wanted so badly to push it aside for him but stopped yourself not wanting to seem weird. His breathing was heavy letting out the tiniest snores.

You turned onto your back and started scrolling through your phone. It was early, late enough that your dad would already be gone but not so early that Suna needed to leave for work.

As you scrolled you came across a post Suna had made. It was a picture from inside your classroom. Suna was making a face at the camera with the rest of the screen clearly showing an unflattering image of you working at the desk beside him. You hadn't even realized he had taken the photo, and you could have killed him for posting it and tagging you.

You were very tempted to smack him right there for it but then another idea popped into your head. You flipped over to your camera and snapped a photo of you making the exact same face he had been with the rest of the screen of him sleeping. You had no intention of posting it because you didn't need anyone questioning why you had a boy sleeping in your bed but you would definitely tease him about it when he woke up.

You went back to scrolling and came across a post from Atsumu. It was a mirror pic of him with athletic clothes on and the caption read 'feeling and looking good today'. You almost laughed when you saw the top comment was Osamu saying 'ew'.

You continued to scroll for a while until Suna's voice startled you. "How long have you been up?" he asked groggily as he rubbed his eyes.

"About thirty minutes, it's almost 7:00." you answered. You almost never slept in, even if you tried your mind wouldn't let you.

"Give me another ten minutes." Suna mumbled sleepily.

"Sure." you answered with a small laugh. Sleepy Suna was something you never thought you would ever see. At that he seemed to snuggle comfortably right up to your side. The blankets were nearly up to his chin and the only thing other than his head that were out of them was his one hand that was resting on your arm.

You didn't know why but that small bit of contact was sending your mind spiraling. 

You quickly shook the odd feeling and turned your attention back to your phone. When ten minutes passed you turned to Suna, he looked so comfortable though you decided to leave him for another five minutes.

"Suna," you said as you shook him.

"No," he grumbled as he tried to cover his entire head in the blankets. 

You laughed. "You have work." you pointed out.

"Nah, they'll be fine if I just don't show up," he mumbled, now fully under the bed covers. 

You rolled your eyes at the blankets where he was clearly curled up in a ball. You had never in your life had to work to wake someone else up.

"You can't just ditch work. Besides isn't Osamu there today?" you said, trying to pull the blankets off of him but he was holding onto them too tightly.

"All the more reason to ditch. Osamu is one of my competent co workers." Suna called out from under the blankets.

You gave up on trying to yank the blankets free and instead grabbed a pillow and started whacking him. 

"Ow, why are you enjoying hitting me so much!?" Suna yelled, his voice slightly muffled by the blankets.

"Hmm let me think. Oh I'm just gonna film y/n failing to hit a volleyball so I can make fun of her. Atsumu drop y/n in the freezing cold lake it'll be funny. Let me just post this ugly ass picture of y/n." you said in your best Suna impression you could manage.

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